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Hello whale lovers and wildlife enthusiasts from around the world. Here are the notes form the past 3 years of trips so you can see for yourself what we have been finding out there. December and January are the only two months with a low sightings percentage. February through November we see whales on most of the trips. The peak months for sightings are July through October. 




2-23-25 Great day! We had the right crew today as it was a bit rough but well worth it to see 4 to 6 Grey Whales as they made their way north. Once we returned to the port it was sunny and warm and there were some Sea Otters that were friendly with us along with Seals and Sea Lions. 

2-22-25 unfortunately we did not find any Whales today. We did enjoy some wonderful weather and did see some Sea Otters, Harbor Seals and Sea Lions. 

2-11-25 through 2-22-25 closed

2-10-25 Unfortunately we did not find any whales today. We did find Sea Otters, Sea lions and Harbor seals while out and about the bay. We also had a very quick sighting of a few Harbor Porpoise. 

2-9-24 Today we found a Grey Whale heading north and as if to celebrate it Breached!  it was a very cool moment for those that saw it. After that we went into some shallow water and found around 100 harbor porpoise feeding on some fish, They were very explosive as the broke the surface at high speeds while chasing their breakfast. We also visited some Sea otters and Sea Lions along the way.

2-8-25 After some time off the water we went out today with high hopes of seeing some California grey whales but that was not to be the case. We did find lots of sea Lions and Harbor seals  though. then we went down the coast and found some beautiful Sea Otters, many of them with mothers with pups that they were carrying about on their chests.

1-18-25 today we found 2 nice big grey whales and stayed with them as they headed south! We seem to be having better luck in January this year than the past few years in January. it was also a beautiful sunny day but a bit cold so please wear warm clothes on our trips in January!

1-13-25 We have been off for a bit until today. We went out for a coastal trip  and saw lots of Sea Otters and Sea Lions all while enjoying a beautiful sunny warm day!  Then we went out with some friends in the evening and found 4 big California Grey whales heading south under a magnificent sunset! We are into some great winter weather and will be open all next weekend. 

1-4-25 our first trip of the new year. Our January trips are more of a wildlife viewing trip than whale watching as there are not many whales in the area until mid February. But we did manage to find a Grey whale heading south and we stayed with it for about 30 minutes getting some wonderful sightings. We also visited the Sea Otter nursery where we observed 7 mama otters with their pups. 12-7-24 through 12-25-24 we will be closed

2-6-24 So many whales for December! Today was pretty nice with warm weather and 10 or more Humpback Whales. we also found 15 to 20 Harbor Porpoise that swam very close to the boat which is not usual for them. 

12-4-24 Another good day for December whale watching. We found at least 7 Humpback Whales and saw a few more spouts out to sea from us. Lots of flukes were shown as the whales are going fairly deep. Most of the schools of fish we are seeing on our fish finder are over 120 ft down and that is what the whales are after.

We 12-3-24 We had some fog early but it cleared by 11:00 and we then went out and had a wonderful day with 10 to 12 Humpbacks still here feeding just a few miles out. We did see 2 breaches and some pectoral slapping from one excited whale which was quite exciting.  The whales were also lifting their flukes up high as they were diving down deep to get at the fish.

12-2-24 Today we found another 10 to 15 Humpback whales that were a bit spread out. We enjoyed several close swim bys and saw many many flukes raised high as the whales were diving deep for anchovies.

12-1-24 Today we found 8 to 10 Humpback whales on the 9:30 am trip and 7 on the 12:00 pm trip.  We had whales swim close to the boat on both trips and we saw one good lunge feed on the afternoon trip.

11-30-24 The Humpback Whales are still here!!! We found 12 on our 9:00 am trip and 15 to 20 on our 11:30 trip! All in all we saw 1 breach, a dozen or more lunge feeding events and we were mugged on our 11:30 trip. It was a spectacular day out on the bay with beautiful high clouds.

11-27-24 Perfect weather and 10 to 20 Humpback Whales per trip! Today was some of the best whale watching of the year and with so many whales in the bay it should continue for another 1 to 2 weeks.

11-24-24 What a day! We saw 15 to 20 Humpback whales on each trip! We saw a few lunge feeding events and more Flukes than you could count. It was another beautiful Fall day with clear water and clear air. The clouds up above where spectacular also.

11-23-24 Today we did not have any tours going out but from shore I was able to spot several whales offshore. I think tomorrow will be a good day.

11-22-24 Today was kinda funny as we did not have any trips booked for whale watching but we did have on ash scattering service to preform. On that trip we saw 3 or 4 Humpbacks frolicing about 1 mile away and they seemed pretty excited!

11-20-24 Today we enjoyed spectacular weather and we found 2 Humpbacks that we stayed with and we saw at least 3 more in the area! We saw one lunge feed and a big tail lob.

11-19-24 We were back on the water today after a day of and we found 4 Humpback Whales in 2 pairs. We stayed with the first pair we found as they were playing in the kelp a bit. They also dove deep many times showing us their beautiful flukes! on the way back to the port we stopped and checked out the sea otters that have formed a nursery in the kelp bed. we saw 5 moms with pups!

11-17-24 After being closed due to bad weather we are back on the water today. Unfortunately we did not find any whales on the 9 AM trip but we did locate some big schools of fish on our fish finder sonar and there were a lot of birds feeding which is a good sign. We then went back out at 11:30 and found 2 Humpback Whales and got mugged by them on and off for about an hour!! So one miss and one great trip on the same day.

11-13-24 Today we had nice weather and some swell but reasonable seas for an adventure. We found 3 Humpback whales on our 9 am trip which was the only trip we did today. We saw lots of beautiful flukes and watched a sone whale played with a raft of sea lions.

11-11-24 Today was absolutely spectacular on both trips with blues skies laced with white and grey clouds that were streaking in ahead of the coming storm.  On the 9:00 am trip we found 4 Humpback whales and were with them for an hour and a half. Two of them were very active showing us breaches and Pec slaps. There was even one double breach.(two whales airborne at the same moment side by side)  On the 11:30 we saw 3 Humpbacks with two of them being the same super active ones that we found on the first trip. They did a bit of pec slapping and showed us their magnificent Flukes over and over.

11-10-24 Today 9:00 am trip did very well,  finding 12 Humpback whales. The whales were mostly moving around the bay in pairs with the last pair we found lunge feeding!.The weather was amazing and on the 11:30 trip we found 6 Humpback Whales ! Several of these whales were tail lobing and tail slapping. On the way back we stapped to see some Sea Otters. 

11-9-24 More beautiful fall weather today with flat calm seas clear skies and warm temps. today we found four whales on the 9 am trip all of them moving a bit slow and staying down a bit but they did swim by once for a long look at us. the 11:30 went to a different location 15 humpback whales with some lunge feeding going on and a big "ocean Sunfish on the ride back to top off a great trip! 

1-8-24 More beautiful weather today with lots of of whales to see once again. On our 9 am trip we found 3 pairs of very big Humpback whales 2 of which swam right up close to the boat several times. The 11:30 trip saw 12 Humpbacks in all and had a bit more excitement. We saw 3 different whales breach with 2 of them launching together in a double breach which is pretty rare around here. There was also a great deal of pectoral fin slapping going on in between the other action..

11-7-24 Today was another spectacular fall day with warm temps and loads of whales. We saw 4 humpbacks up close and 5 or 6 more around us as we watch the 4 feed with hundreds of Sea Lions. On the 11;30 trip we also saw 10 or more Humpbacks 4 of which we stayed with most of the trip as they were super active on the surface. We did also see 2 breach a few hundred yards away and several others in the area. The weather was perfect with crystal clear air under light clouds and just enough light breeze to make the water sparkle.

11-6-24 What a great day to be out on San Luis Bay! Today we found 8 to 10 Humpback Whales on the 9 am trip and 15 or more on the 11:30 trip. Both trips had a pretty big raft of Sea lions also engaged in the feeding area. The whales were super active charging up from below and then quickly heading back down after the fish ! It was all very dramatic.

11-5-24 Today we enjoyed a spectacular visit with 2 very large Humpback whales! we traveled with them for about 45 minutes as they swam slowly along side the boat. Every time I moved away from them they would swim over and surface close to the boat, it was hard to tell who was watching who.

11-4-24 Today we had spectacular weather and spectacular whales! The waves were still on the large size but the wind stayed down making for interesting viewing conditions. The 10 Humpbacks we saw were  All very large fully grown whales. They appeared to be feeding at times while moving fairly quickly. With the clear water of winter now here and the boyish seas we were often able to see the entire whales as they were visible in the rising swells.

11-3-24 Due to big seas and a high wind forecast we cancelled the trips today.

11-2-24 A new pod of huge whales has arrived! Today on a trip that went out at 10:30 we found 4 huge Humpback Whales feeding with a smallish raft of Sea Lions. The whales were super active charging up through the fish often times lunging through them in pairs!. It looks like we are in for a great week of whale watching! We also found some Risso Dolphins on our return to the port.

11-1-24 closed.

10-31-24 Well it happens sometimes, the whales that have been here all summer seem to have moved south and we are in between pods until some show up from feeding farther north.  It appears we may be in that cycle at the moment as we did not find any whales today. We did find some feeding Sea lions and Harbour Porpoise along with hundreds of Cormorants ,Gulls and some Pelicans. Then on our way back to the port we stopped to visit some Sea Otters.

10-30-24 Today we enjoyed an amazing morning sky, it was brilliant blue with amazing high clouds. On the 9:00 am trip we searched most of the trip but then did manage to find 2 Humpback Whales feeding with about 50 Sea Lions. On the 11:30 trip we went strait back and found 3 Humpback Whales and saw a couple of lunge feeding behaviors. There were also numerous Harbor Porpoise which swam up close to the boat which is not common and made it a bit exciting to watch as they were very close to the boat several times..

10-29-24 Today we enjoyed clear blue skies and a bit of swell to make things interesting. The 9am trip found 7 Sea lion rafts and loads of feeding birds but unfortunately no whales. The 11:30 trip found one Humpback Whale that stayed with the boat for most of the trip.

10-28-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 3 Humpback Whales and 4 bottlenose dolphins.

10-27-24 Great trip today at 9 am. We found 7 Humpback Whales in all and for some reason they were really into showing us their flukes by raising them high in the air or by slamming them in the water in big tail lobs.

The 11:30 trip found 3 humpbacks first a cow and calf pair and then a single whale that was a bit excited as it breached twice and then headed into shallow water and started lunge feeding!

10-26-24 Today we had amazing calm flat seas. The 9 am trip found 4 Humpbacks two of them singles and a cow and calf pair. they were each moving through some very big flocks of feeding birds. the 11:30 trip found four Humpbacks also plus a huge amount of Harbor Porpoise. Two of the Humpbacks appeared to be sleeping. 10-25-24. Todays 9 am trip found 4 humpback Whales. three of them were lunge feeding a bit and as we watched them there seemed to be hundreds of harbor porpoise all around us. On the 11:30 trip we went offshore to see what we might out there and found 2 very big older Humpbacks that are just spectacular to see. as they started staying down for long periods we headed towards the beach where the whales have been feeding and found 10 More Humpbacks! All of them moving about through all the fish and birds. Then with ocean being flat and calm and the skies sunny as forecast we were able to add a trip at 2 pm that saw 6 humpback whales! several of these whales got curious a few times and swam of close to get a look at us.

10-24-24 Another amazing day on San Luis Bay with perfect weather! On our 9:00 am trip we found 5 Humpback Whales all swimming about and diving down after fish. The last 2 we found were a bit excited and we Were able to watch 2 Breaches! On the 11:30 trip we found 4 Humpback Whales. The weather was again just incredible. We first found 2 out in deep water that were a bit sleepy so we headed back to were we had found some whales in the morning. We found 2 more Humpbacks that were very excited tail slapping and tail lobing, between some very exciting lunge feeding. There were also hundreds of Harbor Porpoise  frolicing about.

10-23-24 Another beautiful morning with clear skies and warm temps! On todays 9:00 am trip things were a bit more subdued than they have been lately but did still find 8 to 10 Humpback whales spread out over a few miles of area were we could see lots of birds feeding. They were mostly swimming slowly along and seemed to be looking for food. Then we came across a very rambunctious  whale that lunge fed several times which was a great ending to our tour. The 11:30 trip found 4 total humpback but mainly because we found 2 that were super active feeding amongst 20 to 30 Sea Lions.  Then one of these 2 got excited and did 4 big jumps out of the water! What we call breaching. That was a great ending to a wonderful day on San Luis Bay.

10-22-24 Another spectacular morning for whale watching! It was kinda funny that it was foggy in the port but clear and sunny where the whales were. We found at 8 to 10 humpbacks on the 9 am trip and saw several big lunge feeding displays. On the 11:30 we we found 5 to 6 Humpback still lunge feeding . On this trip we also saw hundreds of Harbour porpoise and sme Sea Lion rafts of 10 to 15 animals. 10-21-24 Today was another spectacular  sunny day for us! We found 7 Humpback Whales on the 9:00 am trip with constant Lunge feeding for the entire trip!! It was a bit a very exciting trip! Our special 11:30 trip also found the same Whales still lunge feeding in explosive fashion

10-20-24 todays 9:00 am trip 4 pairs of Humpbacks gulping anchovies and swimming upside down while waving their pec fins in the air. The 11:30 trip also found 8 Humpbacks with 4 of them moving fast and generally frolciing about.  Then with the calm weather we added a later afternoon trip found 10 Humpbacks! Two of them were lunge feeding together in spectacular style. Just exploding out of the water.  Then we found a cow and calf pair and the calf greeted us with a spectacular breach! Great day to be on the water with the whales.

10-19-24 Today was once again a spectacular fall day.The 9:00 am trip found 10 Humpback Whales feeding with a big raft of SealLions about 50 or so. The 11:30 trip trip about 10 Humpbacks aslo but the Sea Lion Raft had grown to about 200 animals. We also ran a special trip at 2 pm that saw about 10 Humpbacks in all. All 3 trips enjoyed great weather and active whales that were trupeting loudly and fralicing about with some wild abandon.

10-18-24 today we enjoyed picture perfect weather, sunny skies and light winds. The Humpbacks seemed to love it also as we found 10 to 15 whales on each trip hunting fish amongst hundreds of Sea Lions.  There were constant fast moving whales lunging up through the fish in groups of 2 and 3, moving just ahead of the Sea Lions. Constant trumpeting could be heard when the whale swere on the surface and many huge flukes were raised high as the the whales dove to get under the fish once again.

10-17-24 We had a fantastic outing today at 9:00 am. The wind was up farther outy on the ocean making for some good sized seas but with light wind where we were for the first hour we saw some great action. In all we saw 6 Humpback whales, one of them Breached several times and then we found a cow and calf pair that were lunge feeding in dramatic fashion.  As the wind came up making for very rough conditions out at sea we stayed ahead of it in calmer water and found more whales lunge feeding towards the shore. We out ran the wind and made it back just as the big winds started. this was a great adventure with a crew of guests that were up for the challenge and did not mind getting a bit wet.

10-16-24 Fantastic day for us today on both trips! The 9;00 am trip started of withn3 Humpback Whales that then became 5 and end of thentrip total was 8 Humpbacks! in the middle of the trip we had 200  or so Pacific Common Dolphin playing with the boat, swimming over to us at very high speed! We also experienced what we call the "trifecta" of feeding frenzies with Dolphins, Sea Lions and Whales all feeding together.  The 11:30 trip also had some very cool experiences as we found 3 Humpbacks Lunge feeding spectacularly amongst the Sea Lions. As the trip progressed we found 5 or 6 more Humpbacks all feeding out in deep water.

10-15-24 Todays 9 am trip found 5 Humpback whales! First we found 2  whales aggressively feeding with a raft of about 100 Sea Lions. It was all very dramatic and fast moving. Then 3 more whales showed up right at the end of our time.. On the 11:30 trip we saw 2 Humpbacks breaching and headed right over to them. They were 2 big beautiful full grown adults and they played around for a bit more with some Pectoral slaps and nice high lifts of their flukes as the sounded. After about 30 minutes things calmed down and we went looking for the big feeding frenzy from earlier but only found 1 whale in that area that seemed to be full or something as it was staying down along time on dives.

10-14-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 5 Humpback whales. We saw a few harbor Porpoise as well. The 11:30 trip also found 5 Humpback with 2 of them doing some very dramatic lunge feeding! They were exploding out of the water chasing fish once every 40 second or so for about 20 minutes!

10-13-24 Todays 9 am trip found 6 Humpback Whales. With everywhere foggy along the coast we were thrilled to find a sunny patch with 3 Humpbacks lunge feeding! it was beautiful. We then found 3 more in the fog.

10-12-24 Todays 9 am trip found 15 or more Humpbacks Lunge feeding near the shore. It was very exciting as they would come bursting out of the water in very random patterns. There were also hundreds of Harbor Porpoise and thousands of sea birds everywhere we looked. The 11:30 trip saw 20 or more Humpback Whales, We saw some breaching, lunge feeding and pectoral slapping throughout the trip.

10-11-24 Todays 9 am trip found 8 Humpback Whales  slowly swimming about in the bay with 2 more in the Port. There were also with hundreds of Harbor Porpoise swimming through the small fish with loads of Pelicans attacking from the sky. The 11:30 trip found 2 Humpback along the shore near Shell beach and then moved down the coast to find 8 more Humpback aggressively lunge feeding through some big schools of fish.

10-10-24 Today we found 7 Humpbacks  that were doing a bit of lunge feeding on the 9:00 am trip. We also visited with some Sea Otters in the kelp forest and saw some harbor Porpoise and some Sea lions. The 11:30  trip found 15 Humpbacks and also saw some Sea Lions ,Harbor Seals and Harbor Porpoise. All with very calm seas.

10-9-24 Another great day of whale watching today! The fog was up off the water making for excellent visibility and there were whales out there. On the 9:00 am trip we found a cow and calf pair right off the bat close to the harbor. The calf breach a dozen times in 30 minutes and the cow also jumped once. They swam up close to the boat once also. Then we went looking for more whale and quickly found 3 rowdy juvenile Humpbacks that were playing with about 10 yearling Sea Lions. Then off aways in the direction we needed to go to return to the port we saw a whale breaching. We saw 7 or 8 perfect breaches were the whale got completely out of the water. Then the 11:30 trip went out and we found several Humpback Whales that were breaching over and over, plus pectoral slapping. Then just to top it off the Mugged us for about 5 minutes right up next to the boat. What a day!

10-8-24 Started off foggy again today but there are so many whales here that we found quite a few! The 9:00 trip found 10 or more Humpbacks and we had the gamut of behaviors. We were mugged for a bit and then we saw a dozen breaches and chin slaps. We also saw a great many Harbor Porpoise. The 11:30 trip  was amazing as we first encounter 2 Humpback that were breaching, tail slapping and pectoral slapping continuously for 30 minutes. Then we had 3 more come over and join them. As the 3 passed by we stayed with them and they continued to breach and play for over an hour. This was the most continus breaching I have seen in 13 years on the bay. if that was not enough they also mugged us for about 5 minutes. 

10-7-24 We started off foggy  on the 9:00 am trip but soon found a few Humpback Whales lunge feeding. Then we started seeing Hundreds of Harbor Porpoise which lead us to more whales. We saw between 15 and 20 Humpbacks with most of them lunge feeding, which is super exciting.  The 11:30 trip found 10 to 15 Humpback Whales and the same hundreds of Harbor Porpoise. It was hard to count all the whales today as it was pretty foggy and they would disappear in it.

10-6-24 Todays 9:00 am trip hit the jackpot with 20 to 25 Humpback Whales found! During the trip we saw 3 breaches and quite a bit of lunge feeding!  Four of the whales swam very close to the boat doing a bit of people watching it seemed. We also saw Harbor Porpoise, Sea Lion rafts and some very cute Sea Otters. The 11:30 trip was also spectacular with 10 to 15 Humpback Whales lunge feeding rather vigorously.

10-5-24 Unfortunately we had  to cancel the 9:00 am trip due to heavy fog!  The 11:30 trip had a great experience First finding Several humpbacks two of which mugged the boat for 30 minutes! After that we went looking for more whales and found a feeding frenzy! There were 6or 7 Humpback Whales and 2 big rafts of over 100 Sea Lions. One of the whales in this group breached and several of them lunge fed in pairs. That is a good whale watching trip!

10-4-24 Spectacular morning trip with 10 Humpback Whales! Two of them Mugged the boat for an up close and personal experience. We also saw Harbor Porpoise, Sea Lions and Sea otters. The 11:30 trip also did very well  also with 15 to 20 Humpback whales, lots of lunge feeding and a few Sea Lion Rafts moving through. 

10-3-24 Beautiful sunny day! 10 to 15 Humpback Whales on the 9 am trip with  a good deal of lunge feeding and some Breaching. There were also hundreds of harbor porpoise and several rafts of Sea Lions, all of them hunting the Anchovies and Smelt. The 11:30 Saw all the same things except for the breaching but that trip got mugged by a cow and calf pair of Humpback whales! Just a really great day to be on the water! 

10-2-24 What a great day! Clear and sunny all day and Whales!! We found 9 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip and 15 or more on the 11:30 trip. We saw a bit of lunge feeding on both trips plus Harbor Porpoise and Sea Lion rafts. Everywhere we looked there were Humpback Whales moving about in pairs and eating the small fish. 

10-1-24 Today was a challenge with the fog. We cancelled the 9 am trip and ran the 11:30 trip with a bit of promise from the sky that it was clearing up. We did find 2 Humpback Whales that were lunge feeding a bit here and there.  We also saw 6 Bottlenose Dolphins which are always fun.

9-30-24 Today on the 9 am trip we found 10 or more Humpback whales! We saw several pairs and one group of 3. We also found a raft of Sea Lions  chasing fish about. The 11:30 trip found 4 Humpback Whales 2 of which swam gracefully about the boat and lifted their tails up pretty high when they were sounding. 9-29-24  This morning on the 9:00 am trip we found 3 Humpback and a load of Harbor Porpoise, one of the Humpback did a bit of tail slapping. the 11:30 trip found 3 Orca which is extraordinary for us to see them 2 days in a row. We watched them eat something for a bit then went off in search of Humpbacks! We found 1 and lucky for us it breached! We then had 5 Common Dolphins escort the boat a bit which makes that a pretty great trip.

9-28-24 ORCA! We only see them a few times a year but today was rather exceptional as there were over 20 of them in this pod and they were hunting dolphins. It was hard to watch them hitting the dolphins up into the air because we had been enjoying the dolphins escorting the boat for a while before the Orca showed up. But it is the way of mother nature. Many of us animals kill and eat other animals. The 11:30 trip found 7 of the Orcas still swimming in the same area plus 1 Humpback Whale. Then with the very calm weather we ran a 2:00 pm private whale watching trip that found 3 Humpback Whales.

9-27-24 Super foggy this morning, we gave everyone a $50 refund if they wanted to go ahead and try or they could have a full refund and not go, it was that bad. Usually we get a break in the fog somewhere and we find some whales but not today. Everyone wanted to try so we did but we had no luck. The 11:30 trip had better weather and found 4 Humpback whales.

9-26-24 Today on the 11:30 trip we saw 10 Humpback whales moving about the bay. Then on an ash scattering burial at sea trip we saw 2 humpback whales and one of them Jumped out of the water in a full breach about 20 yards from the boat!

9-25-24 Today we found 10 or more Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip. At first we found 2 that were moving slowly across the bay but then they lead us to 5 or 6 more pairs that were feeding amongst hundreds of birds and quite a few Harbor Porpoise. The 11:30 trip first found 5 Humpbacks in a male competition pod that were quite active> They lead us to hundreds of Dolphins! Then we saw a whale breaching so off we went to see it. After it calmed down we headed to the area were we found 10 or more Humpback on the earlier trip. they were still there and bounced around between the groups of 3 and 4 whales.

 9-24-24 Today we found 2 Humpback Whales in the first 20 minutes! They were pectoral slapping and breached 4 times! Then we traveled a bit with about 100 Pacific Common Dolphins  as they were frolicing  about , around and in front of the boat. We then came across one more whale to end the trip. The 11:30 trip was equally wonderful with & humpbacks sighted in all. First 3 humpbacks out in deeper water then one more as we were once again traveling with the Dolphins. This time there were closer to 500 dolphins!!! Then if that was not already a great trip we found 3 more Humpback Whales as we were returning towards the port !

9-23-24 Today we had very nice flat seas and a bit of fog. After looking for about 45 minutes on the 9 am trip we found 5 Humpback Whales. The search was very beautiful as we went in and out of fog banks with clear blue skies in between.  Once we found the first 2 whales they lead us to 2 more and then to another! We saw 5 whales in all 2 of which were very big and showed us their magnificent flukes many times. on the ride back to the prt we saw 1 Minke Whale. typical of minke Whales it disappeared after one surfacing. On the 11:30 trip we found them a bit quicker and had a similar experience with first finding 2 whales, then 1 more, then two more and then 1 more for a total of 6 in all.  Four of these Whales were very big and most likely older females as they get bigger than the males. We enjoyed great sea conditions all day.

9-22-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpback Whales. The first one just 20 minutes into the trip. The sea conditions were super glassy and calm which is part of the charm of the Fall trips.  This whale breach about 100 yards from the boat. Then we found 3 more along then way. The 11:30 trip found 100 Pacific common Dolphins which lead us to 6 humpback Whales. One of the whales was a bit excited and Pec slapped and Tail slapped several times. With the calm weather forecast we added a third trip at 2 pm and we are so glad we did. More whales moved into the area! We were with 12 Humpback Whales, 3 of which mugged the boat for 20 minutes!! We also saw about 10 tial lobs from different whales.

9-21-24 Beautiful conditions on the water today. The 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpback Whales and a large raft of Sea Lions.

The 11:30 trip found 3 Humpback Whales, 1 Minke Whale, and was escorted by at least 200 Pacific common Dolphins.

9-20-24 SHARK DAY!! The 9:00 am trip found 3 Humpback Whales one of which breached a couple of times. Then the whales calmed don so we took off to what else mother nature had in store. We found a very large dead whale Blue or Fin Whale) floating which usually is a good chance to see  Great White Sharks  feeding on the carcass. We saw 3 of them biting into the Carcass and one of the bigger sharks which was over 15 ft in length swam right up to the back of the boat and then along side of us!. On the 11:30 trip we returned to the dead whale sight and found 2 of the big sharks still there feeding on the carcass. After watching this rare and amazing spectacle we went looking for some Humpbacks and found one that was very excited threw its tail up and to the side in what we call a tail lob many times.

9-19-24 Beautiful conditions today with flat calm seas and beautiful clouds with sunshine between them.! The 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpback whales swimming slowly across the bay.  The 11:30 trip found 5 Humpbacks and 2 of them mugged the boat! Another amazing day to be whale watching.

9-18-24 Wonderful trips today! The 9 am trip found 7 Humpback Whales! 3 of them "mugged" the boat for and hour. It was an incredible experience to have these whales swimming and floating just a few feet from the boat. The 11:30 trip was able to find 3 Humpbacks, One a juvenile we watched for 20 minutes as it played with some seaweed.  We found 2 more as we ventured farther out,one of which breached several times!

9-17-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 5 Humpback whales 4 that were near the boat and one that was a ways off in the distance. One of the closer whales breached a couple of times! the 11:30 trip found 3 to 4 hundred pacific common Dolphins that played around the boat for 30 minutes!  I think I was the only one that saw 2 Humpbacks, one breached a ways off while we were with the dolphins but when we went to go look for it the wind started picking up making for some big chop which makes the whales much harder to see and we could not find it. Then I saw another one tail lob near shore but then it also disappeared in the chop. While looking for that whale we did see a good sized raft of Sealions and a few dozen Harbor Porpoise. The ride back to the port was rather Nautical. (rough and wet)

9-16-24 This morning we had a private photo tour and the early morning light and clouds were spectacular. On this 9:00 am excursion we found 5 Humpback Whales and at least 1000 dolphins played around the boat! The 11:30 trip found 2 Humpback Whales..

9-15-24 The 9 am trip found a huge pod of maybe 1000 dolphins and 4 Humpback Whales.The 11:30 trip enjoyed the ocean really coming alive with 12 Humpback Whales, lots of breaching and pectoral fin slapping. Then with the calm weather we added a 3:30 pm trip. They  also found 12 or more Humpback Whales and saw more breaching and some lunge feeding.

9-14-24 Today we enjoyed perfect flat calm seas all day so we ran 3 whale watching trips. All 3 trips saw 10 or more Humpback Whales! For highlights the 9:00 am trip saw a cow and calf pair that came over close to the boat as the calf was playing with some seaweed. The 11:30 trip and the 3:15 trip both saw some lunge feeding, breaching, tail slapping and both trips were also mugged. that is a great day of whale watching.

9-13-24 Another day with multiple muggings and more.Todays 9:00 am trip found 5 Humpback Whales with 3 of them Mugging the boat! The 11:30 trip enjoyed 5 Humpbacks with some exciting tail slapping. then since the wind stayed down we ran another trip at 2 pm which found 12 Humpback whales! Two of the whales mugged the boat and there was also tail slapping and a couple of Sea Lion rafts.

9-12-24 Todays 9 am trip found 10 Humpback Whales feeding near shore. There  was one brief mugging by a curious Humpback. Something we haven't seen for a bit is the Dolphins so we were thrilled when some pacific common dolphins moved and out through the feeding frenzy along with a big raft of Sea Lions. The 11:30 trip found the same 10 whales and then were surrounded by over a thousand Pelicans. The wind came up a bit early and so the trip headed back a bit early and spent some quality time with Sea Otters and talked a bit about the history of the port while taking some nice near shore sights.

9-11-24 Clear morning skies and lots of Humpback Whales. Today we saw 10 Humpback on both trips. The 9 am trip had the high light of getting " mugged"  and then on the 11:30 trip we observed a huge feeding frenzy with hundreds of Sea Lions, thousands of birds and at least 10 Humpbacks! Just another wonderful day in paradise.

9-10-24 This morning had the clouds up off the water and the seas were calm on the 9:00 am trip. We found several pairs of Humpback Whales all moving about the bay. It was a very nice time and we observed at least 8 different whales at varying distances from the boat. The 11:30 trip experienced some rougher conditions as the wind picked up a bit early today. Hats off to the folks that decided to brave the elements and go as this turned out to be an amazing trip! We were mugged for over an hour by first 2 then 1 Humpback Whale.s The whale was surfacing within 10 feet of the boat, rolling and then extending its fluke high into the air.  Much of the time we were with this whale we could see it swimming under and around the boat as it was so close.

9-9-24 Today we found hundreds of Harbor Porpoise on both trips plus some Sea Lion rafts and of course 10 or more Humpback Whales on each trip. On the 9 am trip we saw 1 breach and some luge feeding. On the 11:30 trip we saw some lunge feeding and had a few of the whales swim very close to the boat so both trip were super fun.

9-8-24 The day started off with a little fog that cleared quickly to reveal 12 or more Humpback Whales feeding amongst hundreds of Sea Lions and Harbor Porpoises. The same amounts for the 11:30 trip and a few less whales on the 2:00 pm special additional trip. 

9-7-24 Amazing perfect weather today and lots of Humpback Whales.The 9 am trip found 4 Humpback then moved on to find 6 More lunge feeding near shore.. There were also big Sea Lion rafts and hundreds of Harbor Porpoise! The 11:30 trip found the same 6 Humpbacks feeding on the huge school of anchovy that are near shore along with the Sea Lions and the Harbor Porpoise. Since the weather is so nice we added a 2:00 pm whale watching trip and the started off with the same 6 Humpbacks as on the earlier trips but then went farther out when they saw some breaching Humpbacks putting on a show.

,9-6-24 Sunny clear skies and warm temps! The fall is the best weather on the central coast and as is typical the whales are plentiful! we found at least 12 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip and that many or more on the 11:30 trip. There was also a breach on the 11:30 trip.

9-5-24 Finally the great fall weather is here! warm temps no fog and plentiful whales all around the bay!10 Humpbacks on the first trip and 6 plus a big dynamic Sealion raft on the second trip.

9-4-24Todays trips were wonderful. The 9:00 am trip found at least 10 Humpback whales. The excitement and activity level of the whale kept building until at the end we were traveling with 5 very large whales that seemed to be very happy with all the fish they were finding. Then on the 11:30 trip things started off fairly slowly with 4 Humpback whales feeding independently. But after an hour we came across a cow and calf pair that breached 5 times! On this trip we also saw several other whales for a total of over 10 Humpbacks!

9-3-24 The morning started off very foggy but the guests opted to go ahead and give it a try. They were greatly rewarded with clearing skies and 10 Humpback Whales. Two of which swam over and "mugged" the boat for about 10 minutes. It is always such a magical experience when the whales do this. The 11:30 found 4 Humpback Whales and spent most of the trip with 2 of them.

9-2-24 Todays weather was of mix of fog and clearing on both trips. We found lots of whales in between the fog banks,6 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip and 10 on the 11:30 trip. Both trips had some moments when the whales swam up close to the boat. We also found some huge schools of anchovies feeding on the surface  that the whales were swimming through but did not seem to be feeding. Not even the birds were feeding on them which was a little weird. Just another of the mysteries that we get to be apart of.

9-1-24 Todays 9am trip found 2 Humpback Whales a cow and calf pair that we have been seeing around the bay since April.. After about 30 minutes the calf breached fairly close to the boat!!!  Then after swimming about for 20 minutes came over to the boat for a classic mugging. The cow  decide to join in and we had 2 Humpbacks mugging the boat at the same time! The 11:30 trip found the same 2 whales and they did not disappoint on that trip either. They both went on a breach run of 5 big jumps! then they came over and mugged the boat for a good long time! It was a great day of whale watching even though we only saw these 2 Whales!

8-31-24 Really good trip today at 9:00 am with us finding 6 Humpback whales. One of them breached fairly close to the boat which was spectacular and then 2 of them mugged the boat for another up close and personal experience. The 11:30 trip found a cow and calf pair of Humpback Whales that swam along slowly for a bit and then broke off to go and visit with another Humpback bringing the trip total to 3 Humpbacks.

8-30-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 5 Humpback whales. Unfortunately the whales stayed down longer than usual on their dives to search for fish but we still did manage to see them for about 40 minutes. The 11:30 trip found 2 other whales that were a bit curious around the boat and on the surface a good deal more of the time

Closed 8-28 and 29

8-27-24 more great trips today! we found 10 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip staying with several different pairs until a cow and calf pair started breaching! n all we saw at least 5 breaches. The 11:30 trip also had plentiful Humpback whales with us finding at least 10 also maybe more as they were a bit hard to keep track of as they were feeding down deep.

8-25-24 well the good weather continues and the whales are plentiful.  The 9:00 am trip found 10 Humpback whales, 2 breaches and hundreds if not thousands of dolphins. The dolphins were everywhere we went. the 11:30 trip was almost identical with 15 humpbacks, 2 breaches and Dolphins playing about the boat everywhere we went.

8-24-24 The fog has returned making things a bit more challenging. Today’s 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpback Whales. The first one was “logging” which is what we call it when they are sleeping in a way that they appear to be a log on the surface. Then we found 3 more Humpback 2 of which were a Cow and Calf pair. There were also quite a few Harbor Porpoise. The 11:30 trip found 8 Humpbacks, one of which did some big tail lobs! 

8-23-24 The 9:00 am trip found 5 Humpbacks the 11:30 trip also found 5 one of which preformed 2 big breaches! On our way back to the port we stopped to spend a bit of time with a big raft of Sea Otters near pirates cove.

8-22-24 Excellent trip this morning with 7 Humpback whales sighted and one of them getting interested in the boat and mugging us for a bit. We also had a nice dolphin escort on the way back to the port. The 11:30 trip returned to find that a huge feeding frenzy had started with over 20 Humpback whales! It was an amazing sight. 

8-21-24 The 9:00 am trip today was fantastic with 7 humpback whales sighted . We had a mugging from 3 of them and then went on to find 2 more pairs. before returning to port. The 11:30 trip was changed to a coastal trip as the wind came up quickly making for some steep waves. out where the whales were earlier. The near shore conditions were beautiful and warm  with fairly calm seas. We found several rafts of otter to observe.

8-20-24 The sky was clear this morning! what a treat and the whales did not disappoint. On the 9:00 am trip we found at least 10 Humpback whales. We saw some big fluke slaps and had a few whales get curious and swim by to get a closer look. The 11:30 trip found 7 Humpbacks . We were mugged twice first by 3 whales and then by 2. It was a pretty nice day to be on the water.

8-19-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found at least 20 Humpback whales, some were lunge feeding and 2 of them mugged the boat on 2 separate occasions! The 11:30 trip had the weird August fog roll in  but we still managed to find 4 to 6 Humpback and we did get to see a few lunge feeding behaviours.

8-18-24 We are on another full moon cycle and the whales are thick out there! Both trips saw 4 to 6 whales near the boat and we could hear and see many more around us. Both trips were also mugged. 

8-17-24 great day for whales and dolphins! Today’s 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpbacks and over 1000 dolphins! Not a typo the dolphins were as far as you could see. Then 11:30 trip found 20 to 25  Humpbacks it was quite a spectacle!

8-16-24 Today both trips were Mugged! The 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpback Whales 1 of which mugged the boat for 30 minutes ! The 11:30 trip found 7 Humpback Whales one of which also mugged the boat for a short time.

8-15-24 well today we had some rough conditions and could not find any whales on the 9 am trip and on the 11:30 trip we cancelled and switched to a coastal trip which was spectacular!!

8-14-24 The fog was very thick this morning and we offered to cancel the trip and give everyone a full refund but the group wanted to try anyway. Usually this works out and we have a nice story to tell but not today. We did spend some time with some beautiful sea otters and some gregarious Sea lions as well as finding some interesting Jellies. The 11:30 trip had the fog clearing and we found the whales we had missed in the fog. It was a great trip with 10 Humpback Whales, We had one whale breach very close to the boat and saw another breach several times at a distance. The best part was having them swim very close to and under the voat for a few minutes! There were also hundreds of sea lions in a big raft feeding with the whales.

8-13-24 Todays 9:00 am trip was wonderful with us finding 4 Humpback Whales and hundreds of Pacific common dolphins that played with then boat for over 30 minutes! The whales were 2 cow and calf pairs that are always extra special to see. Unfortunately we could not find any whales on the 11:30 trip but a handful of dolphins turned up to play with us which was quite nice.

8-11-24 today we had to search in the fog once again which slowed things down on the 9:00 am trip which only found 1 whale for a brief period. The 11:30 trip still had dense fog  which is weird for August but anyway we found 8 Humpback whales and did enjoy watching them feed for most of the trip.

8-10-24 Epic day with the 9:00 am trip finding 8 Humpback Whales lunge feeding. The 11:30 trip found the same group of whales that had grown to 12 whales feeding!

8-9-24 todays 9:00 am found 8 Humpback Whales that were frolicing about. tail slapping and pectoral slapping as they played with Sea lions and Dolphins! Then to make the trip even better one of the whales mugged the boat for about 10 Minutes. the 11:30 trip 6 Humpbacks, 2 of which swam up close to the boat just a bit farther out than what we would call a mugging. Pacific Common dolphin played about the boat several times making this a rather spectacular trip. 

8-8-24 We ran 3 whale watching trips today with the first one at 6:30 am finding 5 Humpback Whales and a big raft of sealions. The 9:00 am trip found  10 Humpback Whales lolly gaging around and then 2 of them swam over to the boat for a mugging! The 11:30 trip had some fun also with 10 Humpbacks getting rowdy Breaching and tail slapping.

8-7-24 Ye haw todays 9 am trip found 12 Humpbacks 3 of which mugged the boat for 30 minutes!! best day ever kinda moment. The 11:30 trip had a similar experience with a dozen whales and a mugging also! Terrific Day! 

8-6-24 Todays 9:00 am trip was changed to a coastal trip due to heavy fog. Theb11:30 trip had better conditions and we found 5 Humpback Whales feeding with a few hundred Sea Lions. there was also one big breach.

8-5-24 Todays 9 am trip found hundreds and hundreds of sea lions feeding in multiple rafts. Usually when we find them the whales are near by if not mixed in with them but that was not the case today so after looking around that area we headed farther down the coast and found a beautiful Cow and calf pair. The calf got curious a few times and swam very close to the boat! On the 11:30 the fog got thicker making it a bit harder to find whales but we did find one and got some nice sightings. We also found the big rafts of sealions.

8-4-24 On todays tours we found 3 Humpback whales on the 9 am trip and 5 on the 11:30 trip. both trips also saw hundreds of sea lions feeding.8-3-24 A bit fogy today on the 9 am trip which makes it hard to find the whales. We did manage to find some Pacific Common Dolphins which are super fun as they play with the boat. we also found some harbor porpoise and a couple of rafts of Sea Lions, The 11:30 trip was a bit clearer which allowed us to find 3 Humpbacks and some more Harbor Porpoise.

8-2-24 Today on the 9:00 am trip we had amazing clouds and fog that was spectacular. we saw sea lions and sea otters a mola mola and then about 100 dolphins that lead us to a Humpback whale! Then on the 11:30 trip we found a cow and calf pair that we were with for about an hour. The calf swam up close to the boat several times and we saw the cow do some lunge feeding.

8-1-24 Welcome to August. Today we found 2 humpback whales on the 9:00 am trip along with a big raft of Sea Lions. On the 11:30 trip we found hundreds of pacific common Dolphins that played around the boat for over 30 minutes. Unfortunately we did not find any whales which is really weird this time of the year.

7-31 -24. Todays 9 am trip found 2 humpbacks but they were staying down for long periods of time so we ventured farther but could not find any more whales. The 11:30 trip found 2 very active Humpbacks that did quite a bit of breaching (jumping) which was spectacular.

7-30-24 The hot streak continues with 6 Humpbacks on the 9 am trip along with several hundred Sea Lions. The 11:30 trip found 4 Humpback whale with 2 of them being a cow and calf pair. we love to see the little ones! 

7-29-24 beautiful day with 6 wonderful Humpbacks on each trip. The 11:30 trip had a whale swim up close and personal with the boat for 10 minutes. We also saw lots of Sea Otters on our return to the port. 

7-28-24 Big day with 10 Humpbacks lunge feeding on both tours!!! The 9:00 am trip also had some breaching which is always a big show.

7-27-24 Another Big day with 10 to 12  Humpback Whales lunge feeding on both tours!!! 

7-26-24 Another very good day with 10 Humpbacks lunge feeding in the 9:00 am trip and 6 more on the 11:30

7-25-24 Today was another great day with 10 or more Humpbacks on each trip! loads of lunge feeding and a stop in with the Sea Otters on the way back to port.

7-24-24 Clear skies all day, it has been awhile since we have had a day like this. The whales were plentiful today with 15 to 20 Humpback sighted on all 3 trips! We saw some epic lunge feeding by the whales on all of the trips along some  rafts Sealions chasing the fish also. 

7-23-24. Today we found 8 to 10 Humpback whales lunge feeding on both the 9:00 am trip and on the 11:30 trip. The 2 pm trip also saw 1 rather magnificent lunge feed. The 2 morning trips also had a few curious whales swim fairly close to the boat. The 2 pm trip saw a some breaching off in the distance and when we went to see that we came across about 200 Common Dolphins!!! Such a treat.   

7-22-24 Excellent Whale watching today! We found 7 Humpback whales feeding just 15 minutes from the bay! We were with whales for 1:30 minutes on each trip! On the 9 am trip we saw Lunge feeding and had 3 whales get curious and swim very close and around us for 5 minutes or so in what was very close to what is known as a mugging.. The 11:30 trip was also investigated by 1 humpback whale that swam around us within 20 feet of the boat several times.. There was also some fun lunge feeding on that trip. Then on an ash scattering service that was combined with a whale watching trip at 2:00pm we found 2 Humpbacks and one of them did some great tail slapping as we placed the ashes into the sea. It was a pretty magical experience.

7-21-24 Today on the 9:00 am trip we found 6 Humpback whales! We were with them most of the trip! the 11:30 trip Found 2 before the wind picked up and made it hard to stay with the whales due to the rising swell. We were able to get out of the rough part of the bay and spent the rest of the trip with Sea Otter Sea Lions. The 2 pm trip was changed to a coastal trip which enjoy warm temps and flat seas. We found Sea Otters, Sea Lions and a variety of Seabirds.

7-20-24 Today at 9:00 am we found 3 Humpback Whales along with 20 or more Sea Otters and the same number of Sealions.. The 11:30 trip found 2 Humpback Whales to watch for awhile.

7-19-24 There was a bit of fog today making it a bit harder to find the whales but we persevered. We found 3 Humpback Whales and about 500 Pacific Common Dolphins on the 9:00 am trip. Unfortunately we could not find any on the 11:30 trip even though the fog had cleared.

7-18-24  Todays trip found 4 humpback whales and 30 or more Risso Dolphins. The 11:30 trip found 4 different Humpbacks that put on a good show with several breaches. Unfortunately the 2:00 pm trip could not fi=nd any whales or dolphins but we did enjoy some time with Sea Otters and Sea Lions.

7-17-24 No whales on todays 9:00 am trip but that was ok because we found 1000 or more Pacific Common Dolphins that escorted us for 30 minutes across the bay. It was great fun as they played around the boat. on the 11;30 trip we went looking for the dolphins again but instead we found 2 big Humpback sthat were having a great time breaching and pectoral slapping. All in all a pretty good day.

7-16-24 Today we added a special trip at 6:30 am for a family that was passing through California but called us too late to book one of the regularly scheduled trips. The weather was perfect as we enjoyed a spectacular sunrise. We also found 5 Humpback Whales. The 9:00 am trip had equally great weather and we found 1 Humpback Whale. The 11:30 trip found a beautiful Cow and calf pair of Humpback Whales that swam very close to the boat several times. All under clear skies with exceptionally good visibility. 

7-15-24 We found 3 Humpback Whales on the 9:00 am trip. Lots of nice tails to see as the sounded and we found hundreds of Sea lions all over the bay. The 11:00 am trip found 1 Humpback but it did raise its tail high several times for some nice photo opps.

7-14-24 The big nearshore feeding has ended for now and the whales have moved a bit offshore. Today we found 1 humpback on the 9:00 am trip and 5 on the 11:30 trip. We saw some good tails on both trips and it was rather calm and beautiful out at sea which is always a treat.

7-13-24 More great whale watching today. The whales moved a bit offshore but once we found them we had some nice encounters. The 9 am trip found 5 Humpback Whales feeding and got Mugged by one. the 11:30 trip found 8 Humpbacks plus some rafted up Sea Lions. Lots of feeding going on . the 3:30 pm trip found 19 humpbacks and a feeding frenzy of hundreds if not a thousand birds.

7-12-24 Today we enjoyed 3 fantastic whale watching trips. All of the trips had nice calm seas and 10 to 12 Humpback whales lunge feeding. All 3 trips also had some whales cavorting about but the 2:00 pm trip witnessed an epic breach run with a Humpback jump over and over!

7-11-24 Another great day in this very long streak of Humpback Whales feeding near shore. 10 to 15 Humpbacks lunge feeding on both trips and a mugging on the 11:30.

7-10-24 Another great day of whale watching with 15 or more Humpback Whales feeding near shore. Both trips saw lunge feeding and some breaching.

7-9-24 Today was overcast which kept the wind down so the seas were pretty calm all day. We found 15 to 20 Humpback whales on each trip. We were with consistently lunge feeding whales for an hour and a half of each trip. It was surreal to see the whales heads come surging up out of the water over and over with such consistency.

7-8-24 We had to cancel the 9:00 am trip Due to Heavy fog. The 11:30 trip enjoyed some fantastic whale watching with 10 or more Humpback Whales! Lunge feeding for most of the trip and then a cow and calf pair took off on a breach run that lasted 30 minutes! they were breaching individually and together. The 2:00 pm trip Also saw some great lunge feeding with 10 or more Humpback Whales. The same cow and calf pair were still active with the calf pretty much tail slapping for the entire trip!

7-7-24 Good day on the water! On the 9:00 am trip we found 6 Humpback Whales feeding and some tail lobing by a calf. The 11:30 trip found 10 with a lot of feeding and some tail lobing also. Both trip saw some big Sea lion rafts working the fish. It was calm enough for the 2:00 pm coastal trip opt for a whale watching trip and we found 4 Humpbacks on that trip plus  the Sea Lion Rafts!

7-6-24 Another very good day of whale watching. The 9:00 am trip found 8 Humpback Whales with one of them doing some chin slapping. The 11:30 trip Found 6 Humpbacks with 2 of them getting up close and personal with the boat. The wind stayed down and we added a 2:00 pm private trip  to go see some whales and they found 6 Humpbacks.

7-5-24 The whales have been fairly close to shore and very active. The 9 am trip today found 4 Humpbacks and 2 of them did a double breach! Meaning they both jumped at the same time!! The trip also saw a pod of dolphins. The 11:30 trip found 8 Humpback Whales with lots of tail slapping and pectoral slapping. Plus they also found another pod of dolphins. It was such a good day that the coastal trip at 2 pm even saw a Humpback Whale and a Great White Shark!

7-4-24 Happy birthday to America!! The 9:00 am trip once again had some fog but we found a clearing out there with 2 Humpbacks in it and one of them gave us a big breach! on our return to the port we stopped in to visit with some Sea Otters near Shell Beach. The second trip at 11:30 trip found 6 Humpbacks with one of them being a calf with its mom. It got super excited and breached over 20 times!!! Great Fourth of July trip!

7-3-24 With todays light wind forecast we added a third trip at 2:00 pm. We did have some pretty thick fog throughout the day but we did manage to find whales none the less. The 9:00 am trip was very special as we found a variety of animals , Sea lions galore , egg yolk jellyfish, Common Dolphins and a beautiful Humpback Whale. The 11:30 trip found Sea lions scattered all over the ocean and 3 Humpback Whales with 2 of them being a beautiful cow and calf pair. Then on the 2 pm trip we found one of our old friends " Halftail " We have seen Halftail every year now for 13 years . We know she is female because 10 and 11 years ago we saw her with a calf . It is a special feeling to see the same whales return year after year. She was also traveling slowly through the fog with another very large humpback that we have seen her with many times the past 2 years.

 7-2-24 On today's 9:00 am trip we found ! Humpback whale that breached a couple of times! We also found a few hundred Common Dolphins. The 11:30 trip found 3 Humpbacks with one giving us another good breach! We also found a good sized raft of Sea Lions chasing fish.

7-1-24 Today we found 800 to 1000 Pacific Common Dolphins and 5 Humpback Whales on the 9:00 am trip. We saw Pectoral slapping , tail slapping and a big breach with a huge splash. On the 11:30 trip we found Hundreds of Sea Lions and 3 Humpback Whales. One of the Humpbacks gave us show with 4 big Breaches!! Great day overall.

6-30-24 More great trips today with a dozen or more Humpback Whales found on each trip! Some good lunge feeding was seen and to top it off we stopped by to see some Sea Otters  in the kelp forest on the way home.

6-29-24  More great whale watching today with captain Frank at the helm. The 9:00 am trip found at least a dozen whales feeding near shore. The 11:30 went back to the same whales and enjoyed another great viewing. One whale got excited and started chin slapping and then jumped high into the air in a full breach.

6-28-24 Another Awesome day with Capt Frank at the helm. The 9:00 am trip found 7 Humpback Whales  and the 11:30 trip found 15 Humpback Whales and a big raft of Sea Lions. Nice calmish seas and light winds.

6-26-24 Today was another really good day of whale watching for us. On the 9 am trip we found 5 Humpback whales and a few hundred Pacific Common Dolphins! One Of the Humpbacks was Half Tail a whale that we have seen every year here for 13 years now. it is like seeing an old friend. The 11:30 trip saw 8 Humpbacks and the big Pod of Dolphins also. We saw maybe 5 good breaches and some lunge feeding by the Humpbacks!

6-25-24 The hot streak continues !! Our 9:00 am trip 7 humpbacks plus hundreds of Dolphins and Sea Lions. The was a big double breach and some pectoral slapping by 2 of the whales. the 11:30 trip found 10 Humpbacks plus hundreds of Sea lions and Dolphins again. then since the wind stayed down our 2:00 pm coastal trip opted to change to whale watching and they got a great showing of 15 to 20 Humpback whales plus hundreds of Sea Lions.

6-24-24 Great day with 4 humpbacks plus dolphins and Sea Lions on the 9:00 am trip. The 11:30 trip found more of the same with 10 to 12 Humpbacks and some breaching by a couple of whales.

6-23-24 Absolutely spectacular day with plenty of sunshine and some beautiful clouds. We found 3 Humpback on the 9 am trip. On the 11:30 trip we found 1 Humpback plus hundreds of Dolphins and hundreds of Sea Lions. 6-22-24 Todays 9 am trip started off a bit foggy but the crew was determined to find whales! We did fid 2 Humpbacks for some nice viewing but what made the trip amazing was the dolphins!  Six to 7 Hundred Pacific Common Dolphins joined us for an exciting time. We also came across several hundred Sea Lions feeding in the same area . It was quite a spectacle watching all of the Dolphins and Sea Lions swimming together across the bay. Unfortunately on the 11 am trip we did not find any whales and the dolphins were gone. We did find a few hundred Sea Lions still feeding in then same area.

6-21-24 Beautiful morning trip today with 10 humpbacks sighted. One of them swam over to us and spent about 10 minutes interacting with us in a classic mugging.

6-20-24 Epic day on the water with 20 or more Humpbacks feeding together! We saw lunge feeding and some breaching on both tours! We also saw hundreds of Dolphins and Sea lions  racing about. It was 2 of the best trips so far this year.

6-19-24 On today's 9am trip we did not find any whales but we did spend some time with Sea Otters and Sea Lions. On the 11:30 trip the fog lifted near shore and we were able to find 7 Humpback Whales 4 of which  were cow and calf pairs. We were briefly mugged by one of the calfs and the other breached a couple of times. 

6-18-24 After several days of high winds and no trips we went back out today. We found 3 Humpback Whales, 2 of which were a cow and calf pair that stayed with us for a long time.  There were also some Dolphins that came through the bay which was a fun experience. The sun was out and the seas were fairly calm which was nice. We also spent some time with a big raft of Sea Otters. on our return to the port.

6-14-24 Today we ran one trip at 9:00 am and it was amazing! We saw 20 or more Humpback whales with at least 10 breaches and one mugging. Plus there were hundreds of Dolphins! What a great trip! Unfortunately the wind returned and is forecast to blow hard for the next 2 days which will keep us from going whale watching until Monday at the earliest. 

6-13-24 Todays 9 am trip found 10 to 12 Humpbacks and enjoyed several Breaches! The 11:30 trip saw the same plus the breaches and a mugging! Just a perfect day of whale watching!

6-12-24.   Today we found a beautiful cow and calf pair of Humpback whales on each trip!  We also stoped to visit with some Sea Lions and a big raft of Sea Otters.

6-10-24 Today we did not find any whales, booo.  We did find a big feeding frenzy with hundreds of Cormorants and 50 Sea Lions which was a bit exciting. We also found 3 big rafts of Sea Otters many of them moms with pups. 

6-9-24 On today's 9:00 am trip we found 1 Humpback Whale and a few hundred sea Lions. On the 11:30 trip we found a beautiful Cow and calf pair of Humpback Whales that we spent over an hour with. They came right up close to the boat several times and the water was super clear which allowed us some great views of them as they swam by.

6-8-24 Todays 9:00 am trip once again found a huge pod of dolphins most likely over a thousand animals! They also found a massive rafty of Sea Lions and a Humpback whale to top it all off. The 11:30 trip returned to find the Sea Lions but most of the Dolphins had moved on . They did find 4 Humpback Whales in 2 cow and calf pairs. After about 20 minutes with them one of the calf's jumped high out of the water in a glorious breach! 

6-7-24 Today we 5 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip and we were with a cow and calf pair that swam fairly close to us several times. The 11:30 trip saw 3 Humpback with 2 also being a cow and calf pair.

6-6-24 Today we found 2 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip and 4 more on the 11:30 trip. Then on a private trip at 2:00 pm we found 2 more. that is a good day!

6-5-24 Well it happens sometimes and usually it has a component of weather making things more difficult. The fog was pretty thick today and we did not find any whales.

6-3-24 So many Dolphins! Surreal experience with thousands of Pacific Common Dolphins today and we found 6 Humpback also. This has been a great start to summer!.

!  6-2-24 Another great day on the water! First we found 2 Humpbacks, a cow and calf pair and spent about 30 minutes with them. Then Captain Frank spotted 2 more Humpback blowing farther out and we went to see them.  As happens quite often as we arrived there we spotted a Mega Pod of Common Dolphins.  Common Dolphin is a terrible name in my book as they are extraordinarily playful with the boat and very fun to watch. Then after all that we still found 2 more Humpbacks and had time to visit with some Sea Otters in the kelp beds.  6-1-24 Today we did one trip at 10:30. It was a perfect trip as we found a Humpback cow and calf pair just 20 minutes into the trip and after staying with them for awhile we then went in search of the Dolphins we have been seeing lately. We found hundreds of them feeding along with hundreds of Sea Lions. Then on the way back to the Port we found the same 2 Humpbacks again and we were treated to a spectacular breach! 

5-31-24 Today was a much better day.on the 9:00 am trip we found 6 Humpback whales with 4 of them being Cow and Calf pairs. One of the calfs was a bit rambunctious and breached a few times. There were also thousands of dolphins and hundreds of Sea Lions. The 11:30 trip saw thousands of Dolphins they were everywhere! We also saw 2 Minke Whales and 2 Humpback Whales, that is a good day indeed.

5-30-24 Unfortunately we did not find any whales today. We did find some big feeding frenzies with thousands of birds and some Sea Lions which was quite spectacular and where we typically find whales.

5-29-24 Nice trip today , due to a high wind forecast we only ran one trip at 9:00 am. On this trip we found some dolphins out in deep water and a Humpback whale a bit closer to shore. We were just happy to go out as the fog was super thick this morning but did clear just as we went out. 

5-28-24 We only ran one trip, we found some dolphins out in deep water but no more whales were out there. As we were heading bach we found 4 Humpbacks near shore which was quite wonderful and since we did not have another trip that day we were able to spend 45 minutes with them.

5-27-24 Happy Memorial day! On todays 9:00 am trip we found a cow and calf pair of Humpbacks that were very entertaining and swam close to the boat several times. The 11:30 trip saw a  thousands of Dolphins. I am not exaggerating they were everywhere we looked as far as we could see. They escorted us for 30 to 40 minutes before they lead us right to 3 Humpback Whales!

5-26-24 Today we ran our second 6:30 am trip and it was fantastic. The early morning light was quite spectacular as we were escorted by hundreds if not a thousand common Dolphins! We then found a beautiful cow and calf pair of Humpback Whales that we stayed with for about 30 minutes.. Unfortunately the weather forecast was way off and the wind started blowing fairly hard on the 9:00 am trip which is unusual. We tried but we were unable to find any whales or dolphins in the bigger waves so everyone got a 50 percent refund for the bad weather. We made the 11:30 trip into a coastal trip for those that wanted to go and we enjoyed a very warm and beautiful trip near shore with the Sea Otters and Sea Lions.

5-25-24 Another really good day on the water. The 9 am trip had very calm seas and first off found and traveled  with 1 to 2 thousand Common Dolphins  escorting the boat. Then 10 Humpback Whales were sighted ! The 11:30 trip found some Dolphins again and 6 Humpbacks. The Humpbacks on the 11:30 trip also did a bit of breaching and tail slapping. 

5-23 and 24-24 no trips

5-22-24 We spent an hour and a half mostly searching about, finding one whale here and then another there  but they were going down deep and staying down for a long time. But then we found a curious whale that "mugged" us for over 30 minutes. It spent a lot of that time within 1 to 3 feet of the boat. It was magical.

5-21-24  A bit overcast and cold this morning but we still enjoyed a wonderful trip. First off we found a Cow and calf  pair  of Humpback Whales that swam slowly around for about 30 minutes. After that we ventured out farther and found one Humpback after another until we found a calf that was breaching! My guess we saw 8 to 10 different whales.

5-20-24 Both trips saw multiple Humpback Whales with the 11:30 trip getting mugged once again!

5-19-24 Hard to believe but it just keeps getting better each day! The 9:00 am trip found 4 Humpbacks with one of them "mugging" the boat for over an hour. Mugging is when a whale swims right up next to the boat sometimes only inches away, they do this in a very gentle way moving very slowly around the boat. I believe they are trying to communicate with us. The 11:30 trip found 10 Humpback Whales! 

5-18-24 Todays 9 am trip was mugged again. This is rather incredible to have so many curious whales in the bay. The trip also encountered thousands of dolphins! this was an epic adventure.

5-17-24 Today we ran one trip at 11:30 and it was another amazing experience with Dolphins escorting the boat out to 10 or more Humpback Whales breaching and tail slapping, then a twenty Mugging with 2 Humpbacks. That is about as good as it gets. 

5-16-24 Perfect day today with calm flat seas and clear to the horizon with some upper level cloud cover. On the 9:00 am tour we found the pod of dolphins again and 2 cow and calve pairs of Humpback Whales. One of the pairs came close to the boat in what is known as a mugging.  The 11:30 was also fantastic with 4 Humpbacks breaching and pectoral slapping! Plus the Dolphins! This was one of the best days this year!  

5-15-24 What a great day for us. On the 9:00 am trip we first found a Minke Whale then a short time later we found a few hundred Dolphins that played with the boat for about 20 minutes. Then we found 3 Humpback Whales. One of the Humpbacks swam over and "Mugged" us for about 30 minutes. A mugging is where the whale swims up under and around us in a very gentle and curious way. Often time looking right at us eye to eye.. On the 11:30 trip we found the dolphins again and played with them for awhile before heading off to find some whales.  We found 4 Humpbacks and one of them "Breached" which is jumping up out of the water. it was spectacular how high the whale got on both jumps getting all the way out of the water and complting a full barrel roll before landing. that my friends is great day.

5-14-24 We only ran one trip today which was too bad as the ocean conditions were perfect and we even had some sun breaking through the clouds. We found the huge Dolphin pod once again and enjoyed their company for quite awhile. We also found 3 Humpback Whales. Two of which were a cow and calf pair with the calf being small enough to have been born this winter! very cool thing to see.

5-13-24 Another Great day on the water. Both trips saw a huge pod of 2000 or more Pacific Common Dolphins and 6 to 10 Humpback whales!

5-12-24 Happy Mothers day. Today we were treated to multiple breaches on both trips by 2 different Cow and Calves pairs. It is a bit interesting that on our mother's day the Humpback moms were jumping out of the water with their calves. We saw 10 or more Humpbacks on each trip and the 11:30 trip also got a visit from about 30 Pacific Common Dolphins!

5-11-24 The no whale slump is broken!! Today we did a special tour at 6:45 am and we found a huge pod of Dolphins, hundreds of Sea Lions and 4 Humpback Whales. The 9:00 am tour found 8 to 10 Humpbacks and hundreds of Sea Lions! The 11:30 trip also saw 10 Humpback Whales so overall best day in awhile! We are so happy to have the whales back in the bay.

5-10-24 more fog again today, we did find one Grey whale but only saw it for a moment.

5-6 through 5-9-24 no whales sighted. We have either had rough seas or dense fog which has made it harder to find any whales, hopefully this trend ends soon. 

5-5-24 Bummer no whales found today not sure were they went but we did see some otters and sea lions and seals .

5-4-24 It was bound to happen sooner or later but we did not find any whales today.

5-3-24 No whales were seen today on the 9:00 trip  and the wind came on so hard that we had to change the 11:30 trip to a coastal trip which was delightful. we saw Otters , Seals, Sealions and a huge number of Pelicans and cormorants feeding.

5-2-24 Todays 9:00 am trip found 2 Humpbacks after quite a bit of searching.

5-1-24 BLUE WHALE! today we saw the biggest animal that has ever lived on earth, the Blue Whale. It was so big and swimming close to the surface that we could see it underwater between breaths. This is the 5th one I have seen in 13 years..

4-28-24 The ocean turned rough today and we were not able to get out to were the whales have been so we changed the trip to a Coastal Explorer. After the rather wet and wild ride trying to get offshore the warm, calm waters near shore were delightful. We saw 30 to 40 Sea Otters, 50 or more Sea Lions, Hundreds of feeding Cormorants  and chatted about the history of Port San Luis. Not whale watching but pretty awesome to be out on the beautiful inner bay with no wind and very warm temps.

4-27-24 Big big day! On the 9:00 am trip we found thousands of Pacific Common Dolphins and they escorted us all around the bay. after a bit we found 6 Humpback Whales and sighted many more in the distance around us. Unfortunately the wind came up hard and we had to cancel the 11:00 am trip.

4-26-24 Today was a bit wet and wild out there on the bay. Please be sure to always bring warm clothes and a waterproof jacket at least. rain pants are also a good idea.  Today was epic with a huge Sea Lion Raft and 10 Humpbacks feeding amongst thousands of birds!

4-25-24 No bookings today so we did not go out  but some friends that went fishing said there were whales everywhere.

4-24 -24 Best day of the year so far! We ran one trip  at 10 am and found a big feeding frenzy.  There were 12 to 15 Humpback Whales feeding near us and 10 to 15 more all around us with in 1/2 mile. There were spouts everywhere. Great day to be whale watching.

4-23-24 today we only ran one trip at 9 am and itb was fantastic. We saw 10 or more Humpback whales and they were much closer to shore than they have been so we were with whales for 1.5 hours! We saw one of our old friends "Bent Tail " a whale we have seen every year for the past 13 years!

4-22-24 Today was another fine day to be out whale watching. On the 9 am trip we found first 1 Humpback and then 2 more that were very active. We saw 1 breach and a good deal of pectoral slapping. Then on the 11:30 trip we found 1 Humpback. The highlight of the trip was seeing 7 to 8 hundred Pacific Common Dolphins that played around the boat for 20 minutes!

4-21-24 Today the wind came up early and we ended up changing both trips to coastal trips as it was impossible to find any whales in the rough seas.

4-20-24 Today we found 8 Humpback Whales on the 9 am trip. It was cold and cloudy but the whales made it worth it as they were very active. On the 11:30 trip the sun came out and we found 1 Humpback whale that was very active,  breaching and tail slapping.

4-19-24 Captain Frank was at the helm today and found a large pod of Common Dolphins feeding near shore before heading off shore to find 6 Humpback Whales. Two of these whales mugged the boat for a bit, all of this happened on the 9 am trip. Then on the 11:30 trip he found 8 Humpback Whales. The highlight of the trip being a cow and calf pair, the calf getting rambunctious and breaching several times.

4-18-24 Today we only ran one trip at 11:30 and it was a good one! With Captain Frank at the helm our group found 3 Humpbacks wit one of them being a calf. The little guy breached over and over throughout the trip and the for a grand finale mom joined in and they jumped together. It was an awesome Trip..

4-17-24 Today was a beautiful sunny and fairly calm day on the water. We found 4 Humpback whales on the 9:00 am trip and 6 or more on the 11:30 trip. Both trips enjoyed well close to an hour and a half with the whales  as they were closer than they have been. There were also quite a few sealions out there feeding in a big raft.

4-16-24 What a wonderful day on the water! on the 9 am trip we found 5 Humpbacks for sure and it seemed like we were see more around us so maybe as many as 10 in all.  On the 11:30 we found 2 that were a bit curious and stayed around the boat for well over an hour. In that time the wind came uo a bit and we had a very fun ride back to the port.

4-15-24 On todays first trip we found 3 Humpback whales with one being a calve that Jumped high a couple of times.  The 11:30 trip was not so lucky and they were not able to find any whales

4-12-24 Today marked another good day of whale watching for us, it was a bit colder than usual on both trips but the sightings were worth it. The 9 am trip found 3 humpbacks that came over to the boat in a classic mugging. The 11:30 trip found 5 Humpbacks with 1 of them putting on quite a show tail slapping for over 5 minutes!

4-11-24 Todays 9:00 trip had calm sea conditions and we found the whales! 10 humpbacks feeding amongst 100s of sea lions. Unfortunately on the 11:30 trip the fog returned making visibility poor but we still managed to find 1 Humpback Whale.

4-10-24 Today started off with beautiful conditions near shore but about 6 miles out things quickly changed and the ocean became very rough. We were able to get out to where the whales had been for the past 2 days  but they had moved. So it is with a heavy heart that we found no whales on either trip today. We searched the part of the bay where we often times find whales but none were there to be found.

4-9-24 Toady we only ran one trip and it was fantastic! We found 15 or more Humpbacks feeding amongst hundreds of Sea lions! We saw 10 or more breaches  and many other displays of pectoral slapping and Tail slapping. All under crystal clear blue skies.

4-8-24 Spectacular Morning of whale watching. We found 10 or more Humpbacks feeding with a hundred or so Sea Lions.  Thousands of Seabirds were also there looking for their share of the fish.

4-7-24    5 Humpback Whales were spotted on the 9:00 am trip and 3 more on the 11:30 trip.

4-6-24 Today was another good one for whale watching. Capt Frank was at the helm and he found 3 Humpback Whales on the 9:00 am trip and 10 Humpbacks plus 1 Grey Whale in a big feeding frenzy with hundreds of Sea Lions on the 11:30 trip.

4-4-24 Today we only planed on one trip due to the bad weather forecast for the afternoon. We started off warm with a bit of sun . Then a rain band moved in and got us a bit wet, but that only lasted about 20 minutes. After that the sun came back out and we found 4 Humpbacks, 2 of which were huge ! Then just as it was time to return another rain band came rushing in from the west so we high tailed out of there and outran it back to the port. It was all very spectacular.

4-3-24 Another great day for whale watching. We found 10 Humpbacks on the 9:00 am trip, mostly swimming about and doing a little bit of feeding. The 11:30 trip found about the same number of Humpbacks plus 1 Grey Whale.  The big excitement on the 11:30 trip was when 3 Humpbacks mugged us ( swam up close, around and under us for about 10 minutes. It was spectacular.

4-2-24 Great day to be back on the water! On the 9:00 am trip the crew found 10 Humpback Whales and 1 Grey Whale! The 11:30 trip found 5 Humpback whales. So I guess it is safe to say that we are well on our way into what looks like it will be a very good summer of Humpbacks!

3-29-24 through 4-1-24 Closed due to bad weather.

3-28-24 Another big day for Captain Frank. On his 9 am trip he found 1 Grey Whale, 12 Humpback Whales and a huge pod of Pacific White sided Dolphins!! Great Trip. Unfortunately the wind came up a bit early and made things a bit more difficult on the 12 pm trip and they only found 2 Grey Whales.

3-27-24 Today was a fantastic day of whale watching! On the 9am trip we saw 3 Humpback Whales and 2 Grey Whales! 2 of the Humpbacks came over and hung next to the boat for 20 minutes. On the 12 pm trip we found 2  Humpbacks and 4 Grey Whales.  All this on a very calm sea with nice sunny skies.

3-26-24 Today we found 4 Grey Whales heading north on the 9 am trip. The wind picked up and we had to convert the 12 pm trip to a coastal trip as it was way too rough to go whale watching. When this happens we give a 50 percent refund and take folks around the bay for about 1.5 hours. There are lots of animals and historic sights to see on this trip.

3-25-24 Today was a wild one with big seas some weird cross chop. But the crew today when given the opportunity to turn back and get a refund said "no way take us on an adventure"! We had a wild ride and ended up finding 2 Grey whales and stayed with them awhile as they smashed their way north through the


3-24-24 Unfortunately the weather did no cooperate and we were not able to find any whales between the big rain cells 

!3-23-24 Wild day dodging rain cells. 9:00 am trip had beautiful weather and we saw 2 Grey whales until a big rain cell approached and we raced just ahead of it all the way back to the port!! The 12 o'clock trip started in the rain but it stopped pretty quick and after seeing a couple of Grey whales that were rather shy we found a bigger cluster of them. In all we saw at least 12 Grey whales and 1 Humpback whale! Good times.

3-21-24 Today was nice and sunny. We found 8 grey whales, they were a bit shy and stayed down along time which is different than what we are used to seeing.

3-20-24 Today the seas were pretty rough and made things difficult for us. No whales were found but we had fun surfing the bigger waves and going to see the Sea Otters and  Sea Lions

3-19-24 Great trip today. We started of in some dense fog and just we were about to throw in the towel and call it quits we broke through the fog and found some whales. First, we found one Grey Whale, then we found a very cool Ocean Sunfish . Then 7 Humpback Whales hanging out with one Grey Whale. It was a very good trip that got even better when on the way back to the port we came across 2 more Humpback and one of them did a full breach! first of the 2024 season!.

3-18-24 Best trip of 2024 so far! we found 3 Grey Whales pretty quick that were doing the mating dance which is very beautiful. then we saw more grey whales than we could keep track of on our way up to the point were we found 5 Humpback whales! two of the Humpback swam right up next to the boat for an exciting finale! the seas were flat and the ocean was lake like.  3-17-24 Todays 9 am trip had beautiful weather and some wonderful whale watching. We found 12 or more grey whales, it was kinda hard to keep track of them all. We also found 1 very large Humpback whale which was swimming slowly North. The 12 pm trip started off with some rather strong winds and we almost gave up but then the wind lightened up and we were able to find 10 or more Grey whales making their way north. 

3-16-24 Beautiful day with calm seas and sunny skies! On the 9 am trip we found so many Grey whales it was hard to keep track of how many we saw, lets say 15 give or take a few. On the 12pm trip it was the same with grey whales but we also saw 1 Humpback whale. What a great day! 

3-15-24 Another day with lots of whales to be seen. The 10 am trip struggled a bit at first to stay with some whales . I think we saw over 10 whales but  they would go under and stay down for a long time and were a bit unpredictable. Then we found 4 that wanted to be around the boat and they gave us a great show. The  1 pm trip had a great showing with 15 Grey whales! All of this on faily calm seas and beautiful sunny skies.

3-14-24 Another great day of seeing both Grey and Humpback whales. the 9 am trip found 7 Grey whales and 2 Humpbacks with a bonus Ocean Sunfish . The 12 pm trip found 8 Grey whales and 2 Humpbacks also.  our hot streak continues.

3-13-24  It was 2 and 2 again today! 2 Grey whales and 2 Humpback whales.

3-12-24 Today we spotted our first Humpback whales of the 2024 season!  2 Humpback whales and 2 grey whales were seen on this tour, what a treat it was to see 2 species of whale on the same trip!

3-11-24 today was another great day on the water with 5 Grey whales spotted.

3-10-24 Another great trip today with 10 Grey whales spotted and beautiful sunny skies.

3-9-24 todays 9am trip faced the same rough seas at first as yesterday but we were well rewarded with 9 Grey whales sighted and 2 of them exhibiting mating behaviors .

3-8-24 both whale watching trips today encounter some rough seas at the start but after a few miles travel north this wind  dissipated, the seas calmed and we found some very nice Grey Whales. We found 6 on the morning trip and 6 or more on the afternoon trip. Overall these were rather adventurous trips with excellent rewards for our efforts.

3-4-24 Great day to be whale watching! we spotted 5 magnificent Grey whales slowly making their way north. the skies were clear and the coast line was an amazing array of greens as the winter grasses are glowing green with all the rains lately.

2-28-24 Today was picture perfect with sunny skies and plentiful whales! We ran one trip today and saw at least 10 California Grey whales as they passed by our beautiful central California coastline on their way back up to the arctic for another summer of feeding.

2-25-24 Today was another exceptional day. we had very calm seas and loads of whales on both trips. The 9:00 am trip saw 6 Grey whales with 4 in a very tight group (pod) and the 12:00 pm trip was even more fortunate! We found 12 to 14 Grey whales, they were hard to keep track of as they were all around us!  Beautiful sunny skies and warm temps contributed to this being a great day of whale watching.

2-24-24 Our hot streak continues as we found 6 California Grey whales on todays adventure.

2-23-24 Today was a whale watching dream come true. We had calm seas and nice sunshine. Best of all lots of Grey whales on both trips. The 12 pm trip found the most, first off we spotted 1 grey then quickly spied 6 more whales moving north in a pod and we stayed with them for quite a while. That would have been an excellent trip in and of itself but as we soon as we left them we encountered another pair then another and another, we saw 15 in all on one trip! Just a great day!

2-22-24 What a great day for our return to the 2024 season! We found 4 Grey whales today. First a single whale that was rather elusive but then we came across 3 in a group that swam along side of us. They were all northbound which is exciting as the north bound migration is typically very good whale watching for us as the whales tend to be in larger groups and are more interested in us! We also stopped at Lion Rock which is a huge Sea Lion colony! This is how folks should see Sea Lions as it is a much wilder setting than how w usually see them laying around on the docks..

1-21-24 We will be closed until February 20th.

1-17-24 We tried again today to go out between storms but we did not find and whales . we did spend some time with Sea Lions and Sea Otters.

1-13-24 After some time off for the holidays we headed out with calm conditions and high hopes of seeing some Grey whales on their southbound migration. Unfortunately the wind picked up just enough to make small white caps which makes sighting the whales more difficult and we were not able to find any. We did enjoy some other sights and spent some time watch Sea lions and Sea Otters,

12-25-23 We are now closed for thee holidays until January 6, See ya next year.

12-24-23 On todays 9:45 am trip we found 1 Humpback Whale. It was feeding with hundreds of sea birds out on a clear blue sea sea. we also visited with Sea Otters and Sea Lions plus chatted a bit about some of the cool history of the port. on the 12:45 trip we went looking for that same Humpback Whale but we could not find it. We did have nice weather near shore and visited with some otters on the way back.

12-23-23 This morning was beautiful out on the water. We spent so time with Otters and Sea lions and enjoyed a nice cruise out looking for whales.

12-16-23 Today was a fantastic trip, after visiting with some Sea Otters and Sea lions we voyaged out to look for whales. We found 4 Humpback Whales feeding amongst a hundred or more pacific White Sided Dolphins which are spectacular in both coloring and behaviour .

12-15-23 Spectacular weather and great sightseeing along the coast today. we found many different animals to observe  and talk about but sadly no whales.

12-14-23 WE ARE BACK! today was a spectacular day to be on the water. Since the Humpback Whales typically start migrating south in December and the Grey Whales are not yet coming by in good numbers we consider any whale sightings to be a big plus on tours right now. After visiting with sea otters and Sealions and sight seeing a bit along the coastline we headed out and found a Humpback Whale feeding about 6 miles out. Add to this the beautiful weather and warm temps it was a fine day to be boating.

11-23-23 through 12-13-23 closed

11-22-23 Suddenly there are 15 to 20 Humpbacks feeding about 6 miles offshore! The 9 am trip also got to play with 500 plus Pacific Common Dolphins! Both trips watched the multitude of Humpback whales feeding amongst hundreds of Sealions.

11-21-23 On today's 9 am trip we found one Humpback in close and then 2 more farther out. On the 11:30 trip we found the same Humpback close to shore but now it was lunge feeding! We also played with about 20 Pacific Bottlenose Dolphins.

11-20-23 Today we found 1 Humpback whale feeding close to shore. On the 9 am trip we also found 10 to 12 Bottlenose Dolphins that played around the boat for about 20 minutes. On the 11:30 trip we found the same whale and saw it breach 4 times which was super exciting. We also watched it lunge feed several times.

11-19-23 After 4 days of being closed due to the first winter storm of the year we went out on the bay looking for whales today. We found 1 Humpback and some harbor porpoise on the 9:00 am trip and the same Humpback plus some Bottlenose dolphins on the 11:30 trip. Both trips enjoyed seeing hundreds of Seabirds out feeding, these included western Grebes, Cormorants, Pelicans, Terns, Murres and Gulls. All this under very clear skies with warmish temperatures. .

11-14-23 Today was again spectacular weather and excellent whale watching. We spent at least 1 hour with several whales around us. We saw 6 to 8 Humpbacks in total.

11-13-23 Another beautiful day weather wise. On the 9:00 am trip we found 4 Humpback whales that kept moving about as if they were searching for some fish. On the 11:30 trip we only found 1 Humpback but we did not search for more as this whale got curious and swam right up next to and under the boat in what is known as a mugging. When this happens the whale is literally 1 to 2 feet from the boat moving very slowly.

11-12-13 Flawless weather today, great visibility and glassy seas.. The 9:00 am trip cancelled out last minute so ne report for but the 11:30 trip had a great trip with several rafts of over 200 plus Sealions each feeding with a couple of Humpback Whales. Several other whales were also seen around the us within a mile of the boat. The best part of the day was one whale rollin and slapping its pectoral fin for 30 minutes. 

11-11-23 Today was epic with the 9:00 am trip seeing 5 humpback whales and one breaching near the boat. The 11:30 trip found 4 Humpbacks in one pod while seeing a couple of more pairs nearby. The best part was when 2 whales "mugged" the boat. This is when they swim up close and under the boat often times just hovering a few inches from the boat. There were also a good number of Harbor Porpoise frolicing near by. 

11-10-23 Today we found some new whales feeding closer to shore. Both trips saw 6 to 8 Humpbacks and quite q few harbor porpoise.

11-9-23 We saw several pods of Humpback whales on each trip feeding with large rafts of Sealions. The whales are a bit closer to shore so we are getting a good deal of time with them on each trip.. My best guess would be that we saw 10 to 12 whales on each trip as there was a lot of moving around out there. It could have been more.

11-8-23 Today was another good one. First off we found a pod of Common Dolphins that played with the boat for about 15 minutes . Then we started finding Humpback Whales. At first one then another which lead us to a pod of 6. They appeared to be a male competition pod surfacing together and swimming fast while trumpeting. Then we found about 50 Sealions feeding and another pod of 5 whales that appeared to be feeding.. So all in all we saw 13 Humpback whales plus dolphins and Sealions. Oh yea we also one of the Humpback jump up in 2 big breaches about 50 yards from the boat. To top it off it was sunny and warm.

11-7-23 It was a bit windy and rough on the 9:00 am trip which is not a normal thing this time of of the year. We did go out anyway and found 6 Humpback whales one of which did a very nice breach about 200 ft from us which was close enough to be spectacular.  By 11:00 the wind had come up and we had to cancel the 11:30 trip.

11-5-23 The 9 am trip saw 3 Humpback whales but fog came back after an early morning clearing as it was getting to be time to return to port. We had to cancel the rest of the days trips due to the heavy fog.

11-4-23 The 9:00 am trip saw hundreds of sea lions and over 20 Humpback whales. The 11:30 trip saw the same 20 plus Humpbacks along with hundreds of Sealions and a pod of very energetic Pacific White Sided Dolphins! 11-3-23 Today we found 15 to 20 beautiful Humpback whales feeding under clear blue skies! We saw one big breach and some exciting tail slapping. The 11:30 trip also found at least 15 humpback whales and a huge raft of 400 to 500 Sealions feeding and cavorting about the bay. 

11-2-23 More great trips today with 20 to 30 Humpback Whales sighted on both trips. We saw a few breaches and some tail slapping on the 9:00 am trip and some lunge feeding on the 11:30 trip! Both trips were amazing. There were hundreds of Sealions feeding also. We would see as many as 10 whales within 300 ft of the boat all on the surface at the same time.

11-1-23 the great whale watching continues! Today we found the same 30 to 40 Humpbacks feeding amongst hundreds of Sea lions. Both trips were epic in both action and numbers. Both trips saw a couple of breaches and as many as 10 whales swimming close by the boat  multiple times!

10-31-23 Well today was even better than yesterday! More like 30 to 40 and maybe as many as 50  Humpback Whales within a mile of us this morning on both trips. At one point on the 11:30 trip we had 18 whales on the surface within 100 yards of us!!  Some special things that happened on each trip, First on the 9:00 am trip we started off being escorted out of the bay by a few hundred Pacific Common Dolphins! They are very fun as the romp and play around the boat. We also saw 4 breaches pretty close to the boat and several more within a half mile. On the 11:30 trip we got mugged for about 10 minutes of pure inter species bliss and we had as many as 18 whales swimming closely by the boat several times.

10-30-23 Hard to believe but today was even better than yesterday! 20 to 30 Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of sea lions. We saw breaching and pectoral slapping on both trips . we also had several close encounters with whales swimming close by to get a good look at us.

10-29-23 Amazing day. Todays 11:30 trip was one of the best of the year! We quickly found 20 to 30 Humpback whales feeding juet a few miles out. They were very active and feeding amongst 1 few hundred Sea lions

 The best part was that we got mugged by a juvenile Humpback for about 20 minutes! The ocean was calm and it was pretty warm out there also. We did also saw about 10 Mola Mola or Ocean Sunfish.

10-28-23 Whoa nellie today was awesome! We found 10 to 15 very large Humpbacks feeding with about a hundred Sealions infailt big waves.. They were some of the biggest Humpbacks I have seen around here and as they lifted up into the waves we could really see their size!. Things are really picking up as it seems more whales are coming into our bay every day!

10-27-23 This mornings 9:00 am trips spent over an hour with 10 to 15 Humpback whales . It was a bit challenging to keep track of all of them as they were moving about quite q bit. we saw 1 big beach and more big tails slapping the water than we have seen in awhile. Unfortunately the wind came up and the ocean got very rough on the 11:30 trip so we had to opt for the coastal trip instead.

10-26-23 What a day! The 9:00 am trip had smooth seas and clear skies! We quickly found 1 Humpback and then noticed more a few hundred yards away. Then as we were watching them we saw more spouts a half mile south of us. As we approached them we saw even more whales in every direction! We were close to at least 20 on the trip and I would guess we saw 30 or more whales total around us! Then on the 11:30 the wind came up out of nowhere and was much stronger than the forecast. The seas quickly built as we were watching 3 Humpbacks but after 30 minutes with them the big seas made it difficult to see anymore. The ride back to the port was a memorable one that I will not soon forget.

10-25-23 Another good day for us with the 9;00 am trip spending 25 minutes with a pod of about 100 pacific common dolphins. They escorted us and played in the bow wave while entertaining us with loud  squeaks and clicks as they communicated with one another. The 11:30 trip found 4 Humpback whales that split up into  2 groups then separated again as we stayed with the one that was feeding with 50 Sealions..

10-24-23 Awesome trip today! We found a big feeding frenzy with over a hundred Sealions and 5 Humpback whales  mixing in and out of the Sea lions. 

10-22-23 Today on the 9:00 am trip we found 2 Humpbacks that were lifting their flukes high as the were swimming about apparently in search of more fish to eat. The 11:00 am trip also found a Humpback whale before the fog came rolling in. A spooky Halloween ending to this trip.

10-21-23 there were 5 Humpback whales sighted on this mornings trip with 1 full breach and some exciting lunge feeding. The 11:30 trip found 1 Humpback which was also lunge feeding and showed its beautiful fluke several times.

10-18-23 Today we found one Humpback on the 9:00 am trip and then the fog came in so thick that we could not find any on the second trip at 11:30.

10-16-23 Today was also super foggy and we cancelled the 9:00 am trip. The 11:30 trip went out anyway as the guests just really wanted to get on the water and see some animals. We found Sea Otters, Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, Pelicans, Cormorants, Murres, Western Grebes and a few Harbor porpoise. The fog did clear after an hour and even though we did not find any whales we did enjoy a beautiful boat ride.

10-15-23 Unfortunately it was too foggy to go look for whales on the 9:00 am trip so we went for and enjoyable coastal trip instead. The fog did clear during the 11:30 trip and we found 2 Humpback whales.

10-13 -23 On todays 9:00 am trip we found 2 humpbacks a cow and calf pair fairly early in the trip. We stayed with them most of the trip as it was quite beautiful to watch a magnificent animal slowly move about the bay with her calf teaching it about finding fish and living in this wonderful world. Unfortunately on the 11:30 trip we were unable to find any whales but we did enjoy a beautiful boat trip as we searched high and low for them.. While this is typically one of the best months for there to be lots of Humpbacks in our bay so far there have been fewer whales than normal. Hopefully that will change soon.

10-12-23 On todays 9:00 am trip we first found 4 Humpbacks that split into 2 groups of 2. We followed 2 of them until they split up and we had one to watch. On the 11:30 we found two beautiful Humpbacks that swam slowly about the bay.

10-11-23 Today went spent the tours with the same cow and calf pair that have been feeding near shore for the past several days. They were not as active feeding today and but with the strong winds offshore they were a welcome sight and I feel grateful for them as other wise we would have had to cancel the trips..

10-10-23 More active Lunge feeding in the bay with the same 3 Humpback whales that are feeding near shore.

10-9-23 Both trips today enjoyed some excellent lunge feeding by the same cow and calf pair that have been feeding in Avila Bay. Overcast skies gave way to a magnificent partly cloudy day with great lighting and background for some good photo opportunities.

10-7-23 Anther picture perfect day with 3 Humpback whales that have been lunge feeding in Avila bay for the past 4 days.. Both trips spent 1:45 minutes of the 2 hour trip with whales! In order to comply with the NOAA guide lines we would stay with the cow and calf pair for about 30 minutes and then go over to the single whale that was feeding near by and spend 30 minute there before returning to the original cow and calf pair.

10-6-23 Today we did 3 trips with the whales that were near Avila Beach yesterday. All of the trips saw a good deal of lunge feeding.

10-5-23 What a nice day to be on the water. Calm seas and clear skys. On the 9:00 am trip we found our old friend Halftail a whale that we have seen here every year for the past 12 years! Then on the 11:30 trip we found 3 near Avila Bay and saw more excellent lunge feeding and one really great breach.

10-3-23  On the 9:00 am trip We found 3 Humpbacks  feeding near the beach and on our return to the port we found 2 more near Pirates cove. . There was some lunge feeding and even one good breach on the 11:30 trip we saw the 2 near pirates cove do quite a bit of lunge feeding.

10-2-23 Nice weather on the 9:00 am trip. We found 1 Humpback whale but even though we were expecting to find more we were pretty happy when it did 4 big breaches!! The 11:30 trip started off a bit slow with us finding 2 Humpbacks that were not very active.  But then we found 2 more that were very active and we watched them lunge feed vigorously for 35 minutes! We also saw hundreds of harbor porpoise on both trips.

10-1-23 Whoa Nellie what a great day of whale watching! The 9:00 am trip enjoy some great lunge feeding with 10 Humpbacks. The 11:30 trip saw 5 Humpbacks and one of them breached in close proximity to the boat. Then to top things off even the ash scattering burial at sea trip got to see 2 Humpbacks.

9-30-23 Today started off with dramatic cloudy skies and some rain which cleared before we started our first trip. It was an absolutely epic trip with 20 or more Humpbacks lunge feeding amongst hundreds of harbor Porpoise.  The sky and the water were very dramatic with amazing light and whales in every direction.

The 11:30 trip had even more whales and some powerful tail slapping added to all the lunge feeding.

9-29-23 Today the fog was so thick that we could not see 50 feet. So we switched the 9:00 am trip to a coastal explored trip and enjoyed a delightful time with the Otters, Sea lions, Pelicans, Murres, Cormorants and some elusive Harbor Porpoise as it is just to hard to find whales when you can not see very far. The 11:30 trip started with the skies beginning to clear and we were able to find 3 Humpbacks that we spent 25 minutes with before seeing 2 more on our ride back to the Port.

9-28-23 Today we found 2 huge Humpback whales slowly heading North. We enjoyed some great views of them as they swam up the large swells. Then we had quite a fun ride surfing down the waves on our return.  Unfortunately the wind came on strong at 11 am making the sea much to rough to go whale watching. So we had to change the whale watching trip to a coastal tour. Everyone got a 50% refund and we spent 2 hours talking about whales, otters, sea lions and a variety of sea birds.  We also talked about some of the rather fun history of the port. Near the shore the weather was warm and sunny and the seas were not rough so the whole thing was quite enjoyable.

9-27-23 We searched high and low but we could not find any whales on the 9 am trip. Then on the 11:00 am trip the wind came up early and we had to change the whale watching trip to a coastal trip. We did find about 15 dolphins that swam along with us for about 20 minutes which was wonderful and we spent time with Otters, Sea lions and a variety of seabirds. As per our policy everyone got a 50% refund and they still got a 2 hour trip.

9-25-23 Today was much better than yesterday with 10 to 12 Humpbacks spotted on each trip. Both trips saw multiple lunge feedings and hundreds of Harbor Porpoise.

9-24-23 Today was a bit interesting. We found 1 very lethargic Humpback on the 9:00 am trip and when we went looking for more we did not much of anything until we spotted one for a moment but then lost it. Then on the 11:30 trip we found 2 Humpback a cow and calf pair feeding very close to shore near Avila Beach and enjoyed a nice hour and a half with them. 

9-23-23 Beautiful day out on the bay today. We found 3 Humpback whales on each trip along with hundreds of Harbor porpoise. The whales were lunge feeding and one of the them did a big breach near the boat on the 9:00 am trip!

9-22-23 Today was much better as we found 2 Humpbacks feeding near shore on the 9:0 am trip. we found them fairly quickly and watched them lunge feeding for about an hour. Then one of them started breaching and tail slapping for about 10 minutes which was awesome. On the 11:30 trip we decided as a group to go see what might be farther out to sea. We were rewarded with 150 Rissos dolphins that were constantly breaching and tail slapping. Then we found a big Mola Mola (Ocean Sunfish) that stayed with us for awhile and it also decided to breach very close to the boat. After all of that we were feeling pretty good about our choice to go out to deep water but the ocean was not done with us. We then found 2 huge Humpback Whales that swam close to the boat several times! That was a good day!

9-21-23 Today the whales that we have been seeing vanished. We only found one Humpback on the 9:00 am trip and we did not find anything on the 11:30 trip. The whole ocean went from whales and birds  everywhere to nothing anywhere in one day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. 

9-19-23 The Humpbacks are still going strong with both trip seeing 10 or more Humpbacks lunge feeding with gusto. There is so much activity happening in so many directions that it can be a bit overwhelming at times, But i think this is a good problem to have.

9-18-23 Another good day of whale watching with both trips seeing 10 or more Humpback whales and numerous Harbor porpoise. we saw Humpbacks lunge feeding and breaching up close and some tail slapping in the distance.

9-17-23 Today was something special with 20 or more Humpback whales feeding near shore. Both trips enjoyed amazing shows with multiple breaches and more lunge feeding than one could count. The water was literally bursting with whales and harbor porpoise. 

9-16-23 The whales moved closer to shore today. Both trips saw some exciting Lunge feeding by 10 to 12 Humpbacks  and hundreds of Harbor porpoise. on the 9:00 am trip we also saw about 100 common Dolphins as the escorted us for about 10 minutes. we could clearly see them swimming under water as it was very calm and the water was exceptionally clear where we found them.

9-15-23 Spectacular whale watching today! We ran 3 whale watching trips today and all of them saw 20 or more Humpback whales feeding with hundreds of Sealions.. There were also multiple breaches around us and really more whales than you could keep track of!

9-14-23 Great day again, so many whales it is hard to keep track of everything we ares seeing. There are also random breaches being seen on every trip and hundreds of Sealions feeding in huge groups. it is all quite a sight. !

9-12-23 Today was another great day of whale watching. On the 9:00 am trip we found 12 to 15 Humpback whales feed vigorously with a few hundred Sealions! We enjoyed at least 10 breaches also. Then on the 11:30 trips we started off with 6 to 8 Humpbacks and quickly spotted several more. We saw 3 or 4 breaches also. The wind did come up early and the ocean became rather rowdy and we all got a bit wet but everyone though it was worth it for the great show we enjoyed out there..

9-11-23 Back into the action! Today we found a big feeding frenzy with 10 to 15 Humpback whales feeding with hundreds of Sealions. Both trips saw some breaching also but the 11:30 trip was treated to far more breaches than we could count! I do believe it was the most breaches we have ever seen on one trip in the 12 years we have been running trips at Port San Luis.

9-10-23 Unfortunately today the ocean was very rough offshore and the whales had moved away from the shore so we only found 1 on the 9:00 am trip. By the time the 11:30 trip started the ocean had gotten very rough everywhere and we had to cancel the whale watching and instead we went for a very nice coastal tour.

9-9-23 Today both trips enjoyed some very active Humpback whales lunge feeding! The 9:00 am trip found 10 to 12 whales and also saw some breaching. The 11:30 trip saw 5 Humpbacks and some very dramatic fast paced lunge feeding..

9-8-23 Today was very foggy but we still found at least 10 Humpback whales on each trip. We saw magnificent lunge feeding by the Humpbacks and to keep us entertained between the whales surfacing we also saw hundreds of Harbor porpoise. 

9-7-23 Today we found 8 to 10 humpbacks on each trip. We saw many lunge feeding displays and were at times surrounded by whales and Harbor Porpoise.

9-5-23 The fog was thick today but so were the whales! both trips saw 10 to 15 Humpbacks whales lunge feeding! it was a bit spooky with the fog and whales bursting up out of the water.

9-4-23 Great day of whale watching today. Both trips saw 10 or more Humpback vigorously feeding in 2 groups. there were also numerous Harbor Porpoise and thousands of sea birds.

9-3-23 another good day with calm seas and abundant wildlife! the 9:00 am saw 5 Humpbacks feeding. They also saw thousands of birds feeding and numerous Harbor Porpoise. The 11:30 trip saw 2 Humpbacks and some very exciting lunge feeding from one of them. There were also hundreds of harbor porpoise  frolicking about. 9-2-23 On the 9:00 am tour we saw millions of Shearwaters floating and flying about. We also found 3 Humpback whales, dozens of Harbor porpoise and one huge Mola Mola. The Mola Mola or Ocean Sunfish is a very strange looking fish that feeds on Jelly fish and can grow to be over 12 feet long. On the 11:30 trip we again saw the millions of Shear waters as we enjoyed a very tranquil tour across the bay with a Humpback whale that would stop on occasion and slap its tail.

9-1-23 Today things slowed down a bit but we still found several Humpbacks on each trip. On the 9;00 am trip we also found a big pod of Dolphins! Hundreds of Pacific Common dolphin gave a a wonderful escort back towards the port after we spent an hour watching 2 very big Humpbacks. The 11 am trip did not see the dolphins but they did see 2 Humpback whales.

8-31-23 Today we found one Humpback whale in the Port and 3 more feeding farther down the beach. Then on the 11:30 trip we found 3 Humpbacks feeding near the beach. We also found a small pod of 20 dolphins that gave us a great show as they were hunting fish.

8-29-23 Todays 8:30 trip saw several breaches and some great lunge feeding. 10 to 12 Humpbacks in all! Then the wind picked up and we needed to stay closer to shore on the 11:00 am trip but we still found 2 Humpback whales feeding amongst thousands of Sooty Shearwaters.

8-28-23 Another incredible day with both trips seeing 20 or more Humpbacks lunge feeding!.

8-27-23 The unbeilable feeding frenzy with 20 to 30 humpbacks is going in full force.

8-26-23Both trips today saw more of the amazing feeding frenzy with 20 to 30 Humpback all lunge feeding in close proximity to each other. 

8-25-23 Excellent Whale watching today with both trips seeing 20 to 30 Humpback Whales lunge feeding! There were multiple whales in sight in almost every direction and minute of  the trip once we found them.

8-24-23 Today was another spectacular event of watching 20 to 30 whales lunge feeding. What is so wonderful about events like this is that while we are near 4 to 6 whales feeding as we look around within a mile of us we see dozens more poking their heads up out of the water as they lunge feed after Anchovies.

8-23-23 A rather intense feeding area has formed with 20 to 30 whales being sighted within a 2 mile area! Both trips enjoyed dozens of great sightings with as many as 5 Humpback whales lunge feeding together! This was happening on both tours! We also saw hundreds of Pacific Common Dolphins on the 8:30 trip and hundreds of Harbor Porpoise on both trips! 

8-22-23 Today the dolphins returned and we saw them everywhere we went! The whales were also plentiful and we saw 8 to 10 on each trip! We had very flat seas and sunny skies.

8-21-23 Fantastic day of whale watching with both trips seeing 8 to 10 whales. We saw lunge feeding and also dozens of Harbor porpoise.

8-20-23 The 8:30 trip found whales in with in 2 minutes of exiting the port. then we went down to Pismo beach where we saw 10 or more whales lunge feeding. The 11 am trip got lucky with a breach run . First one then 2 then 3 Humpback all jumping over and over. It was an amazing day.

8-16-23 So many whales on both trips ! We saw 10 to 20 maybe more Humpbacks breaching and lunge feeding. If that was not enough there were also hundreds of dolphins frolicking about as dolphins do! 8-15-23 Another great day with 10 to 20 Humpbacks on each trip. the 8:30 trip saw some impressive breaches also.

8-14-23 Today on the 8:30 trip we enjoyed 3 Humpbacks as they slowly made their way across the bay. On the 11:00 am trip we only found 1 in the same area and decided as a group to take a chance and go looking for more whales. What we found was remarkable and one of the best trips of the year so far! We found 20 to 30 Humpbacks all feeding within a square 1/2 mile. There was breaching and lunge feeding and whales all around the boat at times. There was also 5 to 6 hundred Sealions around us. It was jaw dropping amazing to be around so many animals that were all feeding with a great deal of  intensity! 

to be around.8-13-23 On todays 8:30 trip we found 7 Humpbacks in a very vigorous feeding frenzy. Super exciting as the broke the surface at high speed over and over. on the 11 am trip we did not find as many whales but we did find some and we saw 3 full breaches so all in all another very good day.

8-12-23 today was another fantastic day of whale watching with bot trips see over 10 whales and some big Sealion feeding frenzies.

8-11-23 Excellent weather today and lots of whales!! 10 to 12  Humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and 15 or more on the 11 :00 am trip! All under a partly cloudy and very blue sky while enjoying some warm temps. perfect day!!

8-10-23 first day back after a couple off and so excited to get back out there as I had heard that the whales had been close to shore. Unfortunately we did not find any on the 8:30 trip as we worked our way out slowly looking where they had been reported the day before. On the 11 am trip we went strait offshore to where I frequently find whales and there we found 7 humpbacks. One was breaching a bit also. Turned into a great day as on the way back we were joined by 30 to 40 dolphins that played around the bow for a bit..

.8-7-23 through 8-9-23 closed

8-6-23 So unfortunate that on the 8:30 trip we did not find any whales as the fog was obscuring the middle part of the bay and we did a big circle around that area and found nothing. Then on the 11:00 am trip right there in the middle of the bay we found a huge feeding frenzy of 15 to 20 Humpback whales and enjoyed one of the best trips of the year!!

8-5-23 Today we found 2 Humpbacks feeding near Pismo beach on both tours. 

8-4-23 Bummer it was too rough and too foggy to get to the whales so we had to switch both trips to coastal trips.

8-3-23 They are back!! Today we found 7 Humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and spent a good deal of time with 3 of them. On the 11:00 am trip things got wild with 13 Humpbacks and 200 sealions in a rowdy feeding frenzy!!!   

8-1-23 What a difference a day makes! Today on the 8:30 we found 2 Humpbacks and a huge pod (500) of Pacific Common Dolphins! Then on the 11:00 am trip we found 6 Humpbacks and 3 of them were very active feeding with a raft of Sealions. hopefully this is the start of somthing good!!

7-31-23 Today was a perfect ending to the worst July of whale watching in 12 years. We did not find any whales on either trip today. While we usually find whales on over 95% of the trips in July this year it is closer to 60%. Hopefully August will be better. 

7-30-23 Today was warm and sunny near shore but rough and windy offshore so we opted to spend our time nearshore. We found the same juvenile Humpback feeding on its own near Pismo beach. There were hundreds of Cormorants, Pelicans and Gulls there also making for some great wildlife viewing. On trips like this we also get to hangout with the Sea Otters and Sealions more and best of all we are very warm and have a chance to enjoy some sunshine.

7-29-23 Today was windy and very rough sea conditions offshore so instead of getting beat up out there we played around with the same juvenile Humpback  as yesterday on both trips. The 11 am trip had the bonus of seeing 2 Bottle Nose Dolphins as they played under the bow of the boat.

7-28-23 While the whales offshore continue to be either absent or we are just having some bad luck finding them we did find a juvenile Humpback near shore today. On the 8:30 trip it greeted us with 4 impressive full breaches!! After that display we saw a few more half breaches as it worked around a school of fish. When we returned on the 11:00 am trip we watched it for over an hour as it was now lunge feeding on the same big school of Anchovies. It was also a very nice warm sunny day which made it all the better.

7-27-23 Todays 8:30 trip the folks were very late so we went looking for other animals near shore and did find a Great White shark!  The wind came up early and chased  us off the water on the 11:00 am trip. With these challenges  we did not find any Whales today. But we did see a Great White shark plus lots of sea lions and sea otters. Also hundreds of seabirds including Cormorants, Terns, Gulls, Pelicans and Pigeon Guillemots.

7-25-23 Today we found 2 big Humpbacks moving slowly across the bay on the 8:30 trip. The best part of the trip was that we finally had no fog! Unfortunately we were unable to find them or any other whales on the 11 am trip due in part to rising seas.

7-24-23 Today was so foggy that we cancelled the whale watching trips and went on the coastal explorer  trip instead. We saw Sea lions and Sea otters plus many types of sea birds. The coolest thing that we saw on both trips was a Great white shark that has been hanging out around the bay for a few weeks now.

7-23-23 Today we only did a 8:30 whale watching trip and once again we did not find a whale. This is the worst no whale streak by far that we have ever had. Hopefully it turns around soon as July is typically a great month to see whales into our bay.

7-22-23 More of the fog today which makes find whales more difficult. Unfortunately in the areas where there was some better visibility no whales presented themselves to be seen. 

7-21-23 No whales were spotted on the 8:30 trip but we did find one on the 11:00 am trip

7-20-23 Today was another challenging day with poor visibility. We did manage to find one whale on each trip but only for a short while.

7-19-23 Today we found a whale that we have watched grow up here for the past 5 years. We named this whale 'Speckles" due to the many white spots on is body and tail. We first meet it when it was very small and obviously a new born that year but what was different is that it was not with its mom. It has been wonderful to not only watch it survive but also thrive and grow year after year.

7-18-23 Today was much better as we found 2 humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and saw a few more nearby. Then on the 11:00 am trip we found 3 Humpbacks. Both of these encounters were closer to the port than what we have been seeing lately which translates to more time with the whales.  The weather was perfect and the seas were calm. Overall a very nice day to be on the water.

7-17-23 today we found 1 humpback on the 11:00 am trip. We moved the 8:30 trip to 1:30 due to very heavy fog a in the morning. We had excellent conditions but could not find a whale or much of anything really. 

17-16-23 today was beautiful offshore with patchy fog opening up to bright sunshine in an area then back to fog. it was like flying through clouds. We found a minke whale on the 8:30 trip. On the 11:00 am trip we found a pod of Common Dolphins that escorted us for about 2 miles which was very fun as they swim under the bow. Then we found 2 Humpbacks, a cow and calf pair the were basically frolicking about.The calf was very active and did some breaching.

7-15-23 The day started off with heavy fog and no whale sightings on the first trip. But on the 11 am trip the fog lifted and we found a beautiful Mama Humpback with her calf swimming peacefully across the bay.

7-14-23 This is starting to get seriously weird , we did not find any whales today on either trip.

7-13 closed

7-12-23 Todays 8:30 trip went out in heavy fog which makes finding the whales much more difficult but we did manage to find a humpback whale. We had several good sighting that lasted over 30 minutes. Unfortunately the fog got denser on the 11 am trip and we were not able to find any whales.

7-11-12 Unfortunately we are having the longest slump in sightings that I can remember in the past 12 years. It has been 6 days with no whale, a big part of the issue has been either rough seas or dense fog hindering our searches. Today was quite foggy but at least the seas were calm. We did find some other delightful things to look at.

7-10-23 No whales again today! We ran 2 trips under fairly good sea conditions but were unable to find any whales. This is rather unprecedented for our bay which is usually teaming with life this time of year.

7-8-23 Today the wind was blowing up some rough conditions about 4 miles out. The whales have been consistently about 6 to 8 miles out so we were hoping to get out there. We did search a large area within 4 miles of the shore that usually has some whales but we were unsuccessful in finding any.  On our return to the port mother nature did shine on us though with the sighting of a Great White shark. Then on the 11 am trip we cancelled the whale watch and went for a coastal trip were we found 2 more Great White sharks! One of them was about 10 ft long and swam around with us for 30 minutes! 

7-7-23 Not sure what happened or where the whales went, unfortunately we did not find any whales on the 8:30 trip even though we searched a large area that has been very consistent with whales for the past 4 weeks.. On the 11:00 am trip we fared a bit better finding 2 whales but the sea conditions quickly deteriorated making viewing difficult. After such good sightings earlier in the week toady was not much fun.

. 7-5-23 Today was excellent whale watching with several groups of 3 to 4 whales feeding on both trips. As we were with 2 or 3 whales in one group we would see other pairs moving around us.

7-4-23 Happy Fourth! great whale watching today with both trips getting good sightings. the 8:30 trip had 2 big older whales get excited and start jumping near the boat! They were very impressive. Then on the 11 am trip we saw over 20 whales feeding in several groups. very exciting day.

7-3-23 A very good day of whale watching today! The 8:30 trip found several groups of 2 to 3 Humpback whales feeding with groups of up to 50 Sealions. The 11:00 am trip went back to the same area and several of the pods had come together.  There were now 10 Humpbacks feeding in a rather robust frenzy with more than 200 Sealions. The whales were all surfacing together in a rather dramatic fury of activity at the surface.

7-2-23 Today on the 8:30 trip we spent some time with one Humpback whale that did some nice lunge feeding and a few close swims by the boat. We did see another whale in the distance. On the 11 am trip we found 2 Humpbacks feeding with about 100 Sealions . On the trip we saw several more moving about the area but we stuck with the 2 whales as they were very active.

7-1-23 Another good day despite the fog we found 2 Humpback on the 8:30 trip and 1 on the 11:00 am trip. We saw many lunge feeding events on both trip.

6-29-23 Today we searched for 1.5 hours in some foggy conditions before we found some whales. Fortunately   there were 7 humpbacks feeding with a hundred sealions which made for a good show. Then on the 11 am trip we found 3 Humpbacks . Good Day all in all.

6-28-23 Another good day today on both tours. we found 5 humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and 3 on the 11:00 am trip. The sun started to came out at 10 am and both trips enjoyed some beautiful scenery as the sun light up the hills.

6-27-23 GREAT DAY! Both trips played with literally thousands of Common Dolphins, they were everywhere we went, the pod went on for over a mile! They played with us constantly swimming in front of us and racing in from the sides whenever we moved to catch up to the whales. .Both trips also saw 3 to 5 Humpback Whales feeding and moving about the bay.

6-26-23 We are back! We had a great trip at 8:30 today with 7 Humpback Whales.. then on the 11 am trip it got pretty windy and rough but everyone wanted to go anyway and we did manage to find 1 Humpback that gave us a good show. All in all a nice first day back! 6-18 through 6-25-23 Closed

6-17-23 Today was also fantastic whale watching! The 8:30 trip started right off with some good breaching! Them we settled in with 6 to 10 Humpback whales that were feeding amongst 2 to 3 hundred Sealions. The 11:00 trip also enjoyed 6 or more Humpbacks feeding amongst hundreds of Sealions.

6-16-23 Today was one of the best days so far this year! Both of our whale watching trips saw an abundance of Humpback whales! We were around 5 to 10 whales most of the time with more around us. I would say that we saw 20 or more total on each trip. We were also seeing 3 to 5 hundred Sealions in a big feeding frenzy!  the whole thing was very dynamic as they chased the fish. we also saw at least 5 breaches on each trip! It was a great day to be on the water.

6-15-23 Today was filled with excellent whale watching, on the 8:30 trip we found 5 Humpbacks feeding in a big frenzy with hundreds of Sealions. There was also a juvenile Humpback that started breaching close to the boat, 10 to 15 big jumps just for us!. On the 11 am trip We found them again and saw 7 Humpbacks and the big feeding frenzy. We also had some tail slapping, what a great day.

6-14-23 On the 8:30 trip we found 2 Humpbacks slowly making their way across the bay. On the 11;00 am trip we fared a bit better and found 5 Humpback in all.

6-12-23 On todays 8:30 trip we found a juvenile Humpback that was off on its own doing what youngsters do. Breaching and pectoral slapping followed by swimming up under and around us in a classic mugging. Then on the 11:00 am trip we found 3 Dalls porpoise that gave us an exciting escort for about 10 minutes. Then we found  5 Humpbacks slowly swimming across the bay and all of this under some beautiful partly sunny skies.

6-11-23 both of todays trips were fantastic. We found 3 Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of sealions on the 8:30 trip. there were also another 3 whales close by and one of them breached! Then on the 11 am trip we mostly spent time with 2 huge older whales that swam up very close to the boat twice. The partly cloudy skies were very dramatic.

6-10-23 We are back on a hot streak! Today we found 6 big Humpbacks feeding with a few hundred sealions. They were very active showing us their magnificent tails over and over. Then to top it off we saw 4 big beautiful breaches!

6-9-23 Nice day on the water with fairly calm seas and overcast skies. we found 5 Humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and 3 on the the 11 am trip. We also found hundreds of sealions feeding in a big frenzy on both trips.

6-8-23  Best day in a long time! We only had 2 people booked which we usually cancel but they agreed to pay for one more seat to meet our minimum of 3 paying customers for the trip to go.  They were very happy to get a perfect bluebird day  with flat seas. We found a big feeding frenzy with hundreds of sealions and hundreds of Pacific White Sided dolphins! Mixed in we saw at least 20 Humpbacks feeding also. Best trip in awhile weather and animal wise.

6-7-23 Great sea conditions but not many whales today. We did find one whale on the 8:30 trip but none on the 11:00 am trip. Hopefully this turns around soon as June is usually a good month for seeing a fair number of whales.

6-5-23 We found one Humpback early on the 8:30 trip along with thousands of "by the wind sailors" a type of jellyfish. We also found one Humpback whale on the 11:00 am trip after a bit of searching. On both of these trips we also viewed and talked about Sea Otters and Sealions.

6-4-23 Today on the 8:30 trip we found about 15 Dalls porpoise which put on a great show darting around the boat at very high speeds. They are super exciting to be around and they really seem to enjoy interacting with the boat as a big play toy. They are fairly rare and we only see them a few times a year on average. Then on the 11:30 trip we found a big beautiful Humpback chasing fish out in the same area that we had returned to do the hundreds of Pelicans and thousands of Shearwaters that were out there..

6-3-23 Well it happens today we did not find any whales but on the 8:30 trip we did find about 20 Risso Dolphins which are quite large. they are about the size of a small pilot whale with a dorsal fin that protrudes from the water about 2 feet. the are regular visitors through the winter months most years but these are the first I have seen since last November. On the 11:00 am trip we did not find any whales but we did visit with some sealions , jellyfish and Sea otters 

6-2-23 Every day is different, today we did not find any whales on the 8:30 trip and only 1 on the 11:00 am trip. Hopefully we see more tomorrow.

6-1-23 Oh yea what a great start to June! We found 3 Humpbacks on the 8;30 trip with some huge breaches near the boat. then on the 11 am trip we found 2 huge older whales feeding a bit farther offshore. It was a great way to start off a new month of adventures!

5-30-23 today we saw 2 humpback whales both were lunge feeding on occasion the best part was they were only 1 mile from the port so we were with whales for 1 hour and a half of a 2 hour tour. 

5-29-23 A wonderful day of whale watching with both trips once again seeing some breaching! It was interesting that we only found one whale on each trip but when they are jumping that is all we need!

5-28-23 Big day with the 8:30 trip getting mugged by "Barney" ,one of the whales that has been interacting with the boat the past 2 years on a fairly regular basis. On our way back in we found another whale that was breaching over and over. On the 11:00 am trip we went right back to the breaching whale and had over an hour of breaching and pectoral slapping. What a great show! The whale was so close to the harbor that we took the afternoon Coastal Explorer trip  out to see it also!

5-27-23 Both trips today saw one Humpback whale with the 8:30 trip getting one nice viewing of the tail fairly close to the boat. The 11:00 am trip had quite a bit more action with a Humpback whale tail lobbing  dozens of times.

5-26-23 Today was a bit slow with us only finding one Humpback Whale that was swimming slowly about the bay.

5-25-23 We ran one trip today and we saw 2 Humpback whales both moving rather slowly around the bay.

5-24-23 Another good day with the whales with the 8:30 trip seeing 5 Humpback whales and the 11:00 trip seeing 3. Both groups were feeding with Sealions and the whole experience was rather exciting.

5-22-23  today was one of the best in over a week, on the 8:30 we found 7 Humpbacks in a good sized feeding frenzy with 50 or more Sealions and hundreds of birds. The best part was a juvenile Humpback that breached at least 10 times for us!!  On the 11 am trip we found the same group of whales and the youngster breached 30 or more times for us!

5-20-23 On todays 8:30 trip we found 2 Humpback whales  one of them a juvenile gave us a nice mugging swimming right up next to the boat for 5 minutes. Unfortunately we did not find any whales on the 11 am trip but we did find a huge ocean sunfish , thousands of jellyfish and some harbor porpoise.

5-19-23 Unfortunately we did not find any whales on either trip. we did find tens of thousands of "by the wind sailors"  a small jellyfish that is quite beautiful and we of course spent some time with the Sea Otters, Sealions and Harbor Seals.

5-18-23 We found 3 Humpback whales and were mugged for about 5 minutes by a very curious calf that was swimming with its mom. 

5-17-23 Nice day on the water this morning. We spotted 5 Humpback whales and 2 of them preformed big breaches for us!! 

5-16-23 On the 8:30 trip we found a couple of Humpbacks and enjoyed watching some lunge feeding. On the 11:00 am trip we saw 3 Humpbacks and saw one breach!

 5-14-23 Not sure where all of the whales have gone but we did manage to find 1 Minke whale on the 8:30 trip along with some very cool jellyfish called "by the wind sailors" plus a little time with the Sea Otters Sea lions and Harbor Seals.  On the 11 am trip we found all of those things and 2 Humpbacks so I think we are back on track.

5-13-23 Well it happens every now and then and we did not find any whales on either trip. There were of course many other animals to see.

5-9-23 We just did one tour today at 8:30 am and it was amazing . We saw several whales with one of them Breaching 10 or more times close to the boat! 

5-8-23 Both trips today were fantastic and very different. The 8:30 trip had fairly cal conditions and saw 15 or more whales with some breaching in the distance. The 11am trip got windy and rough out there and we all got wet. But it was very worth it as we first found a Grey whale cow and calf pair swimming north close to shore and teh moma brought the calf fairly close to us . she also breached several times which is no somthing we see very often. Then we headed out and after a wild ride in the big waves we found 2 humpbacks that did a bit of breaching also.

5-7-23 Two more great trips today wit both trips seeing breaches and tails rising high as the whales would dive. The 11:00 am trip was also mugged for about 10 minutes. The 8:30 trip was nice and warm then the wind came up a bit on the 11:00 am trip and it got cold and wet. Please be sure to bring your jackets even if it is warm on shore!!

 5-6-23 Today's 8:30 trip was magical, after seeing over a dozen Humpbacks whales and some harbor porpoise two Humpback whales swam over and gave us close up look at them. My guests had flown here from Britain just to do my tour and the whales did not disappoint.  The 2 whales swam within inches of the boat for 10 minutes. The 11:00 am trip also saw a dozen or so Humpback whales with some nice tail lobing and tail slapping. We also saw a few breaches in the distance.

5-5-23 After being shut down from more rain we finally had a clear day to go back out and what a day it was. We saw over a dozen Humpback whales and a Minke whale moving about the bay.

5-1-23 Today was interesting as we found 4 California Grey whales close to shore as we were just heading out not even 5 minutes into the trip. They meandered around the bay for 20 minutes before resuming their long migration back to the Arctic. We decided to head offshore to look for some Humpbacks and we found two in less than 5 minutes and spent 40 minutes with them. Then we headed down the coast a bit to see some Otters and Harbor Seal pups. it was a good day!

4-29-23 Today was unbelievably active. We saw 15 to 20 Humpbacks on each trip! both trips saw multiple breaches and had whale in every direction that we looked. The 11 am trip had a "mugging" this is where a whale comes in close to the boat and swims under and around us for some time. Today it was about 5 minutes. It is called a mugging because for the whales safety we can not move the boat until the whale decides to move off to a clear distance of 100 ft. on occasion this can last for 30 minutes to an hour..

4-27-23 Today was pretty foggy but we still managed to find 3 Humpback whales that gave us a very nice experience. They swam over close to the boat several times and showed us their magnificent tails as they dove. we also found a couple of rafts of about 50 sealions out there.

4-26-23 Best day this year so far !!! We started off seeing a Grey Whale cow and calf pair near shore then we found a Minke Whale a few miles out. I thought that was pretty good but then it got even better. We found several big feeding frenzies with sea lions and 7 to 8 humpbacks whales. All very actively feeding. I would guess we saw over 20 whales on one trip today!.

4-25-23 They are BACK! while we have seen some Humpbacks moving through our bay over the past 2 weeks we have not had any feeding. Today that changed and we found  3 Humpback working through an area with hundreds of birds feeding and they appeared to be feeding also.  Good times are at hand.

4-21-23 Today was another nice warm spring day! we found a beautiful Grey whale cow and calf pair on the 8;30 trip and had a Minke whale swim around the boat a few times on the 11 am trip. plus otters ,harbor seals and sealions on both trips.

4-20-23  Today we enjoyed a beautiful trip with clam seas within a few miles of the port and rather big seas and rough conditions about 4 miles out. It was very cool to experience the ocean in two very different states. We found one Humpback out in the rough water and one in the rather glorious calmer waters. We also stopped by to see the Harbour seal pups with their moms at Smith rock which will only be around for a few more weeks before they head for different resting areas around the bay.

4-18-23 Today we started off with excellent sea conditions for whale watching that quickly deteriorated after an hour or so. We did not find any whales until we were almost done with our time and that whale disappeared after one sighting.

4-16-23 We did not find any whales on the whale watching trip but we did find a grey whale cow with her new calf on the 1 hour coastal trip.

4-13through 4-15 we closed due to high winds and poor sea conditions.

4-11-23 Today's 8:30 trip spent well over an hour with 5 humpback whales. The wind came up and the waves got big by 11 am so we stayed in closer to shore where we found 5 harbor seals with pups. we also found 10 bottlenose dolphins swimming across the bay. there were also sea otters and sea lions so overall a pretty good day!

4-7-23 Today was an amazing day to be whale watching. We enjoyed calm seas on 3 trips. We found 2 beautiful Grey whales on the first trip, 2 Humpback whales on the second trip and 3 humpbacks plus 2 grey whales on the third trip! We also stopped by Smith rock where we have been seeing 4 to 5 very young Harbor seal pups resting peacefully with their moms.

4-6-23 We found 2 grey whales on the first trip but then the wind built and made the waves a bit rough on the second trip and we were unable to find a whale amongst the waves. We did see Otters and super cute Harbor seal pups plus some very loud Sea Lions.

4-5-23 After some very windy days we finally got back on the water where we found 2 grey whales on one trip and 2 Humpback on the other. It was still pretty rough out there but the sightings made it worthwhile.

3-26-23 Today started off pretty nice with smaller seas and we found 2 beautiful Grey Whales heading north . unfortunately the waves and winds picked back up and we were unable to go out to the whales on the second trip.

3-25-23 After more days of being shut down due to bad weather we got back on the water today but it was still pretty rough and we only saw one whale briefly from a distance. We did of course visit with some other wildlife which made the trip fun.

3-20-23  unfortunately we had rough seas and then it started to rain lightly and some folks started to feel ill so we returned early. No whales on this trip. We did spend some time cruising the harbor area and enjoyed some time with the otters and sealions.

3-18-23  Todays trip[ was another amazing experience. We found more grey whales than we could keep track of. My guess on numbers would be 14 or more! 

3-16-23 After 8 days of bad weather today we finally were able to go out to look for whales. We had a great trip, I think in total we saw 10 or more whales. The first exciting part of the trip was 2 Grey whales playing with a Humpback whale which is not something we rarely see. Then as we went looking for some more whales a large adult Grey swam straight over to us and engaged with the boat for about 20 minutes. It was right under us enjoying some people watching.

3-8-23 It just keeps getting better. Today we ran one trip and it was amazing as we sighted 14 Grey whales. 3 of which we stayed with for 30 minutes as they would surface close enough to the boat that we could hear them breathing!

. 3-7-23 another perfect day with 7 Grey whales sighted on one trip.

3-6-23 Best day in this run between storms so far. 3 Grey whales traveled with us many times coming fairly close. It was a beautiful morning with a mix of sun and clouds but best of all no wind so the seas were smooth between the good sized swell.  It was a magical day for a very special, wonderful young person who delighted the whales as much or more than they delighted us.

3-5-23 Another great day of whale watching as we were with 2 then 3 Grey whales as they swam steadily north. We saw 2 more about 300 yards away making our trip total to be 5 whales! 

3-4-23 After a long shut down due to bad weather we are back on the water! Today was fantastic, we found 7 Grey whale on the 9 am trip and 4 on the 12 pm trip. both trips found whales early on and enjoyed 1.5 hours of seeing whales!  All of these whales were north bound which is what we expect this time of the year. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will be able to enjoy the next 3 to 4 weeks of great whale watching as the Grey whales head north past our shores.

2-21-23 The wind came on strong today and we have bad weather forecast until next week so we will be closed for a bit.

2-20-23 Today we found 1 grey whale heading north on the 9 amtrip. Unfortunately the wind came up and we were not able to search very much on the 12 pm trip and so did not find any whales. 2-19-23 Both of today's trips had excellent encounters with Grey whales . The 9 am trip found 3 grey whales heading north and the 12 pm trip found 2 going south and then we saw 3 more heading north.  It was a beautiful clear day with lots of sunshine.

2-18-23 Today was perfect for whale watching! We enjoyed calmish seas ands sunny skies as we found 8 Grey whales moving north in a coupe of separate groups. We were with whales for one hour and 30 minutes of the tour.  We also experienced some nice sea otter and sea lion encounters. this typically the beginning of 3 to 4 weeks of great whale watching.

2-12-23 We seem to be in a bad lull with not a whale to be seen today. The North bound migration should start kicking in soon. Last year by Mid February we were seeing multiple groups of north bounders on each trip. so hopefully we start to see them in the coming week. There is a big field of Poppies blooming up by Pt Bushon and it would be very cool to get some pictures of them swimming by that!

2-10-23 no whales again today lots of searching an empty ocean, At least it was beautiful out there.

2-8-23 We were off for a few days and had high hope for today but the whale gods were not with us

2-4-23 Another great day for seeing Grey whales! We found 4 heading south on one trip and 3 on the next!

2-2-23 Today was another wonderful trip out to see the whales. We searched a bit but then found 7 Grey Whales traveling in a group of 5 and another pair traveling about 200 yards away. They were very active and spent a good deal of time on the surface which is good for us. We also saw sea Otters and Sealions to round out the great morning.

1-31-23 After 2 days off It was really a treat to go out today and have our best day of the month. After only about 20 minutes of searching  we found 3 Grey whales then 2 more and then another 2. All of them were heading south and they were very large whales, which leads me to think we are just getting into the main part of the southbound migration. It has been happening a little later each year. This  year it appears to be a few weeks later than last year. If you want to see some Grey whales now is the time.

1-28-23 Todays trips enjoyed some great weather and some great whale sightings. the 9 am tour found a cow and calf pair heading south. The calf still had what are known as fetal folds indicating that it was less than 10 days old. They swam over close to the boat twice to get a look at us.  The 12 pm trip found 4 Grey whales slowly moving south across the bay. Both trip also enjoyed some good Sea Otter and Sealion viewing.

1-27-23 Today was another spectactular day with warm temps and clear blue skies. We found 1 very big Grey whale heading south and at point it breached for us.  This whale was a bit more relaxed with us than the others have been lately.

We also had a nice encounter with a momma Sea Otter and her pup along with a few other Otters. The Sealions were also out and entertaining.

1-25-22 Another beautiful day on the water with clear skies and green hills on shore. We did find 1 Grey Whale and got to spend a bit of time with it but like the others we have seen recently it seemed a bit skittish and we lost sight of it after about 15 minutes. Still wondering where the Dolphins are also, this has been  weird year so far.. 

1-24-23 Beautiful sunny day today and we found 2 Grey whales moving south and a mid sized Humpback whale  that appeared to to feeding now and then. It is not typical to see Humpbacks this time of year but also not unheard of. My big question is where are all of the Grey whales and dolphins which we usually see more of this time of year?

1-21-23 Today was very clear and the seas were fairly calm. We visited with the Sea Lions  and Otters but were not lucky with the whales. Hopefully this will change soon as typically we have good sightings in January.

1-20-23 Today we finally had good conditions to go look for some whales. I was hoping for big numbers and a big glorious return to the Grey whale watching season as this is typically a good time. But unfortunately we searched for an hour and a half before we found 2 grey whales.  By then the conditions had deteriorated a bit and the whale quickly disappeared into the waves and we could not find them again. What we did get to see was beautiful coastline with lots of green grass growing from all the rain. There are also quite a few Sealions, Otters and seals in the bay and so nice winter birds.

1-8-23 The ocean has been to rough to go out for 8 days now and the forecast for the next week looks grim. I hope the grey whales are enjoying their migration south, we will get back out there to greet them just as soon as we can..

1-1-23 Happy New Year, usually we would be opening tomorrow for the Grey Whale season but there is a fair bit of bad weather in the forecast, Stay tuned as we will reopen once it settles a bit.

12-23-22 Well it was bound to happen eventually, our 2 month streak of seeing whales on every trip ended today. We are now closed for the holidays.

12-22-22 Today we enjoyed a nice encounter with one Humpback whale.

12-21-22 Today was a bit more challenging and we did some searching but we did find 1 Humpback whales . We also found 50 to 100 Harbor Porpoise and a wide variety of seabirds. 

12-20-22 Things slowed a bit today with us finding 1 Humpback and one Minke whale. The ocean was mostly smooth and the sky was beautiful with some high clouds. We also viewed Sea lions and Sea Otters plus several types of seabirds.

12-19-22 we are having a great December this year so far we have seen Humpbacks on every trip! We found 2 humpbacks on each trip today. They were feeding with a few hundred sea lions and swam within 20 ft of the boat several times! All under a beautiful blue sky with flat calm seas.

12-18-22 Another great day on the water with 3 Humpbacks on one trip and 2 on the other.  There were also hundreds of sea lions and thousands of seabirds

12-17-22 So happy the Humpbacks are still here! Today we saw 5 Humpbacks on the 9:30 trip and another 4 on the 12:30 trip! the seas are totally flat making this a great time to go whale watching

12-15-22 Beautiful sea conditions and plentiful Humpback whales!! We found 3 Humpbacks that we stayed with for well over an hour as they were feeding with Hundreds of sea lions! there were also thousands of seabirds out there feeding. Great morning to be out on the water!

12-14-22 Another beautiful day with flat calm seas and sunshine. Two Humpbacks were hanging around near the port feeding along with a few hundred birds. Pelicans were diving at high speeds while we waited fior the whales to surface. We then went offshore and found 30 to 50 Harbor Porpoise.

12-13-22 After another break due to bad weather we went out today under beautiful blue skies with very calm seas. The Humpback whales are still here and we found 2 on our whale watching trip and 2 more on an ash scattering trip. On the whale watching trip we also saw quite a bit of other wildlife.  Sea Otters, Sea lions, Harbor porpoise and 8 different species of sea birds so all in all a very good trip!  So far we have seen whales on every trip in November and December!!

12-9-22 After a week off due to bad weather and some other obligations we got back on the water with some friends and we found 4 humpbacks feeding with about 500 Sea lions in big feeding frenzy.

11-30-22 So happy we saw whales on 100 percent of our whale watching / wildlife viewing trips in November. today we finished the month seeing 6 Humpbacks and several hundred Sea lions feeding fairly close to shore. The seas were very calm and the water very clear as we watched the Sea lions swim under the boat. We have a big storm coming in that will shut us down until Monday so we will see just how long this season will go next week.

11-29-22 Our hot streak continues with 6 Humpbacks feeding amongst a huge raft of Sea lions  I would guest 1500 to 2000 sea lions and an uncountable number of seabirds were all feeding in a tremendous frenzy of activity.. The weather was spectacular and the seas reasonable.

11-28-22 excellent whale watching again today! We encountered 6 Humpback whales and spotted 2 more a ways off. We watched them feed in a big feeding frenzy with over 500 sea lions and thousands a sea birds, gulls, pelicans, shearwaters and cormorants. the season is still going strong!

11-27-22 First day back after a Thanksgiving break and it was better than I hoped for. We saw at least 10 Humpback whales feeding amongst hundreds if not a thousand sea lions. Smooth seas and a sunny day made it all the better. Very thankful to be able to go out and see all of this.

11-22-22 We ran 2 trips again today! both were wonderful but the 9:30 trip had a bit more excitement with several breaches near the boat. It was amazing watching a huge animal launching itself out of the water and crashing back down in a huge back flop. The 12:30 trip encountered several more Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of sea lions..

11-21-22 two great whale watching trips today! the 9:30 trip saw 10 or more Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of sea lions. at one time 6 were all together. The 12:30 trip was a photographers private trip and he was treated to 3 Humpbacks Breaching and pectoral slapping for over an hour.  Several times 2 of the whales were in the air at the same time with the 3 rd one close behind. this was one of the most spectactular trips of the Year.

11-20-22 Another great day on the water. Beautiful clear blue skies and plentiful Humpback whales. We saw at least 10 whales on the 9:30 trip with 3 up close to the boat several times as they were feeding amongst 100's of Sea lions..

11-19-22 Today was again beautiful, sunny and warm with 6 Humpbacks feeding in groups of 2 and 3s along with hundreds of Sealions..

11-17-22 We started off under beautiful warm clear skies. The water amazing ,clear and calm. We found 2 groups of 2 Humpbacks and saw at least another 6 spouts off in the distance. The season is still going strong. 

 11-16-22 on today's 9:30 trip we saw 5 Humpbacks feeding about the bay and a few hundred Sealions. All of this under beautiful blue skies. On a trip at 12:30 to scatter ashes we also saw another 3 Humpbacks so the season is still going strong.

11-15-22  Beautiful weather and a very nice trip with several Humpback whales feeding just 4 miles out.

11-14-22 This morning we saw 11  Humpback whales  with 6 feeding in a very active pod. There were also hundreds of Sealions in this feeding frenzy.

11-13-22 The clear blue sky was amazing today and we found 3 Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of Sealions. We also visited with some very busy Sea Otters ..

11-11-22 Today was another successful whale watching excursion. We found 8 or more whales moving about and Lunge feeding on a big school of anchovies! 11-10-22 Today we ventured out after the storm and found more whales have entered our bay. We saw 10 or more Humpback whales.

11-7-22 through 11-9-22 closed for rain

11-6-22 Wonderful morning with 2 Humpbacks that were very entertaining. This was a pair that we know as "Shadow" and her calf the "2" these whales have been interacting with us for 3 years now. The "2" was the second whale after the "1" as in the one that really likes the boat started interacting with us regularly.  Shadow is a very large female that lifts her tail high when she dives for fish and her fluke is a greyish color on the underside where most of the whales have either white or black or a portion that is white or black but rarely do we see grey.The "2" did not disappoint and swam up under and closely around the boat several times.

11-5-22 Awesome day with several Humpback whales and one encounter with a curious juvenile Humpback and mom that we have interacted with many times over the past 3 years ! In total we saw at least 10 whales maybe more in the distance. Hundreds of Sealions feeding also. On this trip we also stopped by a big raft of Sea Otters and the Sealion colony on the breakwater. Overall a very goos day.

 11-4-22 Beautiful weather and flat seas!! We found 5 Humpbacks today and spent some time 2 that were slowly moving across the bay. we also saw some Harbor porpoise, Sea otters and Sealions.

11-1-22 What a difference a day makes. Today we switched from running two 2 hour trips to running one 2.5 hour trip to go in search of whales and other wildlife. What a great start to these new tours. First we visited with about 15  Sea Otters and then moved out to the Sealion colony where well over a hundred animals were barking anf frolicing about on the rocks. Then we headed out to sea and before long we as found 4 Humpbacks and spent an hour with 2 of the biggest Humpbacks we have seen this year as they moved across the bay.! Their flukes when raised out on the water were easily wider than our boat. The sun was shining bright and the seas very calm, it was a perfect day.

10-31-22 Super foggy morning tour but we did still manage to find 2 humpback for a brief time. there were hundreds of harbor porpoise darting about and many seabirds also.

10-30-22 Today was not the best day as it got very windy early making for rough seas. We did still manage to find 2 Humpback whales and about 100 harbor porpoise on the 9:30 trip. Due to the rough seas we changed the 12pm  trip from whale watching to a coastal trip

10-29-22 Great day with many majestic encounter with 3 humpbacks on the 9:30 trip and 2 more on the 12 pm trip. Both trips saw numerous other spouts around us but the ones we were with were very engaging so we stayed with them. there were 10 plus whales around us on each trip.

10-28-22  Another very good day with 2 very different trips. The 9:30 trip enjoyed several different groups of Humpback whales out a few miles and a huge Sealion feeding frenzy.. The 12:00 trip found a super active whale lunge feeding in the bay near the Cal Poly pier.

10-26-22 Fun trip today with 2 huge breaches by a very big whale near the boat! then we found several other whales moving in pairs across the bay.

10-25-22 Today we had two very different and equally amazing trips. The 9:30 trip had a remarkable experience with a cow and calf pair swimming with us for an hour. The calf came over next to us several times and slowly did barrel rolls next to the boat. We then found 10 to 12 humpbacks in a wild feeding frenzy. The wind came up and made it to rough to go back on the 12 pm trip but a single humpback came into the protected part of the bay and put on a great lunge feeding display for 2 hours!

10-24-22 Warm sunny day with fun whale activity on both trips. The 9:30 trip saw 6 whales and spent a good deal of the trip traveling with 2 enormous whales. The 12 pm trip was with 4 humpbacks for almost the whole 2 hours as the whales had moved in very close to the bay.

10-23-22 There is still an abundance of Humpback whales here! Today we saw at least 7 whales on the 9:30 trip and 10 on the 12:00 pm trip. both trips enjoyed sunny skies and very active whales with some breaching as well as tail slaps and pectoral slapping. Some lunge feeding also. The 12:00 pm trip also saw a huge raft of over 400 Sealions feeding! 

10-22-22 Today we found 10 plus Humpbacks on each trip. the 9:00 am trip saw 2 whales  breaching and some tail slapping and the 12:00 am trip saw at least 10 whales and some tail lobbing.

10-21-22 Both trips today were excellent. the 9:30 trip found 10 Humpbacks and one of them put on a great show with 10 or more breaches and another whale tail slapping for 10 minutes! Numerous Harbor Porpoise froliced around us and we also saw Sea Otters and Sealions. The 12 pm trip found 5 Humpbacks and saw a great deal of lunge feeding.

10-20-22 Today we encountered over 10 Humpback on each trip! The 9;30 trip spent a good deal of the trip with 4 very large and active Humpbacks. The 12pm trip enjoyed the same experience and both trips also saw Harbor Porpoise  Sea Otters and Sealions.

10-19-22 Warm and wonderful day! We saw 4 Humpback whales on the 9:30 trip with 2 of them swimming over to us and right up next to the boat in what is known as a mugging. This lasted 30 minutes. On the 12:00 trip we saw multiple whales with 2 swimming close to us and 2 more putting on a tail slapping exhibition!

10-18-22 Excellent whale watching on both trips today. 5 humpbacks on the 9:30 trip and 10 on the 12 am trip.

10-13-22 to 10-17-22 closed for a little get away with the family.

10-12-22 Excellent whale watching all day! The 930 trip had some exciting breaching at first and then multiple sightings of at least 10 whales. The 12 pm trip found 3 Humpbacks and they were breaching and playing around us for over an hour!! 

 10-11-22 It was a fantastic day to be whale watching with 7 Humpback on the 9:30 trip which included 2 huge breaches and some great lunge feeding. The 12 pm trip saw at least 12 whales. The trip started with 10 plus breaches, Pec slapping and more. We saw whales in every direction and bumped from one group to another.  10-10-22 Very nice day on the water with 2 Humpbacks getting up close and personal on the 9:30 trip. They swam within a few feet of the boat, circling us and showing us their bellies for 40 minutes. On the 12:00 trip we saw some epic lunge feeding from 4 whales and had several nice interactions with whales swimming over to have a close look at us.

10-9-22 First Time this year for us to see Orcas. On the 8:30 trip we found 7 orcas feeding on a sea lion while 2 humpbacks tried to defend the sea lion even after it was dead. The whole thing was rather amazing to see. Once the humpback left the area the Orca played and breached many times. The Orca swam quickly over to the boat many times and would swim under us at a high speed, it was all very magical.

10-8-22  Great trips with 6 to 10 Humpbacks on each trip! Sealions by the hundreds and some Dolphins also. Great day.

10-7-22 Even though it was a bit foggy we still found 3 to 4 humpbacks on both tours and one of the whales was very active lunge feeding several times a minute.

10-6-22 A bit foggy bet we did find 5 to 6 whales on each trip

10-4-22 Some really great trips today with some breaching and lunge feeding by some very big whales offshore a few miles .

10-1-22 Both trips had amazing encounters with multiple whales coming in for a close look at us. 2 were up next to us for 20 minutes on the 8:30 trip and then they revisited us on the 11 am trip. We saw 6 to 8 whales on each trip

9-30-22 Great day with quite a few whales on each trip.

9-29-22 Super fun day watching 10 or more whales lunge feeding on each trip.

9-27-22 Nice day of whale watching, every day we go out to see what mother nature provides for us. Some days are jaw dropping amazing and some are a bit more casual and some are very challenging. I so appreciate the folks that are grateful to see a whale in the wild. Today was not epic but we did find 3 whales and hundreds of sealions on the 8:30 trip and 10 Whales very spread out lunge feeding.

9-26-27 Both trips had some good whale sightings of 6 or more Humpback whales

9-25-22 Very Good day of whale watching with the 8:30 am trip finding hundreds of sealions plus about 100 dolphins and at least 10 Humpbacks with some breaching. The 11:00 am trip found 7 Humpbacks and hundreds of sealions feeding in a big frenzy.

9-24-22 Absolutely epic whale watching today! Both trips witnessed 7 to 10 huge humpbacks lunge feeding. These whales were all over 40 ft and very fat. They were much bigger than the whales we have been seeing this year. I am still in awe of haw loud and powerful they were. 

9-23-22 The 8:30 trip was a bit slow with only a few whales to be found. The 11 am trip scored 10 whales lunge feeding with more than a hundred sealions.

9-21-22 Awesome trips today! 10 or more humpbacks on each trip with whales coming over to us to look at the boat. The 8:30 am trip had 3 come up close and swim around us for 30 minutes plus we saw one nice breach. The 11 am trip had a male competition pod get rowdy near us and we also saw several lunge feeding. All under beautiful sunny skis.

9-20-22 Todays 8:30 am trip had a wonderful experience with a whale we know as "The One" returning to play with the boat, We know this whale from last year as the one that really likes the boat. The 11:00 am trip also enjoyed a great trip with sightings of at least 10 Humpbacks.

9-19-22 closed due to rain.

9-18-22 perfect day of whales watching with both trips seeing 15 to 20 humpback whales and some dramatic lunge feeding.

9-17-22 great day on the water with both trips seeing 15 to 20 Humpback whales lunge feeding.

9-16-22 Awesome whale watching on both trips today.  There were 15 to 20 Humpbacks in a big feeding frenzy along with hundreds of sealions and thousands of sea birds.

9-15-22 Huge feeding frenzy today with 10 to 15 Humpbacks feeding with hundreds of sea lions. Some nice breaching on the 8:30 trip also. It was a spectactular day.

9-13-22 Great day, the 8;30 trip spent time with some very big whales and a few hundred sealions feeding offshore. the 11 am trip could not go offshore as the wind cane up making it very rough out there but we found reasonable seas and amazing action closer to the beach. We 15 plus Humpbacks, multiple lunge feeding events 1 breach and one close encounter that had 2 whales swimming around us for 20 minutes. We also played with a few hundred Common Dolphins

9-12-22 Awesome day with lunge feeding and at least 10 Humpbacks on each trip.

9-11-22 Same as yesterday.  Simply awesome whale and wildlife viewing just 5 miles from Port San Luis. As a bonus there was also one whale feeding in Avila Bay close to the Cal Poly Pier

9-10-22 So many whales today. 10 to 12 Humpbacks on each trip. Great whale watching with lunge feeding. We also saw hundreds of harbor porpoise jetting around after fish and of course thousands of seabirds. Gulls Yeagers, Cormorants, Murres and more.

9-9-22 the whales moved way out to 9 miles from shore but the show was epic on both trips! 2 breaches on the first trip and 5 on the second. We found several hundred sea lions all feeding together as well and we saw one good sized Great white shark out there. the ocean is super alive right now.

9-7-22 Excellent whale watching with 10 or more humpbacks viewed on each trip.

9-4-22 Epic whale watching today with 5 to 7 Humpbacks on each trip. Nice offshore feeding behaviours with hundreds of Sealions and the whales mixing in.

9-3-22 The 8:30 trip enjoyed several whales with 2 of them getting up close and personal for about 20 minutes. Then on they way back we encountered a Great white shark. The 11 am trip only saw one Humpback whales but since it was jumping out of the water in big full breaches that was all we needed to have an exceptional trip!

9-2-22 We spent our time today with $ humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and we also found 2 sharks on the way back in. The 11 am trip found 2 Humpbacks  feeding.

9-1-22 Today's 8:30 trip was wonderful with 4 Humpbacks and some exciting lunge feeding! hundreds of Harbor Porpoise also froliciked about the boat. The 11 am trip was nice  with 2 Humpbacks and a lot of Harbor Porpoise plus some Sea Otters and some Sealions. 

8-30 and 31 closed

8-29-22 Two great trips today!! Very different experiences  8:30 trip seeing 4 whales and having 2 of them come right up close to have a good look at us making it a magical trip.. The 11 am trip spent 1 hour in dense fog and just as we were about ready to give up and head back we found a big raft of sealions! Then the fog began to lift and we had whales all around us. Then hundreds of dolphins joined in. Four of the humpbacks swam over for a closer look which put this trip over the top! Great day.

8-28-22 Both trips enjoyed seeing 5 to 10 Humpback whales and several breaches around us! The 8:30 trip had 2 Humpbacks get up close and personal staying with us for 20 minutes! the 1100 am trip enjoyed many fine sightings and some dolphins!

8-27-22 Huge feeding frenzy started today! 15 or more Humpbacks  lunge feeding on both trips! 

8-26-22 The 8:30 trip unfortunately did not see any whales but they did enjoy a great dolphin encounter, a Mola Mola ocean sunfish, jellyfish, sealions feeding offshore,seals and sea otters near shore. there are no bad days. the 11:00 Trip found a whale and loads of dolphins.

8-25-22 Super fun trip at 8:30 were we saw 5 humpbacks and spent a good long time with 2 of them. We also played with Dolphins and saw a huge raft of sealions. On the 11 am trip the fog came in and put a damper on things but we did manage to find 1 Humpback. 

8-24-22 We found several Humpbacks feeding near the shore by Oceano. We saw some lunge feeding and many Harbor Porpoise on both trips.

8-23-22 Fun adventures today with 1 humpback on each trip and 2 great white sharks on each trip also.

8-22-22 More great white sharks today! 4 on the 8:30 trip and 1 on the 11 am trip. We also found 2 humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and saw some spectacular lunge feeding. The 11 am trip found 3 humpbacks with some great lunge feeding also.

8-21-22 We found several Humpbacks on each tour we had some tail and pectoral slapping on the 8:30 trip and some breaching on the 11am trip. We also found a good sized pod of Common dolphins to play with. But the big story today was Great White Sharks we saw 5 on the 8:30 trip and 1 on the 11 am trip.

8-20-22 Fun day with several Humpbacks on each trip.

8-19-22 Big feeding frenzy with 8 to 10 humpbacks and hundreds of dolphins and sealions!!

8-18-22 very special day with us traveling 6 to 7 miles out to where we found some huge Humpback Whales! both trips enjoyed some great encounters with 8 to 10 whales in the area and 3 to 4 coming over close. This is the first time this year I have seen these whales, they were 40 feet long and maybe bigger.

8-16-22 and 8-17-22 closed

8-15-22 Another fine day of whale watching. Both trip had wonderful experiences with 4 to 6 humpback whales. The 8:30 trip also saw one of the Great White sharks that we have been seeing in the bay and father out to sea we encountered hundreds of Pacific Common Dolphins. The 11 am trip saw some spectactular lunge feeding

8-15-22 Excellent whale watching all day.  The 8:30 trip saw hundreds of dolphins plus 5 humpback whales. Some lunge feeding. on the 11:00 am trip we had 2 humpbacks feeding in the bay which gave us a lot of time with the whales. Plus both trips saw Great White sharks near the entrance to the bay!

8-13-22 Wild , amazing day! Big waves and hundreds of  dolphins and hundreds of Sea Lions all feeding In a big freny with 5 to 6 Humpback s. Both trips saw breaches and more. Great day to be whale watching. our 1:30 coastal trip saw 2 Great White sharks near the entrance to the bay.

8-12-22 Good day today with hundreds if not a thousand dolphins to play with as we were watching 5 to 6 Humpbacks feeding.

8-11-22 Both trips today enjoyed 4 to 5 Humpback Whales. the 8:30 saw some amazing lunge feeding and 2 full breaches!! The 11 am trip also saw the Humpbacks but did not see breaching or lunge feeding. They  did travel with a stampeding pod of 400 plus Pacific Common Dolphins for several miles which was epic!

8-10-22 Another great day on the water but very different than than the past few days. On the 8:30 trip we found 3 Humpback Whales, several pods of Harbor Porpoise and hundreds of thousands of Sooty Shearwaters. the 11 am trip also saw the Shearwaters  but then was escorted by hundreds of Common Dolphins for an epic Dolphin experience. We also found hundreds of Sea Lions feeding with a Humpback Whale. 

8-9-22 Huge feeding frenzy going on, we found 4 to 6 humpbacks feeding amongst hundreds of thousands of Sooty Shearwaters.

8-8-22 Huge feeding frenzy close to shore! 8 to 10 Humpbacks on each trip and thousands of seabirds.

8-5-22 Great day of whales! we had a nice cow and calf pair on the 8:30 trip and were close at hand for 3 wonderful breaches. The 11 am trip spent 1 hour with 8 to 10 humpbacks  with 3 enormous whales swimming very close to us .

8-4-22 Very nice trips today with some dolphins on the 8:30 trip along with 2 Humpback whales. The 11 am trip found a big raft of feeding sealions and 3 Humpback whales.

8-3-22 Amazing day! Both trips experienced outstanding whale watching with 4 to 6 humpback whales. Lots of breaching and close encounters with curious whales.

8-3-21 More excellent whale watching today. Both trips saw 5 to 6 Humpback whales and some breaching.

7-31-22 Great Day! Both trips enjoyed many beautiful sightings of Humpback whales with a few swimming close to the boat to have a look at us. There were 5 to 6 Humpbacks on each trip

7-30-22 Today we enjoyed 7 to 10 Humpbacks on each trip

7-29-22 Whale Whales everywhere. today we saw 5 to 6 humpbacks on each trip.

. 7-28-22 Very calm seas today, the ocean stayed flat all day so we were able to run 3 trips. All of the trips saw at least 5 Humpback whales.

7-27-22 Super fun trips once again today . The 8:30 trip scored with some solid lunge feeding and 5 breaches by one whale. We saw 10 whales at least on this tour. The 11 am trip saw at least or more whales and several pods of 20 or more Harbor porpoise. 

7-26-22 Today was very special. We found 20 or more Humpback whales feeding and saw every type of behavior. There were whales lunge feeding, sometimes 5 or 6 together at the same moment while others were all around us. We had juveniles swim up next to the boat for a closer look. We also saw pectoral slapping, tail lobs, spy hops and full breaches! one of the best days of my life out there!

7-25-22 Great day on the bay! 15 to 20 Humpbacks on each tour. There were a few breaches and some lunge feeding on both tours also. The dolphins played with the boat a bit on each trip and the harbor porpoise and sea lions were there too. Just an amazing day I am so grateful to be able to see these amazing animals in their environment moving freely.

7-24-22 Fantastic day of whale watching with lots of lunge feeding. 10 to 15 humpbacks on each trip were spotted along with hundreds of dolphins and sea lions!

7-23-22 Today was was as good as it gets! Both trips saw 10 to 12 Humpbacks lunge feeding amongst hundreds of sea lions! But even more exciting both trips had close encounters where 2 Humpbacks chose to swim over to us and play around the boat for at least 20 minutes! It was a spectactular day.

7-22-22 First it was a bit foggy then it got a bit rough as the wind picked up. We searched High and low but could not find any whales. We did find some dolphins which played with us for awhile and lots of sea lions showing us where the fish were but no whales to be found.

7-21-22 We found 2 Humpbacks today , one was a little was off but the other came right up close to the boat and did some nice pectoral slaps. We also saw hundreds of sea lions racing across the bay in spectactular fashion.  

7-20-22 We spotted 5 whales total but 3 were a ways off. Two were fairly close until one swam over to be near us for about an hour. It did hit a few lunge feeds were we could see the ventral pleats extended open! 

7-19-22 It was a beautiful day to return to work! We  found 2 very big humpbacks that were moving from one area of fish to another. They showed their huge flukes numerous times, Breached once and tail lobed several times. All under sunny skies for most of the trip and then a weird midday fog bank came in making for a spooky ending. Super fun times.

7-12 through 7-18 closed.

7-11-22 The streak of amazing whale watching continues! 20 plus Humpbacks this morning on both tours. We saw dozens of lunge feeding explosions of multiple whales surging out of the water after fish. We also had a close encounter with a juvenile Humpback swimming right up next to ua to say hello.

7-10-22 Spectacular whale watching today 20 plus whales on each trip and some common Dolphins also.

7-9-22 Today was epic with dozens of Humpback lunge feeding amongst hundreds of dolphins and sealions.

7-8-22 More great whale watching today. It was quite foggy making it harder to see how many whales were out there but we did see 3 to 5 Humpback whales on each trip. The dolphins and sea lions were also there in action. Lots of Lunge feeding on both tours.

7-7-22 Clear skies today and over 20 lunge feeding Humpbacks on each tour. We also played with hundreds of Dolphins and Sealions that were feeding around the whales. Epic whale watching day.

7-6-22 Another great day! On the 8:30 trip we started off with some breaching Humpback whales that also played right up next to the boat. Then we moved over to some lunge feeding whales. In all we saw over 20 whales! The 11 am trip also had an amazing experience with a calf swimming right up next to the boat several times.  We also saw Lunge feeding and at least 20 whales on this trip. 

7-5-22 Great trips today with 10 Humpback on each tour. The highlights on both trips were a cow and calf pair coming over to the boat to say hello. they were within 5 ft of the boat several times. We enjoyed calm seas and beautiful clouds over a deep blue sea!

7-4-22 Happy 4th. Spectacular whale watching all morning with 10 to 20 Humpbacks lunge feeding.

7-3-22 Intense lunge feeding on both trips with 10 to 20 Humpbacks in view.

7-2-22 Amazing morning of whales! Both trips experienced 10 to 14 Humpback whales lunge feeding in spectacular fashion. There were 3 cow and calf pairs working together with one of the calves being a new baby from this winter! The other whales were full sized adults making huge lunges through the abundant bait fish!

7-1-22 Lots of whales today. The 8:30 trip found 100s of Dolphins and Sealions feeding plus  5 Humpback whales. 2 of which were cow and calf pairs that are super nice to see swimming together. The 11 am trip found 5 Humpbacks also 2 of which were very large older whales that were Lunge feeding in spectactular fashion. 

6-30-22 Dolphins escorted the boat on both trips and Humpback whales in fine form with a few breaches on both trips. We saw 7 to 10 whales on each trip and some good lunge feeding also.

6-29-22 Another great day! Both trips enjoyed calm sea conditions and Humpback whales. One individual that we saw on both trips was very active, Pectoral slapping and rolling over and over on the 8:30 am trip and then breaching dozens of times on the 11:00 am trip!

6-27-22 It was once again a bit foggy but the whales have been moving in since yesterday and we found 5 Humpbacks on the 8:30 trip and then a different group of 7 more even closer to shore on the 11 am trip. We saw lots of feeding going on with birds and Sealions in every direction. I think things are about to go off with the whales for the next few days..

6-26-22 Today did not start off well and we had very rough sea conditions and fog! yuk. I got word from 2 boats about a lot of Humpbacks upwind about 5 miles from the port so we headed that way but the seas just kept getting worse and we did not find any whales and mostly just got bounced around. We gave everyone a 50% refund. The 11 am trip though did well as we headed back into the calmer part of the bay where we found 5 Humpbacks and hundreds of  Sealions feeding. 

6-23-22 Today was very interesting with the 8:30 trip starting in some fairly heavy fog but we found some unique animals. Whenever the conditions are poor we do offer folks the chance to cancel for a full refund or take the chance and go out anyway. This mornings group all wanted to go and I promised them a 50 percent refund if we did not find anything. Good fortune often shines on the brave and today was no exception. We found 2 Ocean sunfish (Mola Mola) one of them was at least 6 ft long! Plus some beautiful Lion's mane Jellyfish and many moon jellyfish also. There were of course many Sealions out there also along with Sea otters near the shore. We did find a Humpback whale also so everyone was happy. The 11:30 trip did not find all of the other animals but did get an hour with 2 Humpback whales.

6-22-22 The day started off very foggy and we were able to move the 8:30 trip to 1:30 pm in hopes of better conditions. The 11:00 am trip found numerous Sealions and birds in a good sized feeding Frenzy but no whales were there. We continued out and found our old friend Halftail swimming slowly across the bay. We have seen this unique whale every year for the past 10 years!   Then we went back out at 1:30 and found several other humpbacks and Sealions , Jellyfish and sea otters. that was a good day.

6-21-22 Happy solstice to everyone. The winds calmed and we enjoyed 2 really wonderful trips on fairly smooth seas for a change. We saw 2 Humpback whales  and 1 Minke Whale on the 8:30 trip. Then 1 Humpback on the 11 am trip. Both trips saw Jelly fish below the water and big squadrons of Pelicans gliding by above.

6-20-22 cancelled all trips due to exceptionally rough seas.

6-19-22 Happy fathers day.  Today was a spectacular trip today at 8:30 am. The skies were clear and we found an abundance of wildlife. We found several big areas with hundreds of birds feeding. Mixed in with them were Sealions and Pacific Common Dolphins that froliced about the boat. We went farther out looking for whales and we  found several big Lion's Mane Jellies which are quite beautiful. Then we found a minke whale for a quick sighting but we were after Humpbacks so we continued on. then we found 2 Humpback Whales and enjoyed a good half hour with them before returning to the port. . Unfortunately the wind came up again and we did not go whale watching at 11 am but did a coastal trip instead.

6-18-22 The whales were close to pismo beach today and we got a fine showing of 3 Humpbacks .

6-15-22 Today's 8:30 trip was amazing! We enjoyed beautiful sunny skies and we found 3 humpbacks that were lunge feeding close enough to shore to be out of the wind and waves that we have been struggling with for the past month. The temps were very warm and everything was ideal. Unfortunately the wind came up and ruined the chance for an 11 am trip.

6-14-22 the wind came up early again and we were unable to find any whales on the 8:30 trip. We did see some dolphins and Sea otters though which were quite nice. We had to switch the 11 am trip to a coastal and cancel the whale watching trip.

6-13-22 We cancelled the regular tours due to high winds creating big waves and hazardous conditions. A photographer friend wanted to go anyway so we did a private trip and saw 6 humpbacks and some breaching!! But we got soaking wet from big waves hitting the boat and it was a struggle to be in good position when the whales surfaced.

6-12-22 The 8:30 trip had pretty heavy fog and we offered to cancel or run a discounted tour, the folks wanted to go try and unfortunately we did not find any whales even though we did find a large area with hundreds of birds feeding in the area where we found whales yesterday. the fog makes thing tough to find whales since we can not see very far but we did have some fun with Sea lions and Otters. The 11:00 am trip was amazing as the fog had cleared a bit and we found 12 Humpbacks and hundreds if not thousands of sealions all feeding together. We were lucky and saw many lunge feeding episodes. 

6-11-22 Nice trip today at 11 we saw 2 humpbacks and a Mola Mola also known as a ocean sunfish. 

6-10-22 Today the ocean was very calm and beautiful.  We found 1 humpback whale right away on the 8:30 trip and spent most of the trip with it. We also had a nice visit from 2 Bottlenose dolphins. On the 11 am trip we headed out to sea and found a cow and calf pair of Humpbacks that swam over to us for a fairly close look before heading on their way . Then we encountered 5 Minke whales and 2 of them were swimming at very high speeds presumably chasing fish. It was spectacular when they surfaced.

6-9-22 Finally the winds have calmed and we were able to go out and look for some whales. we found 4 humpbacks on each tour! We saw lots of lunge feeding by a cow and her calf  on the 8:30 trip and then we saw them again on the 11 am trip. The 11 am trip also saw one of the whales breach but the biggest thrill for me was the sighting of a 6 to 7 ft Great White Shark swimming slowly along the surface that came close enough to the boat that we could get some decent video! 

6-8-22 Too windy and rough yet again so no whale watching today but we did enjoy a beautiful coastal trip with great viewing of otters, sealions and seals. Plus all the wonderful scenery around the bay..

6-2-22 Through 6-6-22 closed for a little family time.

6-1-22 Today the winds calmed enough to go out to where we had been seeing Whales and Dolphins but we were only able to find 1 Minke Whale. We did have a nice visit with some sea otters when we returned to the port.

5-29-22 Through 5-31-22 too windy and rough to go out and look for whales.

5-28-22 Well the wind has returned and made for a difficult whale watching trip today. After yesterday's incredible trip it was super frustrating not to be able to get back to the same area due to the big seas and very cold wind. So no whales today as we could only search in the calmer part of the bay. We did go to where we do the near shore coastal explorer trips where the sun was shining and it was nice and warm. We did get to enjoy a nice 45 minutes with a dolphin traveling across the bay and also with a big raft of Sea otters. The nesting cormorants at Fossil point were also quite nice.

5-27-22 Today was one of the more amazing days of wildlife viewing that I have seen here in Avila beach. On the the 8:30 trip we quickly found a Minke whale and then the Dalls porpoise from the day before near the same area where they were the day before. Then we found a huge pod of at least 300 Risso Dolphins! They are very big dolphins that are 10 to 14 ft in length with a blunt head and a very tall dorsal fin.. Then we noticed that there were also about 100 Pacific White Sided Dolphins feeding with them. If that was not amazing enough we then notices about 10 Northern Right Whale Dolphins in the mix also, the Right Whale Dolphins are very rare and rather unique in that they do not have a dorsal fin. The Risso and the White Sided put on a terrific show chasing fish and jumping out of the water as the pursued their prey.  After that we saw 2 humpbacks, a cow and calf pair the decided to swim over to us and take a very close look at the boat! As we we were heading back to the port we saw another Humpback that gave us a huge tail wave as we went by . That would have been enough to be one of the great trips of all time but then we also saw  some Harbor Porpoise as we got closer to the bay.  So in all,  on one trip we saw 5 types of Toothed Cetacean and 2 types of Baleen Whales plus some Sealions that were also out there. We only did one trip today and it was epic.

5-26-22  Awesome day with both trips seeing 2 Humpback whales close to the boat and 2 more off in the distance. The 11 am trip also saw a Minke Whale. But the great part of the day was both trips getting to play with about 20 Dalls Porpoise.  

5-25-22 no whale watching as the it was too foggy.5-24-22 Today was a mixed bag on the trips. The 8:30 trip only had a few sightings of some Minke whales which do not spend much time on the surface, It was also very cold and grey. I felt bad for everyone. The 11:30 trip started in some thick fog but my guests were super determined and and wanted to press on. Well I am very glad we did! This was a very rewarding whale watching trip as we searched for an hour with no luck and then just as I was about to give up we saw a fluke print in the water but no whales. Then we smelled whale breath and headed upwind at this time we could only see about 300 yards or so in any direction. We smelled it several times over the next 10 minutes as we slowly went upwind and then the fog suddenly cleared and there was a beautiful cow and calf pair right ahead of us! Mother nature can be so kind sometimes. We stayed with them for about 30 minutes and as we were about to leave they swam over and gave us a great treat of an interaction were they stayed within 10 ft or so of the boat for about 5 minutes! Sometimes you just need to go and see.   

5-22-22 Another great day! We had a peaceful morning trip with a nice cow and calf pair, the cow had a huge tail that she showed us many times! On the 11:30 trip we spent some time with big older whale and then we found a younger whale that was pretty active tail slapping and tail lobbing. But the big show happened on our way back to the port when saw several whales breaching in different directions and ended up with one hitting a nice full breach just 150 ft from the boat! it was spectactular.

5-21-22 Today was a very fine day to be whale watching! While we saw 5 whales total we spent most of our time with one cow and calf pair. The calf breached 5 times and the rest of the time swam with mom and froliced about her.

5-20-22 It was little rough out there but well worth it as we saw at least 6 Humpback whales. We moved from one whale to the next and were with whales for 90 minutes of a 2 hour trip. The wind is finally calming down and there were birds feeding everywhere so we are looking forward to a great week end of whale watching!!!

5-19-22 The wind calmed enough today to go out at 8:30 am and we found 2 Humpbacks a cow and calf pair. We also found 1 Minke Whale. So overall a good day and with how big the feeding area looked I think this weekend is going to be epic whale watching with calm seas in the forecast,

5-15-22 through 5-18-22 We tried to run a few trips but the wind has been too strong and the seas too rough so we have mostly cancelled our whale watching tours. We have enjoyed some wonderful time with sea otters and seals plus sea lions

5-12-22 through 5-14-22 closed

5-11-22 Today was another wonderful day on the water . We enjoyed a nice visit with 2 Humpbacks as they headed across the bay.

5-10-22 the wind came down today enough for us to go out at 8:30 and we had a wonderful trip. A humpback whale swam over to us and investigated the boat for about 20 minutes.

5-7-22 Today looked a bit iffy with high winds and big seas in the forecast but the 8:30 am crew was game so we gave it a shot and did well. We found a big Humpback Whale that was feeding near some birds only 1 mile from shore. It was fairly active and gave us several big tails slaps and tail lobs.  It was rough at the end and we all got wet but it was worth it for the great show. Please remember to bring waterproof jackets with you if you want to enjoy your trip and stay warm. It was way too rough to return to the whales at 11 am so we opted for a coastal trip. We found Sea Otters, Harbor seals and Sealions along with many variety of seabirds.

5-6-22 Super fun trips today, the 8:30 trip enjoyed one very active whale until the wind came up early and made everything a bit to rough out there. But we did head in and spent some time with the Sea Otters and sealions. With the rough conditions offshore preventing us from returning we hugged the shore on the 11:00 am trip and enjoyed a wonderful warm trip with many sightings of Otters plus quite a few seals and sea lions. 

5-5-22 Nice day on the water with fairly calm seas. We found 1 humpback on the 8:30 trip and 2 more on the 11:00 am trip all of them were about 6 miles out.

5-4-22 No whales again today but we ran into a fog bank 3 milers out which severely limited our search area. Near shore we did find about 20 Bottlenose Dolphins and 30 or more sea otters and offshore we did find some playful sealions.

5-3-22 Bummers ,  After a week of shutdown due to high winds and rough seas we were excited to go find the whales. The seas were fairly smooth but even with that we could not find any whales. We did visit with many other animals near the shore.

4-27-22 through 5-2-22 closed due to high winds and rough seas

4-26-22 The ocean was a bit rough today which made it hard to search offshore. We went out with the hope that the whales that had been near shore the day before would still be around that area but they were not to be found. What we see that was wonderful were some Bottlenose dolphins and since it is spring there were a few sea otter moms with babies as well as some harbor seals with their new pups. We also saw a big raft of sealions feeding offshore and quite a few around the harbor sunning on the dock and bouys.

4-25 22 Great day for both trips! We found 2 Humpbacks feeding out in deep water on the 8:00 am tour along with Otters, Harbor seals with their babies and sealions playing on the buoys. Then on the 11:00 trip the wind came up forcing us to search the near shore area near pismo beach and found a Cow and calf pair of Humpbacks! the calf breached twice. Then we found a third whale that was swimming slowly about and around us for another 10 minutes. On our way back to the port we visited with 20 Bottlenose dolphins and a very nice raft of about 20 sea otters. it was a very fun trip!

4-24-22 We found one juvenile Humpback that was playing with some juvenile Sealions. Then the ocean turn rough and we had to leave after about 30 minutes of watching the animals frolic about. on the way back we saw some Sea Otters  and some baby harbor seals sunning with their moms.

4-23-22 We had to cancel our tours due to very big seas and high winds just a few miles out.

4-22-22 We had to cancel the 8:00 am trip due to rain. We went out on the 11:00 am trip but did not find any whales. We did get to see the harbor seals with their pups sunning on the rocks and a big raft of otters.

4-21-21 We had to cancel the trips due to bad weather.

4-20-22 We are back on track with whale sightings! todays 8:30 trip enjoyed seeing a pod of Risso dolphins which are a huge 14 ft dolphin with beautiful grey and white coloring. then we found a Minke whale feeding in the same area. It is a great time of the year to see baby animals on our trips .  Closer to shore we visited some harbor seals with pups and sea otters with pups. We also checked out some cormorants nesting on an offshore rock. The 11:00 trip also visited the baby animals near shore but had the added treat of spending 30 minutes with a Grey whale cow and calf as they made their way north along the shore.

4-19-22 closed

4-18-22 Well it happens sometimes in April that we get cold streaks and do not find whales for a few days in a row. I am sorry for the folks that did not get to see whales today after the whale watching was so good a few days ago.

4-17-22 Sadly no whales were spotted today but we did enjoy a great time with dolphins on the early trip.

4-16-22 today we saw 2 grey whales moving north on the 8:30 trip and then 2 humpbacks the seemed to be searching for food on the 11 am trip.

4-15-22 This might be one of the best trips of the year! The 8:30 trip had an amazing encounter with 10 Humpback whales that were feeding activity with a large raft of sea lions. Then 4 of the Whales came over and stayed in very close proximity of us for about 20 minutes.. It was one of the most magical trips we have ever done.

 4-14-22 Today was another amazing day of whale watching. We saw as many as 8 Humpback whales. They were feeding in a very active manner about 6 miles out. There was one calf that appears to be a 2 year old that was slapping its tail a bit and then treated us to a full breach!

4-13-22 Today we found a feeding frenzy that had Humpback Whales, White Sided dolphins, Northern Right Whale dolphins and sealions all feeding together.

4-12-22 Awesome day with the whales today as we found 4 Humpback whales feeding about 4 miles out. The conditions were a bit rowdy with 6 ft swell but it was fun until the wind started then we hightailed it out of there.

4-10-22 We did see one California Grey whale for just a moment but we could not find it after that as the seas were quite large. We did visit with some wonderful Sea Otters and Sealions.

4-8-22 Excellent day on the bay. We headed out and found 5 Humpback whales!!  3 of them were swimming fast with a raft of 20 Sealions! It was a very active groups and we saw lots of pectoral and tail slaps and a few breaches!! I hope this is a sign of good days to come.  

 4-7-22 We found 3 Grey whales northbound pretty early in the trip and then spent 1.5 hours with them. We saw another on the way home. The best part though was we had very warm T shirt weather.

4-6-22 Today was awesome we found 4 Humpback whales working through a school of fish and then heading offshore a bit. I hope they stick around and that this marks the beginning of the Humpback season.

4 -5-22 Well, it has to happen every now and then, today we did not find any whales. It was a bit rough out there which always makes it harder.

4-4-22  It was rough on the outer bay today so we stayed in close to shore and enjoyed Otters and Sealions for a while. Then we found some harbor porpoise heading down towards Pismo which lead us to a beautiful Mother Grey whale swimming up the coast with her new baby! At the end of our time watching them the calf (baby)  breached 3 times! it was a wonderful  morning adventure under sunny skies and fairly warm temps. .

4-2 22 The conditions were a bit rough and it was a bit foggy but we went out anyway and we found 3 bottlenose dolphins that we spent about 20 minutes with. Then we headed up the coast where we found 2 grey whales. 

3-28-22 We were closed from the 14 th through the 24 th for a spring break trip and then had foggy conditions on the 25th and 26th which caused us to cancel our tours.. Then a storm has come in on the 27th with rain until the 28th so we have not been whale watching for a while now. We have rough seas forecast through the 1 st so we will not be going back out until the 2nd. We should still be seeing grey whales when we get back out and we have been hearing about early season humpbacks up and down the coast. Hopefully we will get some also. 

3-13-22 Back on track! Today was a bit rough on the water but we found a big group of whales heading north. it seemed like there were spouts in every direction. Excellent day!

3-12-22 The day started out beautiful but then just as we found our first whale the fog came rolling in and we could not see a thing. We raced out ahead of it searching the bay for spouts but came up short and then had a very cold and wet ride back to the port. Not our best day.

3-11-12 We had to search for over an hour but then we hit the jackpot and found 7 grey whales all going north.

3-9-22 Today we found 4 Grey whales slowly swimming north. 

3-8-22 today was a bit rough on the water which made it more difficult to find some whales. After over an hour and a half of searching we did find 3 Grey whales and spent about 20 minutes with them.

3-7-22 After closing for 4 windy days we ventured out. It was still pretty rough out there but we were able to find 4 Grey whales, one going south and 3 going north.

3-2-22 Today we traveled up the coast 9 miles before we found 7 whales. It was well worth the trip as they were fairly active and with the big swell we were able to see them as they swam up the waves.

2-27-22 Today we saw 10 or more whales on each trip! 

2-26-22 Remarkable day! We had a grey whale stay with us for 25 minutes coming up next to the boat to look at us.

2-25-22 Another great day of whale watching with 11 Grey whales spotted!  The wind did come up and that made the trip a bit rough and wet, but well worth it to see so many whales.

2-24-22 After a few days off due to rough weather we returned to find 10 Grey whales in 3 groups. We saw 2 of the groups exhibiting courtship behaviors. This is a beautiful aquatic dance where the whales roll and twist together on or near the surface, often times coming out of the water vertically while twisting together then raising their tails to dive together.  

2-20-22 Another great adventure with the Grey whales! I think we saw 10 to 12 whales, it was a little bit rough out there and they were spread out a bit but we did enjoy many fine sightings. Then we also saw other spouts within a few hundred yards of us.

2-19-22 Two great whale watching trips today! The 9:30 trip we saw 4 big Grey whales heading South! Then the 12:30 trip was kind of crazy as we first found 3 whales going North then 2  more going South, then 4 going North and as we were returning to the port we found 2 more going North and one of them breached 3 times! That is 11 whales on one trip, It was a very fun experience going back and forth with each group.

2-18-22 TEN northbound Grey whales today! Once we start seeing this northbound migration it quickly becomes one of the more exciting times to see whales along our coastline. We expect to see multiple groups of whales on each trip for the next 4 to 5 weeks .

2-17-22 Today was very interesting, first we encountered 3 grey whales going north. These are the first northbounders we have seen this year and about 2 weeks before we usually see the first ones going that way. Then we found 3 southbounders a bit farther out and after leaving them we encountered one swimming north by itself.

2-13-22 Interesting day on the water, we started onder clear blue skies and calm seas. Then a very beautiful but thick  fog bank came rolling in out of the west and just as it was enveloping us we found a nice Grey whale heading south. With the visibility going down to 30 ft we were unable to see the whale again so we went back to the port which was warm and sunny and enjoyed some time with our resident sea otters.

2-12-22 Today was amazing, 75 degrees on the water and 3 big beautiful Grey whales swam south with us under bright blue skies!

2-11-22 Beautiful conditions today with warm temps and clear blue skies.  We found 1 Grey whale heading south. It appears that the south bound migration is slowing down which is typical for this time of the year.

2-8 through 2-10 closed.

2-7-22 Nice clear warm day on the water but no whales to be found.

2-6-22 Super nice conditions to go looking for whales but luck was not on our side today and we did not find any.

2-4-22 Beautiful sunny day with calm seas and 3 Grey Whales!

2-1-22 through 2-3-22 closed

1-31-22 Today we found 3 grey whale fairly quickly but then We had to return early due to 2 guests getting very ill. Please take sea sickness medicine before the trip if you have not been out to sea on a boat before.

1-30-22 Beautiful sea conditions and 5 big Grey whales today.  Great day!

1-29-22 Today we found 1 grey whale close to shore and then ventured out and after an hour of searching we found 3 very active grey whales.

1-28-22 Today was beautiful and warm out on the water! We had very calm sea conditions and we found 4 Grey Whales that we spent an hour and a half with as they slowly crossed the bay. There were many flukes to be seen.

1-26-22 Amazing day on the water! We saw several sea otters and Sea lions in the bay then as we made our way to the outer bay we found 1 Grey whale , 4 Dalls porpoise, 150 to 200 hundred Risso dolphins and 10 to 15 White sided dolphins!! it was as if we were with animals for the entire trip .

1-24-22 It was very rough and windy but my guests still wanted to try to find some whales but we could not really stay out where they have been since the waves were just to big. We did come back into the bay and enjoyed a near shore cruise to see Otters and sea lions and chat a bit about the history of the port.

1-23-22 today we had the good fortune of finding 900 to 1000 Pacific Common Dolphin! It was an incredible sight as they froliced about the boat playing there dolphin games with the boat. We also did find one Grey whale slowly making its way south.

1-22-22 Five Grey whales heading south.

1-19-21 Bummer it got windy and a bit rough today. The brave crew wanted to go try anyway but we could not find any whales in all the chop.

1-18-21 Wow another beautiful day out on the bay with 3 Grey whales

1-16-22 After a few days off we are back and the whales are fantastic. We spent some quality time with 4 Grey whales on each trip as they slowly headed south.

1-15-22 Had to cancel today due to a Tsunami ! never thought I would be writing that.

1-11-22 Today was another beautiful day on the water with warm temperatures and fairly calm seas. We spent about  30 minutes traveling south with 2 Grey whales

1-10-22 today was spectactular on the water with very calm seas and warm temps. We found 3 Grey whales heading south and were with them for about an hour and a half. We enjoyed many beautiful sightings.

1-6-22 Super fun trip today! We found 4 Grey whales heading south and we enjoyed a beautiful 30 minutes with them.

1-5-21  Today we had 3 Grey whales to visit with. First 1  whale and then another pair that were quite large. All under beautiful cloudy skies and on a calm sea.

 1-3-22 We are back and running trips!! Today we found 2 nice big Grey whales heading south. It was a beautiful sunny day and we also saw Sealions and Sea Otters along with hundreds of Murres and Cormorants feeding.

12-10-21 through 1-2-22 closed for a vacation

12-8-21 We found another pair off south bound Grey Whales today after we visited the Sealion colony on Lion Rock. The slowly lead us across the bay as we enjoyed seeing the beautiful scenery of the Central Coast in between their surfacing and showing their flukes when diving.

12 5-21 No offshore trips today but both Harbor tours saw Otters, Sealions and harbor seals..

12-2-21 very pleasant harbor trips today with 20 or more Sea Otters, dozens of sealions and and a few Harbor seals.

11-22-21 through 11-30 closed for Thanksgiving.

11-20-21 We found the 5 Humpbacks again still feeding near the beach. Hundreds of sealions have joined them.

11-19-21 We found 5 Humpback lunge feeding down by Oceano, super exciting late season activity. 11-17-21 Today we found 1 Humpback slowly swimming across the bay heading south and saw several others blowing in the distance. We mostly went to see the other animals along the coast on this private tour. 

11-16-21 Todays trip was excellent with the highlight of encountering several hundred Common Dolphins racing across the bay.

11-15-22 today we found 2 Humpbacks slowly swimming south and several Common Dolphinns and about 30 Risso Dolphins.

11-13-21 Fall is in the air which is crystal clear making for some great views while boating. Today we found 30 Common Dolphins along with 2 Ocean Sunfish. There were hundreds of Sealions on Lion Rock and Sea Otters in the bay.

11-10-21 A bit cooler today but still calm seas which made for great boating. We went up to pt Bushon past Diablo Canyon for spectactular views of the coast, along the way back we found 1 Humpback Whale and several hundred Sealions feeding.

11-8-21 Today was another super beautiful day, we found 2 Humpbacks and 30 to 40 Pacific White sided dolphins and then visited the Sealion colony on Lion rock where several hundred Sealions were climbing about.

11-7-21 Today we enjoyed great weather and found 100 plus Common Dolphins, dozens of Sea Otters an Ocean sunfish and 500 plus Sealions cavorting about on Lion rock. The views of the coast were amazing with super clear air.

11-6-21 No whales on the 9 am trip but we did find 5 ocean sunfish, some sea otters and sea lions. Then on the 11:30 we found one very big Humpback whale and hundreds of sealions feeding, we are hopeful more whales will join this large feeding frenzy tomorrow. 

11-2 through 11-5 closed

11-1-21 Great day on the water with dramatic skies and 5 Humpback whales on each trip. We are so glad to have some new whales in the bay. It seems like the whales that have been here all summer have left as we have not seen any of our familiar whales in 10 days now. It is typical for us to get a late season surge of feeding here as the whales coming down from the north find plenty of fish here to eat. we will see very soon if this plays out!

10-31-21 Today we found a big school of Tuna that were feeding and jumping out of the water and we experienced a very magical wall of fog that enveloped us as we played spooky music and then we found a Minke whale. On the 11:30 trip we found lots of Sealions offshore and some Harbor porpoise while we traversed the bay under some beautiful clouds. Unfortunately again there were no whales.

10-30-21 All trips cancelled due to heavy fog.

10-29-21 Unfortunately we did not find any whales today ,We did see a few Harbor porpoise, Sealions and Sea otters.

10-28-21 Our first day back after 7 day break to go to wedding back east. Not the best day for whales but we did enjoy a beautiful boat ride under clear skies. We did find some fun marine life with several hundred Common Dolphins on the 9 am trip and 30 to 40 Risso Dolphins on the 11:30 trip. this is common after a big storm for a few days so we are hopeful for tomorrow.

10-20-21 Today the skies above us were spectacularly beautiful with wispy white clouds and bright blue inbetween. The Humpback whales we found found today were also equally beautiful, 10 to 12 of them in a tight pod moving fast chasing a school of fish and surfacing quickly with bold moves and arcs before they would lift their tails high and dive deep. It was two of the more intensely beautiful whale watching trips of the year.

10-19-21 Very nice day with clear skies and very blue clear waters. The whales moved a bit from yesterday and so we ended up traveling a bit on the first trip but did end up with 3 humpbacks that were slowly swimming across the bay. Then on the 11:30 we enjoyed a very warm trip with a total of 6 Humpback in 2 separate groups that were again slowly swimming across the bay.

10-18-21 Amazing morning trip with 4 Humpback whales  feeding.The afternoon trip was also spectactular with 4 humpbacks feeding amongst 50 or more sealions.

10-16 and 17 closed

10-14-21 Beautiful sunny skies and 4 to 5 humpback whales on each trip. 

10-11 and 12-21 closed due to abnormally rough seas. 

10-10-21 Great day of whale watching, some breaching and some lunge feeding by 4 to 6 humpbacks on each trip and a Minke Whale on the 9 am trip

10-9-21 Today was spectactular! Clear skies and unlimited visibility, We found 4 Humpbacks on the 9 am tour and 6 on the 11:30 trip. Both trips also saw quite a few Harbor Porpoise.

10-8-21 The wind has returned and caused us to cancel the tours today.

10-7-21 Amazing whale watching today with 2 humpback whales 

10-6-21 Nice day of whale watching with 2 to 5 whales on on each trip and hundreds of sealions feeding along with the whales. we also saw a Minke whales on the 9 am trip.

10-4-21 "Whoa Nellie" the dolphins showed up today in huge numbers . Several hundred froliced about the boat for over 30 minutes and as they lead us to some Humpback whales the whales greeted us with some beautiful breaches.

10-2-21 The morning trip was very foggy and we offered to refund everyone and cancel the trip but the folks wanted to go and we were well rewarded with a lunge feeding Humpback whale along with sealions and diving pelicans. The 11;30 trip had clearing skies and we found 6 Humpback 4 of which played around us for about 20 minutes. 

10-1-21 Today was a nice day of whale watching with a special 3 hour private trip seeing 12 Risso dolphins and 3 Humpbacks, 2 of which were lunge feeding along with hundreds of cormorants, pelicans and Murres. .

9-28-21 The wind was too strong today and we had to cancel the trips

9-27-21 Excellent whale watching today!! both trips saw 7 to 10 Humpbacks with some lunge feeding and a breach on each trip!

9-26-21 Each trip encountered 2 to 3 Humpbacks with each trip seeing at least 1 big breach!

9-23-21 The Fog lifted and we went out to find the whales. While they were a bit spread out we did find 3 Humpbacks on our 9 am trip and 4 on the 11:30 trip.

9-21-21 Too much fog to find any whales! Bummer.

9-20-21 Nice sunny day to be on the water. On the 9 am tour we found several different groups of Humpback whales , 2 cow and calf pairs swimming slowly about the bay and then a group of 4 that were feeding vigorously with several hundred sealions. On the 11:30 trip we found several pairs also that were mostly swimming slowly about the bay.

9-19-21 The whale activity is on the upswing once again!  Both of today's trips saw a dozen or more Humpback whales feeding vigorously with 50 sealions. Both saw some breaching!

9-18-21 Today's morning trip saw 5 Humpbacks and the 11:30 saw 3  and they were mostly just moving about. everyday is different and every sighting is a gift.

9-17-21 Today was a little slow for us but we can only go see what mother nature provides. The 9 am tour saw 2 Humpback whales and the 11:30 trip saw 4 Humpbacks, about 20 Pacific Common dolphins and a few hundred sealions.

9-16-21 Good Day on the water with both tours seeing 5 to 7 Humpbacks and the 9 am tour enjoyed about 8 nice breaches.

9-15-21 Day off

9-14-21 today we were with 10 to 15 Humpback whales that were feeding with 50 plus sealions and a few risso dolphins. The whales were super active and on the surface regularly.

9-13-21 Too many humpbacks to count ,  we could see more whales in every direction we looked.  September is always a great month for whale watching and this one is no exception.

9-12-21 Another fantastic day of whale watching . All 3 trips saw 10 to 29 humpbacks feeding out in deep water

9-11-21 Excellent whale watching all day! We were with 10 to 15 Humpbacks on each tour. 

9-10-21 Today was one of the best days ever for Humpbacks engaging the boat. On the 11:30 trip we had 3 Humpbacks spy hopping and tail slapping! it was amazing and happened for 15 minutes each time!

9-9-21 Fog ruined our 8 am trip but the 10:30 trip saw 10 to 12 whales and moved  about with them for a good long time.

9-7-21 today we saw 10 Humpbacks lunge feeding near the shore on each trip

9-5-21 More Great Lunge feeding today! 10 to 15 Humpbacks plus all the other fun animals to see, Harbor Porpoise, Sealions , Sea Otters, Harbor Seals and thousands of sea birds . Gulls, Yeagers, Terns, Pelicans, Cormorants, Murres, Grebes, Shear waters and Phalaropes!

.9-4-21 Today was filled with magnificent lunge feeding by 10 to 15 Humpback whales ! We also saw Harbor Porpoise, Sealions , Sea Otters, Harbor Seals and thousands of sea birds . Gulls, Yeagers, Terns, Pelicans, Cormorants, Murres, Grebes and Phalaropes! what a great day to be on the water!

9-3-21 Absolutely beautiful day with clear blue skies and at least 8 Humpbacks on each trip!!!

9-2-21 Today we enjoyed another wonderful day of watching whales feeding! both trips saw 10 or more Humpback whales along with sealions and harbor porpoise. Both trips also had a whale swim very close to the boat to say hello.

8-31-21 We are still seeing the same 10 to 12 whales feeding in the same area as yesterday along with Harbor porpoise and sealions.. Plus thousands of sea birds :  Cormorants, Gulls , Yeagers, Pelicans, Terns and Murres. It is quite a show.

8-30-21 Another wonderful day of whale watching with 10 to 15 whales all lunge feeding in spectacular fashion on both trips! Hundreds of harbor porpoise and sea lion also. 

8-29-21 What a difference a day makes. Great day today with 10 to 12 whales lunge feeding on both trips plus hundreds of sea lions and Harbor porpoise in the mix. It was a very exciting day!

8-28-21 the 8 am trip was wonderful with a nice sighting of a cow and calf that swam peacefully past us and then we ventured out and found "Barney" a whale we see regularly and who did not disappoint with 2 big full breaches and several close passes to have a look at us.. The 10:30 trip was not so lucky and we did not find any whales.

.8-27-21 We started off in some dense fog but there are so many Humpback whales in the area it did not take long to find a pair with one being a very large whale whos tail / fluke was wider than our boat. Then we moved on to a feeding frenzy of more whales and sea lions . On the 10:30 trip we got very lucky and traveled over a mile with a juvenile Humpback the breached over 30 times! Then we ended up at a feeding frenzy with 3 more whales and hundreds of sea lions. 

8-26-21 Today was another excellent day of whales watching with the 8 am trip seeing 8 to 10 whales in different groups of 2 s and 3 s, there was some breaching and some lunge feeding. On the 10:30 trip we found 7 whales very close to shore that were lunge feeding in a very frantic and wild pace. Super exciting!

8-25-21 Whoa Nellie today was spectactular, we saw 8 to 10 Humpback whales on each trip! Both trips saw lunge feeding and several spectactular breaches! the air was clear and the sky was blue which made it even more beautiful. 

8-24-21 Another good day of whale watching as we found 5 to 6 whales on each trip. We enjoyed about 30 minutes of  vigorous lunge feeding on the8 am trip and 2 to 4 whales feeding with several hundred sealions on the 10:30 trip. 

8-23-21 Good trips today with the 8 am trip seeing 3 Humpbacks moving about the bay and one nice breach. The 10:30 trip saw a bit more with 6 Humpbacks and a nice breach also. the sea is flat and the skies cleared to blue.

8-22-21 first day back after a little break and we found several whales on each trip. we enjoyed a bit of lunge feeding on each trip also.

8-17-21 We found some humpbacks lunge feeding near Pismo beach. One was a juvenile and the others were a cow and calf pair. 

8-16-21 Unfortunately we had to cancel the 8 am tour due to heavy fog but it cleared in time for the 10:30 trip which had a great Adventure! We found a Pod of 15 to 20 Dalls Porpoise which we only see a few times a year. They are super fast and very exciting to watch as they feed. Then after a bit of searching we found 4 Humpbacks feeding amongst 1000 or more Pacific Common Dolphins. It was an epic adventure.

8-15-21 The 8 am trip enjoyed 3 Humpback whales lunge feeding near pismo beach and the 10:30 trip saw one but it was super active and lunge feeding at a very active pace.

8-14-21 Today we made a long trek of well over an hour but we were well rewarded with one humpback whale that was so happy to see us that it breached continuously for over 30 minutes. We were also entertained by a few hundred dolphins that froliced about with the boat!

8-13-21 Today was a bit tough but we did find one Humpback whale on each trip and they were farther offshore than usual. I am hoping this turns around soon.

8-12-21 the Humpbacks have moved farther offshore today. We did find 2 whales on the 8 am trip and a nice group of 6 lunge feeding on the 10:30 trip. Then we added a special private whale watch at 1 pm and found the same 6 feeding several miles farther out than on the 10:30 trip.

8-10-21 Nice trip today with several groups of Humpback whales feeding in the same area as yesterday. very active and some good lunge feeding.

8_9-21 More of the same great whale watching today. The 8 am trip enjoyed a go sized feeding frenzy of 8 to 10 Humpback whales and 10 to 12 Breaches close to the boat. The 10:30 trip saw a variety of feeding behaviors by 10 to 15 Humpback whales moving about in 3 separate groups.

8-8-21 Another great day of whale watching with both trips seeing at least 20 Humpbacks feeding and a few breaches at a distance for the 1 pm trip ( the 8 am trip was moved to 1 pm due to dense fog at 8 am) and several big breaches close to the boat to top off the 10:30 trip

8-7-21 Soo many whales today! The huge feeding frenzy of the past 2 days has grown and has 20 to 30 Humpback whales spread out over about 1 square mile, lunge feeding, tail slapping and breaching are visible in multiple directions. One word, Awesome

8-6-21 We had a lot of fog in the morning and recommended that we cancel but some of the passengers really wanted to try anyway and things worked out very well. With very limited visibility we ventured out and found 10 plus Humpback whales in a big feeding frenzy with hundreds of sea lions and porpoise, The 10:30 trip had some clearing skies and better visibility. Turns out the feeding frenzy is huge and there are over 25 whales feeding there with thousands of birds and sealions galore. Hundreds of Harbor Porpoise froliced about the boat as we watched the whales. Great day to return from our vacation

8-3-21 through 8-5-21 we are closed for a little family vacation.

8-1-21 Today was spectacular with 6 to 10 Humpbacks feeding vigorously on both trips. The 8 am trips also got to see a few breaches!

7-31-21 Unreal trips with over a thousand dolphins plus whales and sealions on the 8 am trip. The 10:30 trip saw some intense lunge feeding and a big Mola Mola.

7-29-21 Another good day of whales watching here on the central coast. We watched 3 Humpback feeding with 50 plus sea lions on the 8 am trip and then we found 4 whales lunge feeding together on the 10:30 trip.

7-27-21 Great day today on the 8 am trip we found 2 cow and calf pairs ( 4 Humpback whales ) spy hopping and rolling within 100 feet of the boat. If that was not enough then one pair started breaching and ended up jumping 4 or 5 times! The 10:30 trip had a nice visit with 2 whales a few miles farther out.

7-26-21 Well it had to happen eventually.At 8 am  we went out in pretty foggy conditions to find the whales had moved and we could not find a one. We did see an enormous ocean sunfish and some harbor porpoise and sealions though. On the 10:30 we did find 4 Humpback whales but they were very far away (10 miles) and while we were there it started to rain so we had a bit of a wet ride back to the port.

7-25-21 Amazing day for whale watching as we saw 6 to 7 whales lunge feeding on each tour. The 10:30 trip had the added bonus of  getting some breaching also.

7-24-21 unreal day with massive lunge feeding through a huge bait ball of anchovies. 20 to 30 humpbacks were in view the entire time we were with the leading group.

7-23-21 Today was amazing in a different way with a huge feeding frenzy of 15 to 20 Humpback Whales, 10 Pacific Common Dolphins, 100 plus Harbor Porpoise and 500 plus Sealions all feeding together. It was nonstop action for the entirety of each trip.

7-22-21 It just keeps getting better out there! the 8 am tour found 5 Humpback whales 2 of which were breaching together for about 20 minutes and then one of them just kept on jumping and pectoral fin slapping as it headed out to sea. We saw over 50 beaches on this tour! The 10:30 trip found 7 or 8 humpback lunge feeding which was very spectactular. 

7-20-21 Amazing whale watching today with 10 plus Humpbacks in an exciting feeding frenzy on both trips. There were a few breaches and some amazing lunge feeding with 4 to 5 whales hitting the surface at a time

7-19-20 Too foggy to go out at 8 am , bummer but the 10:30 went out and found 6 whales and saw 2 huge breaches!!

7-18-21 Wonderful trips today with both trips seeing a couple of breaches and some lunge feeding. 

7-17-21 another perfect day with 3 to 4 humpbacks on each tour under beautiful blue skys.

7-16-21 Today was fantastic whale watching on both trips. We found 8 to 10 humpbacks all lunge feeding together in a big feeding frenzy. We also could see 10 plus more whales nearby and we had Harbor porpoise and hundreds of sea lions in the mix. It was non stop action in one of the most action packed feedings I have seen this year. 

7-14 and 7-15 off

7-13-21 Nice day of whale watching with both trips seeing 4 to 6 Humpbacks

7-12-21 BEST DAY OF THE SEASON! The 8 am trip found several Humpback but we really lucked out with a cow and calf breaching and then at least one other calf breaching also. In total we saw at least 20 breaches. I do not know how the whales could possibly know this but today was Fred's birthday and once again the whales treated us to Birthday Breaches! Thank you Fred for sharing your great birthday whale influence with us!  Then the 11:30 trip found 7 to 9  whales lunge feeding with two juveniles that pretty much just kept breaching for 30 minutes!

It was an amazing day of whales jumping high into the sky.

7-11-21 It was a bit overcast today but the gloomy skies did not deter the whales from being active! We found a cow and calf pair swimming across the bay and after about 20 minutes of observation of typical behaviors they suddenly became very active. First the calf breached in a huge jump then the cow joined in. Then both were jumping! It was spectactular to see them clear the water and get in full rotations! Humpback gymnastics team training?

7-10-21 Beautiful day for whale watching with clear skies and smooth water. We found 2 Humpbacks lunge feeding along with 30 plus sealions. They were hitting the surface at high speed and getting close to half of their bodies out of the water!

7-9-21 Today was spectactular weather wise and abundant with Humpback whales and 1 Minke whale. All 3 trips today saw lunge feeding and numerous tails as we watched 5 to 6 whales feeding vigorously. ( the 1 hour coastal explorer trip  opted for whale watching as the whales are just 2 miles out which is 5 minutes for us in our fast catamaran power boat.)

7-8-21 Very nice whale watching today. The 8 am trip found 2 Humpback whales very close to shore and after about 10 minutes we lost them and so went exploring for more and found about 100 offshore bottlenose dolphins which are very big dolphins . On our return route to the port we found 3 more Humpback whales and a dozen Harbor porpoise. The 10:30 trip had a really nice show from 5 Humpback whales that were feeding just 3 miles out and we engaged with them for well over an hour!

7-6-21 Spectacular day for whale watching as, the ocean came alive today with increasing NW winds building the waves up which made for some very exciting

7-5-21 Another great day for whales watching as we found several groups of humpbacks feeding on both tours. We saw breaches and lunge feeding on both tours also. The sun came out early and skies were beautiful. The air was crystal clear and we could more whales spouting a few miles out from where we were with 10 to 12 that were feeding.

7-4-21 Happy 4 th of July! The whales put on a great fireworks like show today with 12 to 14 whales lunge feeding in a small area. It was one explosion after another as the whales surged up through the anchovies as sea lions bolted out of the way! It was spectactular.

7-3-21 We are currently enjoying some amazing whale watching! Today the whales were very active on both of our trips and close enough to shore that we spent an hour and a half of each 2 hour tour watching them feed. We saw lunge feeding and a few breaches even one double breach ( two whales jumping at the same time ) . We were with 8 to 12 whale at a time and it was all very exciting.

7-2-21 Today the whales moved much farther offshore to about 7 miles. The sighting were fantastic with 2 whales breaching plus 8 lunge feeding on the 8:00 am trip and 10 to 12 whales lunge feeding on the 10:30 trip.

7-1-21 Great whale watching on all of our trips today! Intense lunge feeding on the 8 am trip with 10 to 15 Humpbacks in view. The 10:30 enjoyed the same  Looking in all direction we are seeing 20 to 30 whales within 1 mile of us at any given moment..

6-29-21 One of the best days so far this year. There is a huge amount of anchovies in giant schools that the whales are feeding on just a few miles offshore! Today we saw as many as 10 whale lunge feeding together, breaking the surface at high speed with their mouths open as fish flee in every direction. We are seeing whales every direction we look, might be as many as 40 feeding within one mile of us. Great day to be whale watching.

6-28-21 Another amazing day of whale watching! both trips saw as many as 8 to 10 Humpbacks Lunge feeding simultaneously, this is just incredible to see as it is so powerful to have 8 animals that weight 60,000 pound each crashing up through the massive schools of anchovies. The whales are trumpeting and splashing as the slap their fins and turn down to go get some more fish. Today was as good as whale watching can be. The schools of fish that these whales are feeding on are huge and we should have none stap action for at least the next 7 days!!! We saw at least 20 different individual whales on each trip.

6-27-21 Todays trip was fantastic as we found the huge schools of anchovies appear to have gotten even bigger. Each trip saw at least 20 different whales and many lunge feeding displays with 6 to 8 whales lunging up through the fish simultaneously.  The 8 am trip lucked out a bit and also saw 500 plus pacific common dolphins.

.6-25-21 EPIC DAY! Great whale watching on both trips today. We saw 10 to 15 whales lunge feeding with hundreds of sea lions on both trips and some White Sided Dolphins on the 10:30 trip.  We got soaking wet on  an incredible trip back from 8 miles out when the wind came up at 11:30. Epic day all the way around.

6-24-21 With a warming ocean current pushing up from the south the bay has exploded with life! the 8 am trip found 4 humpbacks lunge feeding and we saw several others moving about the bay. On the 10:30 trip thing picked up as we watched 6 whales lunge feeding and then at least 15 more in the nearby area. Dalls porpoise which we rarely see showed up also which was a treat and of course there were hundreds of sea lions on each trip. All of this under a beautiful cloud layer with ultra clear air under that allowing us unlimited visibility over the water!

6-22-21 today was magical with three whales on the 8 am tour that were fairly tranquil as was the beautiful still morning with the sea as calm as we ever see it. The 10:30 trip was more active with 2 whales lunge feeding very aggressively in some huge eruptions as they burst up through the anchovies.

6-21-21 Today was another wonderful day of whale watching. The 8 am trip enjoyed 2 humpbacks feeding with about 50 sea lions. we saw some lunge feeding and a partial breach along with dozens of surfacing and big tails when they dove. The 10:30 trip was about the sames but with a couple of breaches added in to make things exciting.. Then we turned the 1:00 pm coastal trip into a whale watch and found 4 humpbacks feeding  voraciously with about 100 sea lions. 

6-20-21 Best fathers day ever for a dad at work getting to enjoy some fantastic whale watching. First the 8:00 am trip found 8 whales feeding and witnessed 4 breaches!! Then the 10:30 trip spent time with 2 lunge feeding whales before moving to find a beautiful cow and calf pair. After we traveled with those for a bit we moved again to find 4 whales vigorously feeding with 50 or more sea lions.

6-19-21 Todays 8:00 am trip did some traveling for well over an hour before scoring a great sighting with 3 Humpbacks one of which performed several breaches close to the boat! The 10:30 trip did well also sighting 8 Humpback whales feeding in a frenzy of sea lions and birds. then they got a bit more frisky and we saw 4 nice breaches. Great Day.

6-18-21 Bummer day with lots of fog and no whales sighted.

.6-17-21 Dolphin Day. Today we spent an hour with around 100 Pacific White Sided Dolphins as they played and danced around the boat. It seems like each day we are seeing more and more of a variety of animals on our trips! I can not wait to go out tomorrow. 

6-15 and 16 closed. 

6-14-21 Beautiful tour today at 8 am. Stared off a bit foggy but then cleared and we found 2 Humpbacks feeding along with about 25 sea lions. We also spotted another whale about 500 yards away.. The sea conditions were glorious! Unfortunately the wind came howling in at 10:30 and we were not able to return to the whales so we went for a nice wildlife tour instead.

6-13-21 EPIC DAY OF WHALE WATCHING, we found 5 to 6 hundred Common Dolphins on each trip and 4 Humpback on the 8:00 am trip and 1 on the 10:30 trip. The skies were overcast but then cleared to a perfect deep clear blue and the dolphins played around the boat the entire time. We also found 8 Risso Dolphins on the 10:30 trip.

6-12-21 We found 3 humpback just as the wind started to blow and as we returned towards shore we found 1 humpback that was lunge feeding 

6-11-21 Too rough again today

6-10-21 Very windy making for rough sea conditions, no bueno for finding whales

6-9-21 Today's gorgeous morning skies and light wind made for one of the most beautiful trips we have done in awhile. First we saw a very nice cow and calf pair with another whale blowing nearby. Then the wind picked up and so did the seas which made for a fun ride back to the Port. Unfortunately for the 10:30 trip the sea was too rough to go back to the whales but the folks opped for a 1 hour coastal trip which was equally wonderful but just without whales. On that trip we saw dozens of Otters along with Sea lions and harbor seals. We also found some cormorants nesting on the cliffs and the offshore rocks.

6-8-21 Beautiful clear sunny skies today! It was a good day with 1 Humpback whale on each trip and just outstanding visibility.

6-7-21 The seas were a bit big today making for a very fun ride out and back to the whales. We found 2 Humpbacks and one put on quite a show lunge feeding all around us and showing us its pectoral fins on many occasions. 

6-3-21 A bit foggy today but we found a whale on each trip.

6-2-21 Both trips enjoyed excellent whale watching today! The 8 am tour enjoyed first one then two Humpbacks along with some Harbor Porpoise. The 10:30 trip did some traveling to find whales but then spent 30 minutes with 3 Humpbacks and saw some lunge feeding!

6-1-21 Awesome trip this morning with 5 Humpback whale feeding in a good sized frenzy of sealions and sea birds. one of the whales breached ( jumped out of the water) twice ! The ocean was smooth and flat with no wind to make this trip even better.

5-31-21 Today the wind calmed down and we were able to go out and really see! We found 1 minke and 3 humpbacks at 10:30 and the same 3 Humpbacks at 1 pm. They were very active, feeding on the surface even lunge feeding at times. There was also lots of trumpeting as they competed with the sealions for the fish. 

5-30-21 The wind backed down a bit and allowed us to go out today but we did not have much luck, the seas were still fairly big and cumbersome to navigate through.

5-25-21 through 5-29-21 The dreaded spring winds have forced us to cancel most of trips

5-24-21 Whoa Nellie did it get windy and rough on our 9 am trip! It was worth it because we saw a dozen or more breaches by our very playful juvenile Humpback that we have been enjoying for the past 3 weeks. The ride back was wet and wild with everyone whooping it up as we plowed through the big waves. We did cancel the 11:30 though as the sea conditions were getting worse.

5-23-21 After several days of very rough sea conditions we were finally able to venture out to the whales today.  We found 3 Humpbacks feeding  

5-18-21 With the wind rising and the swell getting big we had no luck on the 9:00 tour and had to cancel the 11:30 trip

5-17-21 Excellent whale watching on both tours today. We had 4 to 7 whales in sight on both trips and spent some quality time with 2 to 3 swimming close by several times.

5-16-21 Today was just plain fun. The 9 am tour saw 6 to 7 whales moving and feeding about the bay. the 11;30 tour was a special birthday celebration group and the whales seemed to know some how. We were with a juvenile Humpback for quite a while when it suddenly started breaching near the boat! for 20 minutes it was jumping and frolicing about

5-14-21 Wonderful trip today with an hour and a half of time with up to 5 Humpbacks at a time. We saw 2 breaches and dozens of of flukes (tails)

5-13-21 Todays 11:30 trip was one of those great ones that we will be talking about for awhile. With a birthday being celebrated on board the whales did not disappoint as we had a engaging encounter with a juvenile Humpback. This wonderful whale  starting a series of breaches and half breaches that lasted for 30 minutes!  Much of this trip we were with 3 whales and at one point we were with 5. The  9 am trip was nice also with 2 Humpback whales swimming with us for about 30 minutes.

5-11-21 Today was a bit overcast and looking a bit cold and drippy when we started but we soon found 3 Humpback whales and enjoyed an magical tour at 9 am. Then on the 11:30 trip we spent 30 minutes with one whale until we found 4 more on our way home so we spent 20 minutes more time with them. Overall this was a very fun day to be out with the whales

5-10-21 Awesome 9 am trip with 2 humpbacks swimming under and around the boat for 15 minutes of the 30 minutes we spent observing them. I think they were observing us just as much as we were them. The 11:30 trip enjoyed a nice 30 minute encounter with a beautiful juvenile whale that was feeding on it own. We looked and looked but mom never did show up.

5-9-21 Three to 4 humpbacks on each trip! Happy mothers day to all.

5-8-21 Today we had some big waves and the wind came up early which forced us to cancel the 11:30 trip. The 9 am trip did have a good tour with 5 humpback whales and some nice Tail displays under very clear skies.

5-7-21 The whales were very close to the harbor today as we found 3 whales within 1/2 mile of the port on the 9:00 am trip! This was lucky for us as the wind was strong and the waves were big. We had to cancel the 11:30 due to the rough sea conditions.

5-6-21 Nice morning trip today with 4 Humpbacks, 2 of which did some big breaches for us! 

5-5-21 Three humpback whales joined us on the 9 am tour and showed us some big beautiful flukes (tail). The 11:30 trip started off with a grey whale sighting and then we found the same 3 whales as the first trip. Very nice whale watching day for us.

5-4-21 More epic whale watching with a big feeding frenzy happening 7 miles out. We enjoyed 4 Humpback  whales on the 9 am tour and things escalated to 7 to 8 whales on the 11:30 trip.

 5-2-21 EPIC TRIP at 9:00 am. We went out with large swell and a windy forecast but the big winds held just long enough for us to get in some great whale watching.  We found 10 to 12 whales feeding with hundreds of sealions and thousands of birds. It was very exciting to see the whales held up before us in the big waves!

4-29-21 Super day of whale watching. We found 10 to 12 Humpbacks on each trip that were involved in a big feeding frenzy with 100's of sea lions and 50 plus Harbor porpoise. Hundreds of sea birds were also there adding to all of the excitement! We enjoyed many close encounters and a few breaches and tail lobs.

4-27-21 Today was very peaceful and calm on the bay as we found 3 Humpbacks moving slowly about the bay.

4-26-21 We found 4 Humpback on Each trip that were feeding fairly close to the harbor. Lote of big tails (flukes) coming high out of the water as the whales dove to get under the anchovies. We also saw 1 good breach!

4-25-21 Today was a bit cold with overcast skies and the threat of rain hanging over us all day but it was worth it. Both trips spent a good long time with a cow and calf pair of Humpback whales. On the 9 am trip we watched the calf play with sealions and perform several pectoral slaps. On the 11:30 trip this same calf did a spectacular full breach only 150 ft from the boat

4-24-21 Both trips saw 4 to 6 whales all moving about the bay feeding on anchovies and showing us their tails in a grand display as they were diving deep to go after the fish

4-23-21 We are back on the water ( wearing a knee brace) and what a great day it was! We saw 8 to 10 whales on each trip and the 2 we spent the most time with were huge Whales. They are slowly circling the bay eating anchovies and while we were with these two behemoths we saw other whales all around us. If you have been waiting for the humpback to return now is a go time to go whale watching.


4-14-21 Fantastic Trip Today! 3 Humpback whales showed up and put on a show for us. First a wonderful double breach with 2 whales jumping one after the other and then the third whale did a fairly long breach run of 7 or 8 breaches followed by some pectoral slapping. I hope this is the beginning of the Humpback season!

4-13-21 After a long shut down due to first taking some time off and then bad weather with high winds and rough seas we finally made it back out onto the water today. On the 9 am trip ; after an hour of searching we came across 2 cow calf pairs heading north and staying very close to the kelp beds. It is a beautiful sight to see these amazing moms so dedicated to their calfs as they move them towards the arctic. the 11:30 was not so lucky even though we had better sea conditions. We only found one pair and they also were very close to the kelp beds and somehow we lost them after only one brief sighting. We should start to see more and more of these cow and calf pairs over the next 4 weeks.

4-2-21 Magical day for us with 4 Grey whales stopping to feed just outside of the inner harbor. While the majority of the Grey whales will not eat for 5 to 6 months while on this  amazing migration some of the non breeding population ( to young or to old) will stop and search the bottom for crustaceans and worms. This is what we saw yesterday on both trips which allowed us to spend 90 plus minutes with the whales in close proximity to the boat.

4-1-21 Wow another beautiful day here on the central coast! After 40 minutes of searching we found several Grey whales  near Pt Bushon and then on or way back home we found a Humpback whale (our first of the year) and then 4 more grey whales!! On the 11:30 trip our good fortune continued as we found 4 Grey whales after just 5 minutes of looking and then we went looking for the Humpback and found it a few miles up the coast! Overall a great day with warm temps and clear skies plus lots of whales.